
Contractions are painful and getting more so. Heading down to the hospital to be checked shortly.

Wish us luck! Will either update when I come home without a baby tonight, or get Mum to if I end up having him.



17 responses to “Contractions”

  1. Sharon Avatar

    Good luck. Hope it’s the real thing this time 🙂

  2. Tony Avatar

    Only just found your blog tonight. Brings back memories of when my 2 daughters were born. Wishing you both good luck.

    Tonys last blog post..Where Is Your Username Registered?

  3. Mrs. C Avatar

    OK, waiting for your Mum to post then. Blessings!!

    Mrs. Cs last blog post..Our Homeschool Day

  4. Gina Avatar

    Good luck 🙂 Fingers crossed he’s ready to meet you.

  5. Dina Avatar

    Good luck!!!

    I’m so excited for you.

    I hope everything goes well for you guys.

    Dinas last blog post..Jenny Macklin

  6. Miss Ash Avatar

    Thinking of you! *crossing my fingers*

    Hope to be wishing you congratulations here very soon!!!

    Miss Ashs last blog post..prophesies

  7. river Avatar

    Woo-Hoo!! Finally! I hope. I do so hope this is it. Crossing fingers here.

  8. river Avatar

    Meant to also say that I’m amazed you could think of blogging at a time like this, it’s just like you to keep us all in the loop.

  9. Leah Avatar

    Good Luck Veronica! 😀

    Hope all goes well, Our best wishes come your way ^_^

    Leah, John & Brandon xxx

  10. Lea Avatar

    You’re probably at the hospital right now, still. I’m hoping all goes well and the baby has arrived as I type this! I’m waiting impatiently for you or your mother to update! Need sweet newborn first pictures too!

    I’m so excited for you!!!

    Leas last blog post..An update on my father…

  11. Pia Avatar

    good luck, good luck, good luck…

    I can’t wait to hear the news!!!!!!

    about damn friggin time!!

    Pias last blog post..Brill-bevok**

  12. Kat Avatar

    YAY! I knew it would be today! Hmm, well, it’s still “today” for me. Looking forward to the news!

    Kats last blog post..Weekly Winners

  13. Kelley Avatar

    email me IMMEDIATELY from the labour ward biatch!

    Good luck sweetie.

    Sending hugs and love your way.

  14. Mistress B Avatar

    Hope this is it!

  15. Taz Avatar

    sitting and waiting

    Tazs last blog post..64 Weeks Old and 6 Weeks Old..

  16. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    Well? Well? Well? Well? Well? Well? Well? Well? Well?

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Bollocks, bollox, bollix