Damn Doctor!

My regular Doctor will be back in his clinic on Monday and MAN am I pleased.

He took a holiday (first time in ages) and headed to Italy with his family. While he was gone, everytime I rang his clinic (he works from home and had a Locum taking care of things) I would get an answering machine telling me to call back at such and such a time.

The first time I was calling at 11am on a Monday morning. The answering machine told me ‘I’m very sorry but the clinic is unattended right now. Please call back after 9.30am on Monday morning’.

Now where I was it was WELL past 9.30am and I should have at least gotten a damn receptionist!

The second time I called I was told that they were currently too busy and to please call back in 5 minutes. IT’S A COUNTRY TOWN CLINIC! The town it is in has a population of 50 people!

Fuck me.

After many more days (where I was thanking god I wasn’t actually sick or anything) I finally got a receptionist. She told me that she was busy right now, could I please hold? 10 minutes later I was still holding, only I wasn’t listening to music, I was listening to her wander around her office making coffee and talking to the doctor.

Then, when I finally heard her heels walking towards the phone and I thought I was actually going to get to talk to her, she hung the phone up. Without checking to see if I was still there.

I rang back.

And got a freaking answering machine!

You should have seen my ears smoke. Nathan says it was funny.

So I rang back again, and rather snippily told her that I had JUST rang her to ask for an appointment. I got an appointment, but not until she blamed ‘someone’ for hanging up the phone. I should have told her that I could hear her the whole time.

But the straw that broke the camels back? I went in when I was first pregnant (May 23rd to be precise) and got all the necessary paperwork done to be sent to the hospital.

[Basically here, you go to your GP, get a positive pregnancy test and then promptly get referred to the Hospital for a booking in appointment with the midwives and then a health and well being check with the doctors. Then if all looks good, you get cleared to continue seeing just your GP until you are 36 weeks. High risk pregnancies don’t have this option and need to go to the OB’s at the hospital for every appointment]

I had to ring the hospital a fortnight ago to cancel a GYN appointment I had, while the lovely lady was checking the appointments and congratulating me on my pregnancy she noticed something odd.

Despite having seen the GP weeks before, they had no record of an antenatal referral for me AT ALL. I asked her to check again and she did, she even went so far as to check through all the recently received paperwork that hadn’t been entered into the computers yet.


So I of course, rang the GP [Locum, remember] to try and sort out what the fuck had happened. Do you know, I haven’t been able to get in touch with him! When I do finally get my call answered, I got told that the current receptionist knew nothing about it and could I call back when the other girl was working and they had had a chance to talk to the doctor please?

Fuck ME!

So I didn’t bother. I figure I’m not going to die between then and when my regular GP gets back to work (Monday, sweet sweet Monday) and I will go see him then and get everything sorted out.

No matter that I will be nearly 11 weeks along by the time I get to see him. No matter that it takes up to 8 weeks to get an appointment at the hospital. No matter that everything that counts will have been done by then, even though the hospital won’t know I exist.

Dammit, I just want to see my regular GP and have him sort everything out.

So my advice? Never trust a Locum, or the receptionists when their boss is on holiday, because you won’t get anywhere.


So far everything is still going well. My abdomen continues to expand with intestines and stuff, while my uterus remains pushing hard up against my spine [my hip and lower back are protesting this quite a lot].

I cannot wait for this first trimester to be over and for the nausea and exhaustion to stop. I want to be able to feel the baby move so I can stop thinking morbid dead baby thoughts. I want to feel certain that at the end of all this, I will have a real baby to take home.

I am still definitely pregnant and heading closer towards the time when I can schedule a NT scan. I want to be able to discuss my dates vs my ultrasound with my REAL doctor.

And there is some other stuff going on here that I can’t blog about right now, but it’s big and it isn’t pleasant, so any good thoughts you send my way won’t go to waste. Trust me, send the good thoughts. We need them.



27 responses to “Damn Doctor!”

  1. Jenn Avatar

    I hope everything gets fixed up when you see your real doctor and maybe you should mention to him what a hard time you had with things so he can fix them from happening to others that call there when he’s out.

    Jenns last blog post..No Room For You !

  2. Taz Avatar

    bloody doctors..

    i am going ok to atm..

    glad to hear you are ok too.. πŸ™‚

    Tazs last blog post..A special for the week..

  3. Ree Avatar

    Good thoughts Good thoughts Good thoughts Good thoughts Good thoughts Good thoughts Good thoughts Good thoughts Good thoughts

    On the way.

  4. Bettina Avatar

    damn. I’d be ticked!!

    Hope it’s all sorted easily when your GP gets back, sending positive vibes your way.

    Bettinas last blog post..No rest for the wicked

  5. Memarie Lane Avatar

    Sheesh! Good thing you didn’t actually have an emergency!

  6. Suzie Avatar

    Im sending you good thoughts and lots of them. And I am sending bad thoughts to the receptionists. I hate when that happens. I always have to hold for long periods of time and ofetn get hung up on too.

    Suzies last blog post..Hubby To The Rescue

  7. Lou Avatar

    Sending vibes (*OOOOOOHHHHHHMMMMMMMMM*) to help out with whatever it is that’s big and not pleasant. I know there’s nothing I can do from here and that’s really frustrating.

    Lous last blog post..The horns, the horns

  8. Anja Avatar

    I pray with all that is still within me that all is good with your blessed child. Stay calm, blessings to you all.

    Anjas last blog post..Thank (insert your deity here) it’s Friday.

  9. Marie Avatar

    Good thoughts good thoughts good thoughts good thoughts good thoughts. (more and more and more and more)

  10. Marylin Avatar

    You should totally complain to him about the lack of service available while he was away – not on!!

    Sending you lots of good thoughts and love from over here. xxx

  11. maiden53 Avatar

    I agree with Marylin…. your regular dr should know what horrible service his patients get when he is gone… he can’t fix it if he is not aware of the problems… and I hope that you are one of MANY who complain to him! I hope that your other problem stuff will be solved very soon πŸ™‚

  12. Burgh Baby Avatar

    *sending good thoughts your way*

    Burgh Babys last blog post..The Return of the Fish Tank of Horrors

  13. Jenn FL Avatar

    I would be rather ticked off too. Make sure you tell your doctor what went on. He needs to know.

    I am sending LOTS of good thoughts your way!

    Jenn FLs last blog post..Queen of Procrastination

  14. Deb Avatar


    I know we just met in “blog” world, but I am thinking about you and hoping all is ok. It surely isn’t fun to be able to get the doctor’s appt you need, and then to top it off with other outside crap that is going on. Wishing you a good weekend and better days to come.

    Debs last blog post..Random Thoughts Friday

  15. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    Goodness V. I’m so sorry to hear about all of this runaround they’re giving you.

    Sending plenty of good thoughts your way, and hoping things get sorted out soon.

    Sandy (Momisodes)s last blog post..We Did It Again, But This Time It Was Different

  16. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    Sending you perfect health and perfect baby health energy! I’ll be thinking of you!

    As much as I hate the American drs/insurance situation in the US… I’ve never EVER had to wait for an appointment in either the small town I grew up, or the big city we are now. Thank goodness for small favors!

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Captain’s Log: Potty Training–Day 1

  17. Barbara Avatar

    The good thoughts are all yours – as quick and fast as they enter my brain I’m hoofing them over to you. Tarnation to the locum and the stoopid receptionist – but not all of us receptionists are that bad!! Good luck with your dr on Monday. Oh, and more good thoughts to you. Plus hugs, kisses and other extraneous affection.

    Barbaras last blog post..179/366 – Beam Me up Scotty

  18. lceel Avatar

    Von, I have something for you on my blog. check out the post “the envelope, please’.

    lceels last blog post..The horns, the horns

  19. river Avatar

    Good thoughts are on the way, hope everything is okay there. Everyone is well? I would have told the receptionist that you could hear her and did she enjoy the coffee? Give her the guilt she deserves.

  20. Sharon Avatar

    I agree with river, you should let them know you could hear them. And, yes, do tell your GP what crap service was provided while he was away, nothing will be changed if nobody complains.

    Sending good and positive thoughts your way for whatever the other trouble(s) you have at the moment. Hang in there!

  21. Kat Avatar

    You got ’em, baby! GOod thoughts for you, black eye thoughts for that bitch receptionist!

    Kats last blog post..Ya-Yo Gakk

  22. Jenty Avatar

    Sending good karma to you! Hope everything works out!
    OMG I’d be livid at this stage with the doctor!

    Jentys last blog post..Skywatch Friday – Just after the sun set

  23. tiff Avatar

    Hope you are ok. The big and not pleasant sounded ominous.

  24. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    Stay Positive, with everything.

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Mind the gap

  25. Mrs. C Avatar

    I’ve not had that problem getting in touch with people that you have, but I’ve noticed the doctors do NOT want to really see you in your first trimester if they can help it at all (despite all the yap about seeing your doctor early in pregnancy in the health mags LOL!). I think frankly because then if you have a miscarriage they don’t have to deal with you. No, really, I think that. I’ve had hard experience with these things and think it’s pretty heartless.

    One lady I knew had a miscarriage and they told her not to worry about it, happens all the time, etc. and try again in two months. Finally when she started freaking out they told her she could put the baby in the FREEZER and then if there are problems in the next pregnancy they can do testing.


    I’m not sure if I’d want to be treated that heartlessly or just “have trouble” getting ahold of people. Hmmm….

    Is there no choice of physicians there, or is this fellow really good once you finally get to see him? I’m thinking the baby is JUST FINE but it would sure be nice to get a little extra reassurance after what you’ve been through. They are such dorks and I’d give them a piece of my mind myself but no doubt I can’t afford the long distance fees to be kept on hold 20 minutes and then hung up on LOL!!!

    Mrs. Cs last blog post..Package From New Zealand!

  26. Mrs. C Avatar

    OK, I came back for updates and you haven’t updated ALL DAY. OK I’ll check back later…

    Mrs. Cs last blog post..Cute Girly Blog

  27. medical doctors Avatar

    I speak for all medical doctors when I say I am sorry you had that experience. Not all medical doctors are like that.