I’ve been a bit discombobulated this week so far.
It started with a midwives appointment Monday. I’m still measuring small for dates (about a month behind) but my uterus is showing growth so there shouldn’t be anything to worry about.
And I wasn’t worried, knowing that I had measured small with Amy and that I felt bigger this time. Until I looked at my hospital appointment records from Amy’s pregnancy and realised that ‘hey! sure I measured small with Amy, but I’m measuring even smaller with this kid, even if I feel bigger and wtf?’.
So yes, a full 2 weeks behind where I was measuring with Amy and 4 weeks behind where I should be. Also, the baby has moved from being head down, to being sideways and seriously baby, my sides are not simply there for your stretching and strengthening exercises. Please refrain from trying to kick your way out. My sides are not an exit. Trust me, when the time comes, you should hopefully be able to find the exit easily.
Then on Tuesday, Nathan was given a weeks notice at work.
WHAT?! I can hear you saying? Yes. The job that he started 3 months ago after being fired* from his other job, just fired him for no good reason.
[His shirt wasn’t ironed on one occasion. He didn’t pick up a bit of bread in a walkway that wasn’t supposed to have had anyone in it. Uhm, yep, that sounds like the entire litany of complaints against him]
Unfortunately, because he was a new worker and his 3 month ‘trial’ period was nearly up, we can’t do a thing about it. Funnily enough, his sacking happens at exactly the same time that his boss lost a large contract elsewhere and needed somewhere new to put his workers who were working at the old place.
Luckily, before I had too much time to stress myself into a frenzy, Nathan had made a few phone calls to ‘people he knows’ and he now (24 hours later) has a new job lined up. But honestly we didn’t need the stress.
Then today, just as I am getting my head around Nathan starting a new job in a week or so, Amy decided to finger paint herself with yogurt.
I mean, sure, in the scheme of things yogurt finger painting isn’t that big of a deal, but I would have much preferred that she eat the damn yogurt, rather than request it and then paddle in it.
And the cat keeps leaving her kitten alone for hours and hours while she galivants about, content in the fact that I won’t let the toddler or the dog maul him. Leaves him for hours and hours, until he starts to mew wildly about being hungry and cold and bored and hungry and then I have to go and find the stupid mother cat (who is actually quite a good mother, it’s just that the kitten is still living inside and I am so over it).
*deep breaths*
Plus, on top of all that, Amy continues to wake at 4am and not go back to sleep until around 5.30am, needing patting and cuddles every 10 minutes or so, meaning that I am in and out of bed in the cold, unable to sleep while she sorts herself out enough to go back to sleep. It’s not something I am enjoying. More to the point, I can’t even blame her cold because she has only had the cold for 2 days, while the sleep issues have been happening for 2 weeks now.
Right. Yes. So, discombobulated.
How have you been?
Also, new theme. Any issues? Does it take too long to load?
*I say fired, but we actually just won our unlawful dismissal case against his former employers.
39 responses to “Discombobulated”
I want to sympathize, but I cannot stop laughing at that picture! That’s awesome, V!
Mr Ladys last blog post..You Can’t Have Everything…
Wow. Sorry about the job. I’m glad he has another something lined up.
I can’t imagine dealing with pregnancy and a child. I always wonder how people do it.
I guess what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Or at least it gives you interesting things to blog about.
Dinas last blog post..Tracking Robyn Davidson
The picture is too cute. Sure it was not fun to clean up. Sorry to hear about all the stress, stress is stressful and evil, I despise it. New theme loaded just fine on my computer actually I think it loaded faster.
Megans last blog post..Cookies, Zombies, and a Screw Up
Hi! I’m such a bad blog friend! I have been thinking of you and your family. I just haven’t had a chance to visit all my favourite blogs since my daughter was born unexpectedly! 28 weeks gestation! Crazy! Remember when I told you I was going to hang in there until at least 34 weeks? *sigh*
Anyway, thank you sooooooooooooo much for all your support. You have truly helped me through this emotional time. The babe is doing well. Hoping the next few weeks in the NICU go by quickly and without a hitch 🙂
I will be in touch more as soon as I can. XOXO
Cs last blog post..What a difference a week makes!
OH MY! I’m so glad Nathan got another job! Whoo…
That pic of Amy is… really something. She sure is dextrous!
Mrs. Cs last blog post..Cranberry Sauce
Oh heck. I stopped breathing at “weeks notice.”
I’ll resume normal breaths now, thank you.
Momisodess last blog post..Soy Sauce Will Make You Yellow
Well that all sucks bananas, really, except that Nathan has a new job and Amy is so cute.
Also, you will measure smaller with a transverse lie.
Hugs and less stress vibes for you.
Tiffanys last blog post..Breathe.
Amy is so cute in that photo, but also so grown up! She looks like such a big girl.
Losing a job is so stressful. I’m glad to hear Nathan picked another up so quickly!
The new theme looks great!
Leslies last blog post..Shoeless Julia
Wow, that is all very stressful. Glad Nathan has a new job so quickly, that’s pretty awesome of him.
How funny is Amy!
New theme looks good.
Alis last blog post..Moan
The page is loading fine… I showed Dad the photo of Amy and he laughed and said, “Just like her Mother” xxx
frogpondsrocks last blog post..Boganvillainy…
Out with the old-in with the new. Themes, jobs, baby positions…
It’s all going on down in Tasmania, busy, busy, busy.
Amy looks so cute covered in yoghurt.
What a pic! Zack used to do that with his yoghurt… I stopped giving him it for a while as it was just too messy! (funnily enough, this was around last summer while I was pg with Max!).
New theme is looking cool 😀
Marylins last blog post..Sunday Stealing
That photo of Amy is gorgeous. But it’s easy for me to say that, what with being on the other side of the planet, and therefore unavailable to come and help you clean her up. We all have weeks like that – and they SUCK. Glad Nathan’s got something else lined up. Sorry your cat doesn’t share your mothering philosophy!
And I like your new look.
Badness Joness last blog post..Squee!!!!
Oh – and I had a complete and total temper tantrum about the mess the kids made with their Rice Krispies at breakfast yesterday. I forbid them to ever, ever, EVER eat Rice Krispies again. Why can’t children just put their food in their mouths?
Badness Joness last blog post..Squee!!!!
Ha fun and games isnt it. I’m looking for a job after being laid off too.
Isnt it fantastic that we can see the happiness and innocence in children!
Amy looks so much older…
Amy is so cute even covered in Y . My boys do that too … thank fully not with P.
I hope Nathan’s new job goes well and lasts a long time – geez you are right you don’t need the stress.
I hope the OB/Midwives keep a close watch on your baby too Veronica. One of my boys always measured a good deal smaller (even as twins) and at birth he was 800gms different to his brother.
Trishs last blog post..Not so … Wordless Wednesday
New theme loaded super fast! Maybe I need to consider a new one.
witchypoos last blog post..Winner winner chicken dinner
Like the new theme, it’s much faster than the old one!
How damn stressful!! What a relief that he got a new job so quickly
Jeanettes last blog post..Fiona’s Maternity Shoot
Good that Nathan was able to find work so quickly. Now, if there were just some way to persuade Amy to be just a little less of a challenge.
lceels last blog post..Wordy Wednesday – Last Friday
Maybe Amy’s plan is to tell you about a new body lotion that will make you all millions of dollars!!!
And yay for winning against the asshats that fired Nathan before.
Rees last blog post..“WTF? Move your knee!”
Oh she’s cute with that mischief in her eyes!
Great news that Nathan has a job lined up already, but a bummer that he got fired from the old one…
M & Bs last blog post..Superior Scribbler. Me???
Im sorry thats a lot to deal with. But that picture is pretty funny
Suzies last blog post..Still Talking On A Wednesday
Damn and I though my week was sucking ass.
Love the picture and the new design. Hope next week is better.
Looky here, baby, we’ve already got one kid going in the wrong direction on these here internets and we don’t need another!
And huge congrats on winning your wrongful dismissal case.
And, even when she’s covered in yogurt, she’s still adorable.
Jennis last blog post..Hangin’ Tough
I love the picture! Ahahahaha!
I know it’s stressful, but it won’t be stressful soon! Soon you’ll be looking back at this and either laughing or shaking your head at it all!
Your boy will be born beautiful and healthy! And not now!
Your man will be much happier at this new job!
And Amy will turn out to be terribly artistic, just like her mom and Grandmother!!
Ashs last blog post..A-PL: The Always Pleasant Lifestyle
PS I love the new theme! I’m sad to see the old theme go, seein as it was my old theme, too, but the new one is perfect!
Ashs last blog post..A-PL: The Always Pleasant Lifestyle
Wow, that’s a lot of stuff going on! But at least it’s all working out in the end.
Maybe Amy’s skin was dry and she felt the need to moisturize with a thick creamy substance, hence the yogurt. She looks so proud of herself too!
Bobbis last blog post..Confessions of A Massage Therapist…Part Deux
How bloody big was the tub of yogurt?
and *sulk* I preferred the old theme.
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Vagina bucket
“…Amy credits her creamy complexion and healthy skin to a diet rich in yoghurt…” 😛
Jaynes last blog post..Trivial History November 27
Sweety, you just had all your bad bits at once. Sucks when that happens but now they are over and you are in for good good times.
Just in time for Christmas!
Kelleys last blog post..Conversations with my boy.
Your baby boy is going to be the most laid-back, easy-going child around at least I hope so ‘cos you’ve already had enough stress just getting this far! Good that Nathan has found a new job so quickly, hopefully this will be THE one. And getting the wrongful dismissal result … brilliant.
A transverse lay is going to give a low height of fundus anyway so not a lot to worry about. Even at 43weeks I was only measuring 35weeks and Robert was 6lbs 9oz and, get this, 23inches long! And he had a huge head. The uterus definitely has Tardis-like capabilities.
Amy is obviously going to look after her skin and if you aren’t going to give her some yummy body lotion then she will have to make do with whatever she can get her sticky little mitts on;-)
Yes, you did hear me say, “WHAT?!” from all the way across the ocean. I would have been completely NOT AMUSED by the not-having-a-job-anymore tidbit of news. I’m glad he has something lined up.
Amy is so cute covered in yogurt. Show it to all her future boyfriends. She’ll hate you for it, and they’ll get strange ideas. All-around uncomfortable situation, but so very amusing.
I’m well. 😉 How are you today?
WELL NOW,,LOOK AT HER aLL I CAN SAY IS,,,,,,,, I can NOT wait for MY AMY’s baby girl to do such a thing to her,, then I can sit back and say…… YEAH THANK YOU JESUS…… life is a bitch adn so are paybacks… but you did nothing to me so,,,SO I will say,, WOW that is one big mess SORRY! Hope hte mommy kitty gets it together soon and starts taking better care of that kitty so it will shut up and glad for the new job! ok go take a nap.. Keep your chin up about the baby it will all be fine.
like what am I a doctor… hahhahhahhah have a great weekend.
Just a moms last blog post..WOW LOOK WHAT I DID,,,,,
Glad Nathan has a new job! And that you won the case!
The pic is cute but I feel for you. We had a yogurt incident recently – Colin asked for the last one, then fed it to the damned cat, then was upset when there wasn’t any more for him. I didn’t buy it for the damned cat, you know? I swear, these two are in cahoots.
P.S. I like the old theme better… but this one is kind of cool. Why’d you change it?
Kats last blog post..Selling Stuff – Recycled Jeans Christmas Stockings
I SO hear the discombobulated part. Sorry to hear about N’s job. I hope the new one is exactly what he wants.
Maybe Amy was thinking the kitten would lick her clean stop crying to be fed. ?
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..One Word: Blackmail
what a day.. 🙂
hope all is well..
Oh, girl! You need a nap. Not that a nap will solve anything, but still. It might help. Get rid of the cat! Geeze, you’re like some kind of wildlife hostile over there! Just kidding, but seriously. Let’s hope the mother doesn’t go and get all knocked up again!
Cats last blog post..Attn: Complaint Department
Gee, do you have enough shit to deal with or what?
Has Amy teethed all out already? Braden was holding off on the last 4 molars until just the past couple months. Now he’s shit-ass teething. And he’s had the same type of weird sleep issues you described with Amy off and on for that same time. Sometimes early morning like yours, sometimes middle of the night. Awful crying screaming if we don’t stay, holding hands, patting, etc.
Totally, totally over it.
Sarcastic Moms last blog post..Oh, Hai! No, I’m not dead.