Dear Nathan,
Thankyou for taking every second turn settling Amy this afternoon for her nap. I know that she still isn’t asleep, but hopefully with both of us working on her she will go down soon.
Thankyou for not undermining me when I decided that today Amy stops having dummies full stop. I am sick of her being so attached to it, and her talking is getting a little bit lazy because of this.
I know it’s hard for you when you have to re-settle her and she is asking ‘dummy please? Please?’ and you have to tell her no. I think I am more relaxed because I have already weaned her from breastfeeds over night (by myself) and then from breastfeeding full stop. God knows it’s much pleasanter when I have you here to take turns.
Thankyou for taking extra turns when my body suddenly decided that while I might have been feeling too sick to eat all morning, the fact that I hadn’t eaten meant that it was going to stop working so well for me. Thankyou for settling her while I forced down some fruit and waited to stop feeling dizzy and nauseous.
She’s getting closer to being settled now, I haven’t looked in there for a bit so I hope she hasn’t found a stray dummy. I know that it has been nearly 2 hours of wailing and crying, but she is so close to being worn out, she should be asleep soon.
God, I hope she goes to sleep soon.
Thankyou for being supportive this week while there has been stuff going on. I know that you are hurting just as badly as I am, you just don’t show it. We will get through it together and hopefully it won’t be as bad as we anticipate.
You’re starting to accept the fact that I am pregnant a little more readily now. I think you were aloof in the beginning because I had had the bleeding and as far as I can tell, you didn’t want to get attached if it wasn’t going to work out. However we have seen a heartbeat now and my stomach is poking out more and more and you are more willing to talk about it.
Not to mention we tried for so long to get here, it’s hard to hope that it will all be fine.
The noise from the bedroom is lessening, we have gone from crying/wailing/screaming to talking and singing, and now to finally the occasional loud sigh. I think we might be getting there.
I know I don’t blog about you much and I think you prefer it that way, but it seems that sometimes people forget that when I am whinging about a bad time getting Amy down, or numerous poos in a row, that you are here doing this with me. I might be a stay at home mum, but I am not alone in this and that means the world to me.
I find it funny that the other night when I went out (family dinner) I was asked often where Amy was. When I replied she is with her father, I then get asked if we were still together. Do you think alot of people equate young mothers with single mothers? I don’t think they realised that you were older and very much ready to settle down when I fell pregnant.
And so was I. That is why this worked for us.
There is no one I would rather be doing this with. I love you oh so much.
28 responses to “Dear Nathan…”
I found a spelling mistake and now you have fixed it! xxx
Oh you are horrible! Horrible I tell you.
Sweet. We don’t hear much about Nathan, but we do know that he is there supporting you. It’s nice that you’ve acknowledged this publicly.
Oh, Veronica, that was so beautiful and sweet. I teared.
And then I saw Nathan’s comment just now.
And you know what?
That’s true love! The bastard!
Sarcastic Moms last blog post..Weekly Winners June 22-28
“I then get asked if we were still together”
A fork to the jugular would be a suitable reply.
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Excuse me, waiter…
Aww, what a sweet post!
Lils last blog post...
What a lovely post 🙂
Jentys last blog post..Weekly Winners 22 June – 28 June
That’s so sweet 🙂
and him finding your spelling mistakes……….. *swoon*;)
Aww such a sweet post 🙂
I think if every couple openly appreciated more, it would make for many many more happy relationships. I blog about my GH, too. I, also, tell him often because he is a truck driver and is only home for about a week every 3 months. I try to tell my friends, too, that they are appreciated – and V, you ARE appreciated! 🙂 hugs and love to you and your family!
maiden53s last blog post..Le Duck Chateux
I love it when you speak Tassie. 😉
Memarie Lanes last blog post..Reminder
So young, yet so wise!
I stopped telling people “the kids are with their father” for the same reason. Now I say “they’re home with daddy”. The former seems to relay that they are having court appointed custody with the male parent. It’s so sad that that is so common that it’s the immediate response people have. The latter relays “we’re a happy family and *daddy* is a great guy”. Funny how the mind set of people is.
V…whatever *else* is going on that’s so stressful for you and N…I really, really wish the very best for the outcome.
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Captain’s Log: Potty Training–Day 1
That was so sweet and wonderfully put.
Alices last blog post..Do or do not, there is no try.
I’m with Hyphen Mama. I don’t think it’s a young-mom thing because when I say the children are with their father I get asked the same thing.
Do MEN get the same reaction when they dare venture out publicly totless? Being “totless” is more acceptable for men in public.
Mrs. Cs last blog post..For a Bit of Visual Interest
This was very sweet. It sounds like you two have a great partnership. 🙂
ahhh….our men.
They are such an important part of our lives.
No matter how independent we are.
Post him up this way,ok?
Kidding, David, kidding.
I can only echo how ‘sweet’ … hope ditching the dummy goes well.Hard Times … let the god times roll.
Trishs last blog post..Weekly winners
Good to hear that Nathan is an integral part of Amy’s life. Too often Daddies don’t share the hard bits of parenting even when they do live as a family. Glad you have a good’un, I was lucky there too and it makes such a huge difference to know that you are in this together!
Re Dummies, we had a similar problem but approached it slightly differently in that we did the removal in 2 steps. First we reserved it for nap and bedtime only and then got rid of it (ok, yes, them lol!) altogether a few weeks later. However, be warned, my youngest promptly took up thumb-sucking instead. Believe me that is a lot harder to stop!
Hope your DR’s appointment goes well.
That was wonderful. It’s so important to make sure that your partner knows he is appreciated. I’m going to go tell my husband how awesome he is right now. 🙂
Awe, what a nice, sweet post. Good job Nathan!
Talinas last blog post..Updates and breaking news!
Nice. I’m glad you have him. Hi Nathan!!!
I get the same thing when I’m asked where my kid is, I usually reply, “He’s out with his dad.” And then they ask if we’re divorced, either directly or indirectly… and I’m wearing a pretty noticeable wedding ring, so I wonder if they think I managed to leave his dad, find someone else and marry him all within the 2 years of the kid’s life? If only I could get some sleep, maybe I would have had the energy for all that. lol.
Kats last blog post..Weekly Winners
very sweet
Just a moms last blog post..WHY,,,, WHY ME…. WHY CAN’T I JUST LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE……..
If I ever get to Tasmania, I want to meet this man. And shake his hand. And buy him a pint or two, if he’ll have it. For caring for and about two of my favorite people. Well done, Nathan. Keep up the good work.
How nice !
Jenns last blog post..Laundry…How fun !
Hi Nathan!!!
Darlin’ Veronica. Hugs honey. XX
Rees last blog post..Quick.