Dear Amy,

033.JPGDear Amy,

You are one week off 19 mths old. Honestly, where does the time go? I swear I have lost the last 18mths. Someone asked me how old I was the other day and I seriously had to think about it.

Your teeth must have stopped hurting for a bit because you have been pretty nice to be around lately. The sleep thing still isn’t amazing, but anything was going to be an improvement. Thankyou for not waking up 100 times a night. I really do appreciate it.

However, Mummy’s bench is NOT a place for you to sit when I turn my back. I know you were playing nicely with the stuff up there, but Sweetie? We don’t sit on the benches.

Also, I know that you like to play with Seven and she loves you, but you really don’t need to empty the baskets of clean washing just to bury the dog. I know it is funny to watch her try and squirm out from under the pants, jumpers, t-shirts and sheets, but Mummy had all that stuff put there neatly. Having to refold it wasn’t on my list of things to do today.

[Things that were actually on my list today? Nap as soon as Amy does. List status? Completed. MMmmmmm]

Other things that weren’t on my list today were – cleaning up the polystyrene ball that you gave Seven to chew on, trying (and failing) to re-splice the phone line back together, cleaning up all the tissues, baby wipes and nappies that you decided to throw about like confetti and removing tomato juice and pips from every available surface.

That said, thankyou for having such a lovely nap and for being good for Daddy when you woke up. Mummy really needed that extra hour.

Also, have I told you how cute your talking is lately?

You have gone from screaming about being terrified of moths, to catching the moths, throwing them in the air and crying ‘Mof fly down! YAY!!!’ and clapping.

Also, the fact that you can roll all over the puppy, squash her, kiss her, point out all her features ( ‘Nooooose! Mouf! Teef! Eeeeeeyes! Head! Hair! Fooooots!) only to have her roll over and lick your cheek is amazing.

We bought a potty for you yesterday. So far it hasn’t been used, but that hasn’t stopped you sitting on it at every opportunity and proclaiming ‘Yay!’ and clapping when you stand up, even though you haven’t done anything in it. However, I am just happy you will sit on it.

Anyway child, there are many other things I could say but I have a good book calling me and internet that refuses to load even a quarter of what I want to look at.

Love Mummy.

[ADSL should be connected by the 2nd of April. Bring it on!]Β 


16 responses to “Dear Amy,”

  1. Bettina Avatar

    Yay for ADSL!

    That’s a really lovely picture of the two of you.

    As much as I love my kids, I’m so glad to be past that toddler stage, it was exhausting! Amazing, but exhausting.

    Bettina’s last blog post..I’m so stupid

  2. Taz Avatar

    woohoo for adsl..

    ya wont know yaself.. πŸ™‚

    and what a lovely letter..

    aswell as a beaut photo..

    Taz’s last blog post..i just couldnt help myself..

  3. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    Best photo of you two ever? Best photo of you two ever!

  4. maiden53 Avatar

    Such a warm and lovely letter to Amy. I remember “The Days” with much fondness. Thanks for the memories πŸ™‚

    maiden53’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday

  5. Marylin Avatar

    aww what a sweet letter, the pic is great too πŸ™‚

    Marylin’s last blog post..Hai, kud you pass me the pie?

  6. Leslie Avatar

    I just love that photo of you two! That’s one to frame and hang up. Just beautiful.

    That stage Amy is in now? Just delightful. Exhausting, but delightful.

    Leslie’s last blog post..Mamaaaaa! Oooooo.*

  7. Ree Avatar

    Aw, I love that picture.

    Ree’s last blog post..This Is For

  8. Myst Avatar

    Very sweet!

    Love the photo,


    Myst’s last blog post..What does better off look like?

  9. Nan Avatar

    Yay!! another photo to add to my “Brag book”

  10. river Avatar

    That’s the sort of thing she’ll love to read when she’s 25 or so. Or you could embarrass her with it in her teens……..

  11. Laura McIntyre Avatar

    Oh sweet i love letters, Happy almost 19 months Amy (and yes it all goes way to quick)

    Laura McIntyre’s last blog post..Future Fear

  12. Tiffany Avatar

    That was a really lovely letter, Veronica. Amy will look at all of these one day and see just how much you adore her.

    Tiffany’s last blog post..Weekly Winners.

  13. witchypoo Avatar

    Your wordpress rant/weekly winners came through on the feed reader, but clicking on the permalink gave me a page not found message.

    witchypoo’s last blog post..Bonkers puzzle

  14. Kat Avatar

    Such a cute picture! I just saved it, fixed your eyes and Amy’s, and I’m going to email it to you!

    Kat’s last blog post..Weekly Winners

  15. Kat Avatar

    And… by the way… your kid is advanced. Mine didn’t form a complete sentence until recently and the only thing he uses his potty for is to stand on it so he can reach the faucet.

    Kat’s last blog post..Weekly Winners

  16. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    You are both so beautiful. πŸ™‚

    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..A decidedly different post than this past Friday’s.