Dear Mummy,
I know I am a little late with this letter, but it has taken me this long to assure you that I am asleep, so I haven’t been able to get near the computer. I would appreciate it if you don’t look in on me right now though, okay?
I know you said something about it being Mothers Day today, so I have gone out of my way to be nice. I slept in until 9am this morning, just for you!
I wasn’t sure if Daddy was willing to let you stay in bed (he was) so I just figured that if I stayed in bed my very own self, it would just be easier on both of you.
It took me a few hours to grasp it, but once I realised that you wanted kisses, I took every opportunity to kiss you silly.
‘Mummee? Tiss pleas?’
‘Tiss now?’
‘I tiss’
I know that my kisses were sloppy, but sometimes the drool just escapes. You love me anyway, right?
I love you so much Mummy, that I didn’t want to be separated from you all day. I admire how you coped so well, even when I didn’t nap. One day you will have to show me how you cook dinner one handed. It probably helped that Daddy prepped all the vegies for you. He is a clever Daddy, I heard you say so.
Thankyou so much for teaching me how to crush garlic with the mortar and pestle. Smashing things has never been so fun and you didn’t growl at me once! I think I could become a Master Squasher. And not just of your boobs.
Which, speaking of boobs, I still miss my boobies. I am pleased that you don’t scream anymore when I thrust my freezing cold hand down your top. Sometimes I just have to make sure they are still there, you know? I wish I could still have boobies, but you have told me that there is no milk left and I believe you. Truly, I do.
Daddy thinks I am starting to swear, but I am actually saying ‘Sit!’. I’m not quite sure why it comes out as ‘shit!’ though.
Everything I do and say contains and exclaimantion mark after it.
‘I sit!’
‘I Hungeeee!’
But I know you forgive me because I am just so damn cute. Your words not mine.
So anyway, to finish up (because I am getting very very sleepy here), I just wanted to say that I love you Mummy. Especially when you are busy. Especially when you need to pee.
Love, Amy.
11 responses to “Dear Mummy”
GREAT post, V! Happy Mother’s day! I know I am a day late for you, but the love is still there! You are a great, patient and loving mommy! 🙂
maiden53s last blog post..Song of the Moment
Aww such a sweet letter 🙂 Happy Mothers Day Ronnie! ((hugs))
Marylins last blog post..Weekly Winners #20!
Happy Mother’s Day.
lceels last blog long, so very long, sorta
Awwww. 😉
Happy Mother’s Day Veronica. XXOO
Rees last blog post..Haiku Friday – Most Boring Day Ever
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Better than Christmas
There’s some beautiful and very funny moments captured in those words. Amy is going to enjoy reading all of this when she’s older.
I hope you had a fantastic Mother’s Day.
Anjas last blog post..Yes, kiddies – it is time for a rant.
Oh how gorgeous! Definitely one to save for Amy!
I smiled and got teary eyed reading this. Luv ya Amy.
thats so cute..
Tazs last blog post..29 Weeks Old.. (mothers day special)
Awwwwww, way too cute
tiffs last blog post..Throwing out a line.
Very well written for a 2 year-old! She’s a genius. And so cute, too.
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..This Mother’s Day is Already Kicking the Pants Off Last Mother’s Day