Hi! You might recognise me, I am the mother of the family that moved into this bedraggled house in March. I would just like to let you know, that if you continue to rev your loud ass car up and down my road at 10pm on a Sunday, you might just find me outside with a large stick, ready to jam it up your arse.
You might not realise this, but I have a 22 month old little girl who doesn’t sleep much. SO I would really appreciate you not waking her the fuck up, just as I am about to go to bed.
Sincerly, Veronica.
PS. I have a good store of wooden planks filled with nails. You might want to check the road out with a torch before you ever try this again. Thanks.
So, last night the neighbours were being young, noisy boys and revving their cars up and down the highway. Which would have been annoying, but mostly okayish, had their cars actually still had their mufflers intact.
Amy woke often, crying for Daddy [I can only assume that Daddy is the go to man for scary car noises], which was all well and good, until he had to leave for work.
Once Nathan left, I was stuck with a pissed off, non sleeping toddler. On my own. In the middle of the night.
She didn’t sleep one bit. Not one freaking IOTA of fucking sleep was had between the hours of 11pm and 6am this morning. NOT ONE.
Needless to say, when Nathan walked in the door this morning, he was met with a little girl happily squealing ‘DADDEEEEE! HI DADDEEEE!’ in the middle of the loungeroom.
I didn’t even bother getting out of bed, just told him that she hadn’t slept all fucking night, cursed the neighbours a little and went back to sleep myself.
Darling man let me sleep.
Amy however needed to reassure herself that I was still home by running into the bedroom every 30 minutes to share whatever needed sharing [cold feet, snotty noses, a banana, and lastly, a can of diced tomatoes and a can opener].
You would think after not sleeping at all over night, that she would at least have a nap for me, right?
She stayed awake and happy all day. At least until she curled up on my lap at 5pm and promptly passed out. 2 hours before bedtime.
Sigh, it doesn’t feel like it’s going to be a good night.
She’s in her bed now, fast asleep (thank goodness she had had her nappy changed shortly before passing out, we had also managed to eat dinner) and I am in my bed, typing this and getting ready to snuggle with a book for an hour.
Then? It’s an early night.
25 responses to “Dear Neighbours…”
best of luck tonight..
will be thinking of you..
Tazs last blog post..How Cute..
That is so frustrating. We have some loud cars around here – they love to squeal around and around the round-about near to our house at around 2am most nights and it’s so annoying.
I hope tonight is much better for you (and Amy).
Not that I condone hooliganism in any way, shape or form, but….
1 large sheet of transparent plastic & half a dozen broken bottles.
Spread the sheet on the road, busted bottles on top, let them wreck their tyres, quickly pull away the sheet, and ‘oh dear what a fucking shame’.
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..As I sit in a pool of my own estrogen
Ouch 🙁
If that were happening here I’d have gone out (screaming baby in hand) and told them in a severely pissed off and sleep-deprived state that they needed to Get The Fuck Away from My House. NOW.
Not that I’ve ever had to do that before… *whistles*
Works surprisingly well when you take the kid out with ya… 😉
Oh, I’m sorry you can’t get to sleep, but the diced tomato and can opener comment made me laugh!! Hope all the little mice are quiet for you tonight.
Mrs. Cs last blog post..Pumpkin Plant
Oh, darlin, I have no clue how you cope with this, but I so admire you for your non-homicidal ways.
witchypoos last blog post..Skinny Bitch Gets Felt Up
There was a method in that madness………….. you can throw the can of tomatos at the rev heads next time……….
I hear that the nails in boards works a treat too.
Bettinas last blog post..A Walking Disaster Area
Ugh! Why don’t they nap after not sleeping. It is one of those big life questions. So sorry.
HRHs last blog post..Monday Potluck: back to normal?
I learned long ago that “Shoog, why don’t you go take a nice hot bath and relax while I watch the kids?” Actually means, “Shoog, why don’t you go sit in the tub trying to relax while I sit at the computer with the headphones on so I can’t hear the kids pounding on the bathroom door and yelling for Mommy?”
Memarie Lanes last blog post..And then a hero comes along
Oh I am so so sorry I feel your pain. They never sleep when they are overtired. It is just awful!
Suzies last blog post..Im Back and Fat
annoying neighbors! and annoying sleep patterns.
wishing you lots of zzzzzs
Leighs last blog post..wii fit
We have some young jackass that drives by our house like that too and playing his music so loud our windows shake and you can feel the beat in your chest. I get so pissed when I just get the baby to sleep and he does this and it doesn’t matter if it’s 1:00 pm or 1:00 am he still does the same thing! So I feel your pain , I wish I could make his car undrivable (is that a word) too!
Jenns last blog post..Random Stuff !
Where is Mad Maxx when you need him?
Lous last blog post..Short and sweet
I now pray daily that you get some sleep. I have never prayed in my life… but you? You have driven me to it. “Dear God, Veronica needs some SLEEP, DAMMIT! Please! Thank you!” I don’t know if that’s how you’re supposed to do it, but oh well.
When C was in infant, we lived in a house where the damn neighbors would drive by with their stereos so loud – and the base set so high that our windows vibrated enough to wake us all up. I fantasized about standing in the middle of the road with a shotgun, and then shooting out their stereos.
Once hobby had enough and went out there to give ’em hell… that’s a long story, but it was AWESOME.
Kats last blog post..Weekly Winners
Oh no, hope you all sleep like babies tonight.
I once called the police when one of my psychotic neighbors was revving the SAME engine at 11pm that he’d been revving since 8am. Wynnie was a baby and I had visions of beating him with my bare hands. He hasn’t done it since the police visited him that night. He does it ALLLL day long, but stops at sundown. And he’s 60 years old. You’d think he’d get it.
I really, really, REALLY hope she sleeps well for you tonight.
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Because I Need Another Reason to Drink?
first you are going to schwack the mice, now the neighbours?
dangerous woman.
Wow, that is really not good. Not good at all. Keep us updated! Fingers are crossed here for you!
Debs last blog post..Summer gardens
Report the little darlings to the EPA, local council, local police, RSPCA, RACV and the ANF (nurses union), because –
They’re making loud noises after an acceptable hour which is regulated by local council and police, they’re behaving worse than feral animals whilst abusing a vehicle and the nursing students need to see idiots who have defied science and survived without a functioning brain 😛
Jaynes last blog post..Trivial History July 8
Well that’s all pretty shitty Veronica. Hope something nice happens today:-)
Hope you got some sleep and today has been q.u.i.e.t
When I lived in Dallas our neighbors used to have a lawn service which had been normal, but then suddenly started coming at about 7:30pm during the summer. After about 3 weeks of that (I had a 1 and 2 year old at the time), I ran outside with one of them on my hip and went completely berserk on them.
What the fuck were they doing starting at 7:30 at night with lawnmowers and weed whackers???
And then there were the barking dogs….
Florida Girl in Sydneys last blog post..Weekly Battle of the Choirs–why, why, why???
By the way– love your blog, it’s hilarious.
Florida Girl in Sydneys last blog post..Weekly Battle of the Choirs–why, why, why???
Planks with large nails in the road and fence posts rammed up the exhaust pipe….that’s the way to go. Or confront them with the screaming toddler, make THEM try to quiet her.
Perhaps you could ask them to tear up the road in another direction? Away from your house?
Oh yeah – I’d be pissed about the cars bigtime! I forced my husband (at gunpoint) to move houses because we got all sorts of new neighbors at our old house who like to party at 2 in the morning. I can still remember walking over there VERY pregnant and telling them to turn it down. I hate that some folks are just so inconsiderate.
Hope you catch some sleep!
Alices last blog post..Odds and Ends