Dummies are the Spawn of Satan.

So the dummy weaning. Not going so well.

I don’t mean that she is still using one, no, not that at all. She hasn’t had a dummy since I decided that she was going to give them up right! now!

What I mean is that the SLEEPING that accompanied the dummy use is not going so well. Actually scratch that. The sleeping that accompanied the dummy use has become non existent.


Overnight sleeping? HAHAHAH FUCKING HA.

Sleeping for any amount of time at all so I can sleep to? Yeah well, if you got any sleep last night then I want to throw my shoes at you.


So, lets go over a regular day (today) here at Sleepless Nights (see? SEE why I didn’t rename my blog the week she actually slept through the night? It would have been a STUPID idea).

12pm – Nap time. I have been hanging for nap time since we woke up this morning. I want a nap, I NEED a nap. I change Amy’s nappy, make sure her trackpants are comfy and put her into bed. She has a drink, her dog and duck, her soft blanket and a kiss.

12.01 – Screaming at doorway (it’s gated with a convoluted assortment of crap designed to make it impossible to climb. For me as well). I clamber over all the crap and resettle. I leave.

12.02 – Repeat.

12.03 – Repeat.

Repeat every minute until 12.45 when the bedroom goes silent. Hope like hell she is asleep and retire to the couch with a doona and pillow. I just start to doze off when a little voice calls from the hallway ‘Mummy! Ewwww, POO!’

12.50 – Change a pooey nappy, remake bed, resettle, kiss and leave.

12.50 and 5 seconds – Cue screaming.

Over the next 40 minutes, I climbed in and out of her bedroom lots. Like fucking LOTS. No sign of sleepiness, no sign of settling.

[I was so tired, my head might have exploded right about here]

1.30 – Give up, climb into her room, cuddle toddler, curl up in her bed with her and try to fall asleep together.

1.31 – Remove toddlers fingers from nose. My nose, not hers. I wouldn’t have had an issue if she was picking her OWN nose.

Repeat for AN HOUR.

There was no sleep forthcoming for me, and Amy seemed quite content to never sleep again.

At 2.45, you *may* have been able to find me threatening to do horrible things to Nathan’s sleeping body if he didn’t wake the fuck up and help me out here. He woke up.

After an afternoon of stress, a few inconsequential arguments (‘Put the cat down! AMY PUT THE CAT DOWN! SEVEN, STOP TRYING TO EAT THE CAT! AMY, PUT THE CAT DOWN NOW! SEVEN! PUSS! AMY! ARGHHHHHHH’) and some food, it was bedtime.

Bedtime wasn’t quite so stressful. It only took an hour and 10 clambers in and out before she finally settled and fell asleep (at least, I am hoping she is asleep, it’s pretty quiet in there).

However, the last few nights, she only managed to stay in her own bed until about midnight, after having her scream for 20 minutes I would just give up and take her into bed with me.

Hell, it’s the middle of winter here and if I am going to be awake for hours with a bouncy toddler, by GOD I am going to do it from the warmth of my own bed. Path of least resistance and all that.

Have you tried sleeping with your toddler lately? They are poky and bony and they kick! Seriously, what is with the need to kick me in the bladder hundreds of times!

AND, since I weaned Amy off the breast, she seems to feel the need to assure herself that my boobs are still there. I am spending a lot of the night with a sleeping toddler twiddling my nipple. I don’t even know if she knows she is doing it, but whenever she wakes up, she shoves her ice cold hands down my top mumbling ‘boobies…’

I am so freaking tired I feel sick. Please don’t tell me that naps are going to disappear forever, because I don’t think I could handle that right now.

Am off to sleep now, g’ni…zzzzzzzzzz….


33 responses to “Dummies are the Spawn of Satan.”

  1. frogpondsrock Avatar

    Sssshhhhhh *tiptoes away from the blog*

    frogpondsrocks last blog post..I wish my brain would start to work properly…

  2. Jenn Avatar

    Sorry she is being such a pain in the butt ! I hope for your sake she starts sleeping soon because you need to sleep !

    Jenns last blog post..Here One Day….Gone the Next !

  3. Alice Avatar

    I’m sorry that I’m laughing at your misfortune, but the whole “boobies” thing killed!

    I can remember being pregnant with my second and feeling soooo tired that I’d just lock myself in my room with my other kid and fall asleep. I figured he couldn’t get into too much trouble if he was in the same room playing and couldn’t go anywhere else.

    Alices last blog post..Alice’s Awards Ceremony

  4. Leigh Avatar

    i hope she starts sleeping more soon.

    Leighs last blog post..catch up

  5. Bettina Avatar

    You’re obviously a much stronger or more bull headed woman than me 😉

    I’d have given back the dummy days ago!!

    Bettinas last blog post..Ripped him a new one!

  6. Ree Avatar

    I’m so sorry it’s not working out better without her dummy. I never had the heart to take Shortman’s like that. (Actually, I was never that brave)

    Rees last blog post..Brilliant Ideas

  7. Jenn FL Avatar

    Good morning Veronica …. my oldest child had a dummy until he was about three. We let him have them in bed, but made it absolutely clear that bed was the only place he could use it (I hid them under his pillow). It went well until he would sneak them downstairs. He promptly lost all of them. I told him once they were gone, they were gone and I wasn’t buying anymore. It was almost like he weaned himself. As for the naps, they stopped about 2 and a half. My second child always slept. However, my third and only girl stopped napping at about 1. So … unfortunately it (napping) does stop, sometimes it is better to find a quiet diversion then put yourself through all that. Hope you three find a happy medium soon!

    Jenn FLs last blog post..Queen of Procrastination

  8. Veronica Avatar

    Just letting you guys know, it’s midnight and she has been waking every 10 minutes for the last hour and a half.

    I just want to go to sleep!

  9. Marylin Avatar

    Ohhh Veronica. ((BIG hugs)) I wish I could come over and look after Amy for a while so you could get some rest!
    Zack still uses his dummy for night-time. He knows it’s not allowed when it’s not time for bed, and he (usually) accepts that without much fuss. Maybe just not letting her nap during the day will help her to sleep at night?

    Marylins last blog post..Zack is Officially Trained.

  10. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    I suddenly don’t feel so bad….

    Sounds like a right pain in the hole.

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Child wishing in the whispering room

  11. kaylee Avatar


    kaylees last blog post..Wonderful Birthday

  12. Amy Avatar

    I feel your pain.

    Amys last blog post..June Days :: 30

  13. Deb Avatar

    I am assuming a dummy is a pacifier? I remember when we got rid of my daughter’s. It stunk, but not for as long as you would think. Hopefully she’ll get over the hump and you can get some sleep! Being pregnant with your second is really hard. It will get better, I promise!

    Debs last blog post..Best way to have your kids get made fun of at a sleepover…

  14. Tanya Avatar

    Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    Now you will have to go through this twice!!!

    When I saw the title I laughed before I even read the post. You will be laughing about this in a few years! (I know, I know, I still have this to go through yet)

    Hang in there girl, you’re doing a good job.

  15. Taz Avatar

    i really hope you both finally went to sleep..

  16. Jayne Avatar

    Lordy, the memories are flooding back from my first 2 babies!
    We found putting a radio on helped Feral Queen (now almost 21 yrs) sleep during the day and at night, usually talk-back radio for her to have the voices in the background.But she stopped napping in the day early on.
    We encouraged her to “give” her dummy to Feral Teen when she was born (18 mths between them)and ditched it when she wasn’t looking.
    Good Luck!

    Jaynes last blog post..Trivial History July 3

  17. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    OMG! I must be the WORST mommy ever.

    I would close her bedroom door(I put the anti-baby knob cover on the door knob so she couldn’t escape) and walked away. I explained that she could make a CHOICE to sleep or scream and I was walking away. Usually, I’d set the vacuum outside her door and turn it on–for noise. Then we got a plug-in white noise maker. She spent a good portion of a few days or so SCREAMING at her door. Then she realized it was NAP TIME or BED TIME and now she’s a really good sleeper.

    Mack… a totally different story. HE still does the same thing with the boobie (flick, flick, flick) when he’s not feeling happy.

    ALSO, Amy may sense the new baby coming and will become even more needy for you between now and the new baby’s arrival. She wants to get all the mommy time to herself before it’s too late.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..How To Make Grocery Shopping Complicated

  18. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    Oh, and by “her” I mean I closed Wynnie’s bedroom door. I’m not suggesting YOU do this with AMY.

    just to clarify…i’m not being bossy

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..How To Make Grocery Shopping Complicated

  19. Widdle Shamrock Avatar

    I know the poking boobies by cold hands scene !!!!!


    Widdle Shamrocks last blog post..Hot Hunk Thursday

  20. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    Ugh, I’m so sorry. I hope she starts sleeping soon. If it’s any consolation, I thought my daughter’s nap was going away around that age too, but she’s now almost 3, and she’s still napping.
    Hope you can steal some sleep soon!

    Sandy (Momisodes)s last blog post..The Puppets Must Have Called Out Sick

  21. Mrs. C Avatar

    I hear that if you nip a tiny hole on the end that they’re not as soothing, but since my middle two children Elf and Emperor used to suck their thumbs it wasn’t a viable piece of advice.

    I’m sorry things are going so badly.

    Mrs. Cs last blog post..We’re MOVING To Australia!

  22. SusanB Avatar

    I am SOOO feeling your pain over here…with the constant talk of boobs and also the terrifying thought that naps might be over and HOW THE HELL CAN I LIVE WITHOUT JAMES’ NAPS?!?

    The other day I tried for TWO HOURS to get him down for a nap, no dice…and then he didn’t fall asleep till 10 p.m. and was up at 6 a.m. ARGH! We need to keep these kids away from the computer because they MUST be making their evil plans together.

    Hope you get some sleep!

    SusanBs last blog post..My birthday present to you

  23. tiff Avatar

    Ha hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaahhhhhh!
    See that?
    That is the hysterical laugh – cry of a person who has just read about her very own night of hell on someone elses blog and commiserates a thousand times over but because she is so tired can only manage a laughcry.

    Oh, an a little less of the nipple fiddling over here, more toddler conversation on Big Red Car verses Big Red Boat.

    tiffs last blog post..Eggs.

  24. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    Just another reason I wish we were close. I’d take her for a whole day and let our 2 brats play together at my house while you napped. You need a day like that!

    Also, you don’t need advice, b/c you’re an excellent mother. But I had to go through a few nights of Braden screaming for up to and a bit over an hour. Not pleasant at all, I assure you, but he got the message that I wasn’t going to come to the rescue. (Which damn near broke my heart, so, yeah.)

    Oh, and the sleeping with a toddle thing? I know! When the hell did they stop being cuddly and start being all TORTUROUS!?

    Hoping she sleeps well soon!

    Sarcastic Moms last blog post..Another little boy I once spent a lot of time with.

  25. river Avatar

    Had to laugh at Amy kicking your bladder, pretty soon you’ll be getting it kicked from both sides.
    It’s hard about the not sleeping, i don’t have any advice for you unless you want to take the hard heartbreaking road and let her scream herself to sleep. I’ve heard it works, but it’s really hard for the Mum to hear. Takes about 3 days.

  26. Kelley Avatar

    I slept in today till 10am.

    Just thought I’d share.

    *ducking the flying shoes*

    Kelleys last blog post..Empty

  27. Summer Avatar

    Eeeek, that doesn’t sound fun at all. I think I’d just give back the dummy just so everyone could sleep. So sense forcing a child to do something they aren’t ready for yet.

  28. Kat Avatar

    Oooooooooh, mama.
    I’ve had days/nights like this and they SUCK MAJOR ASS. Just don’t kill anyone before you’ve had a chance to sleep a bit – you might feel bad about it in the morning.

    Kats last blog post..This is So Wrong

  29. Bee Avatar

    Oh, I hear you! We recently put Marley through a customised sleep program which involved weening off the dummy. The dummy part was relatively painless compared to your night. Good luck and HUGS!

    Bees last blog post..Will the Real Baby Milo Please Stand Up

  30. Tara Avatar

    I remember this being the worst age. THE WORST! #2 was only a few months old, and #1 was a terror – A TERROR! I didn’t think I’d survive!! She stopped napping for a little while, she’d have night terrors every night, she never seemed to get enough sleep, and she was always tired. But it got better. Eventually. I think she killed about 1/2 my brain cells that winter due to lack of sleep (between her, at almost 2, and a newborn).

  31. StephLove Avatar

    I just ended a 3 night experiment trying to get my daughter (age 2 years, 3 months) to sleep in her own bed all night. It got worse every night– she’d stay awake longer and longer, waiting for me to give up and take her to my bed. I decided if I couldn’t commit to staying up all night (and I just couldn’t) I wasn’t going to win this one.

    I’m not even considering ditching the pacifier. She doesn’t sleep through the night and her 7 y/o brother didn’t until the end of my pregnancy with his sister so it’s been 7 years since I’ve slept well. If the “‘fier” as she calls it helps her sleep, I’m all for it.

  32. Laura McIntyre Avatar

    I am so behind so not sure how this is going now, but see i knew there was a reason why i was not taking Rebecca off the dummy yet. Dammit i don’t care if she is 3 now , she only uses it to go to sleep at night and after spending two years dealing with her nightly wakings im not wanting to go back there just yet.

    Oh we also co-sleep so feel your pain in sleeping with a toddler, so not fun esp as im 30 weeks pregnant and struggling to get comfy myself

    Laura McIntyres last blog post..30

  33. Florida Girl in Sydney Avatar

    We also had the pacifier/dummy until our older one was 3– and we told him he had to put them all (he had a bunch) in a bag and give them to my pregnant friend for her new baby. It actually worked—

    EXCEPT– I am such a jackass… about 6 mos. later when we were moving from the U.S. to Sydney I thought he would need it on the place to pop his ears. Wtf was I thinking???? So after we got here he had them for about 2 months and I just took them when he was at preschool and he never saw or mentioned them again.

    Ah, triumph.

    Florida Girl in Sydneys last blog post..Weekly Battle of the Choirs–why, why, why???