Easter Pending

Stay home, save lives. That’s the key message our government is sending over Easter, and I’m interested to see how many people think this doesn’t apply to them. I live on a main(ish) road, heading towards a known holiday/shack destination, and I’m interested to see how much traffic we get today as people still try to sneak away to their shacks. I hope none, but you know. People.

While 95% of us are sitting at home, or only going out to work/get groceries, there’s always someone who thinks the rules don’t apply to them. “I’ll just sneak out for this thing I absolutely need (want), I’m careful, I will be fine.” Only everyone is having the same response to being asked to stay inside, and here we are.

We managed to get toilet paper yesterday, which was nice. We weren’t quite running out yet, but having known allergies which upset my stomach badly, I get a bit twitchy when we’re under 10 rolls of toilet paper in the house. Sugar is my next thing to hunt down – we’re not super low yet, but I’d prefer to not have to sacrifice my white and brown baking sugars for Nathan’s coffee (we use raw sugar for coffee and tea predominately). But again, it’s not a need yet.

Isaac is learning to bake packet cakes, and once his cake is out of the oven, I’ll go make some soap. Probably. I’ve been super exhausted the last few days, and I can’t work out if I’ve been sick (possible – EDS + stress = sick), or if it’s a trauma response (also possible), or if it’s the adjustment now Daylight Saving ended. Probably all three tbh.

(Lots of cars going past as I type. I cannot see them from here, but more than the last few days of standard workers/farm utes/trucks/residents)

Tassie has 107 cases today, and I know you know this, but when I look back on things in 12 months, it will be nice to know where we were at. 107 cases. It’s a lot, and also not many, and also way too many.