Bendy Girl said something on my last post about Isaac and bedtime that made a lot of sense.
Bendy Girl says:
Poor proprioception might be something to do with why he still needs to be swaddled. Even now I can’t sleep without heavy enough bed covers to feel the pressure on me, I can’t feel the lighter covers & it makes me feel just ‘wrong’ can’t explain it any better!
BG xx
Which (again) was like a light going off in my head. I can’t sleep without heavy covers either. It makes summer less than fun, but it’s not that bad as I’m cold most of the time anyway.
I thought about it and I agree. Isaac does had terrible proprioception. He has no idea where he is in relation to himself, which is fairly normal is a baby. They do grow out of it, but I’m assuming because of the Ehlers Danlos that it will take Isaac a little longer than other babies. He definitely has more issues than Amy did at the same age, but that’s another post all together. It’s also why the kids are being seen by the Paediatricians at the hospital, rather than their medical care being solely overseen by a GP.
Keeping this in mind, last night I wrapped Isaac in one of our largest blankets that he loves. Sure it’s pink, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t care. One he was wrapped (and sleeping and moved to his cot) I covered him over with a heavy blanket folded in 4 like Mrs C. suggested.
And then?
He slept through the night.
From 7.45pm to 5am he slept without a peep. At 5am when he woke up I fed him and he went back to sleep (easily!) until 7.15 when Amy screamed for me to wake up and woke him as well.
I was a little grumpy with her.
Fingers crossed that it wasn’t a fluke and that doing the same thing again tonight works.
Cos uhm, yay.
27 responses to “Isaac and sleep issues.”
Yay, hope you slept too. And I really hope its not a one off. Sending more sleep vibes your way.
Ooh fantastic some sleep for you. I just wrote a really long comment on last post about all this stuff – random thoughts. Its published now and daren’t look at it as I am worried now it sounded all bossy! Just wanted to say I don’t mean to be I just want you to get a whole week in of sleeps. Keeping my bendy fingers crossed for you.
I can’t talk though as when the little man came to stay I didn’t manage to get him into bed before ten any night¬ I am so out of practice with all this and he is 6. I just told husband we were being all Italian and all was well. Well that is my excuse and I am keeping to it. We both had a couple of siesta’s and spaghetti bolognese and I taught him how to count up to ten in Italian. So I don’t feel in the slightest bit guilty!! Good luck Veronica.
I love it when you discover something like that!
holy shit that is awesome! AWESOME!
Oh, I hope it works again and through the summer!!
Yay! Yay! Yay! I am so happy and really hope it continues working for you and Isaac.
it just amazes me what a difference swaddling makes. we found that we could make some nice, lightweight swaddling cloths by buying a swatch of fabric and just having them square it off. here the bolts run 36 to 42 inches, which makes a nice 3 foot square swaddling area (not sure how that converts to metric, I never was good at conversions). we were able to do it with lighter weight fabrics so baby was feeling the pressure of the swaddling without overheating.
Woo Hoo!!
How many time did you wake during the night and wonder what the hell was going on? That’s what I do on the rare occasion that BOTH of my monsters sleep through.. Lol
OK that’s it. Tonight the Honeybee gets covered with a thick blankie. After last night i will try ANYTHING. A-NY-THING.
That really is amazing and I hope it continues to work. If only you’d known, maybe it would have helped Amy too. Isn’t it great the things you find out from others on the net who have been through the same things.
It seems like things will be settling down for you soon!
Yippee!! Have a lovely week-end!
Bendy Girl now thinks she should perhaps take her own advice a little more often instead of dismissing it as random nonsense 😉
I’m so glad this helped Von, fingers firmly crossed it’ll mean an eventual name change for your blog!! Xx
That’s fantastic! I know how he feels, I can’t sleep without heavy blanket either. Drives Beefcake mental in Summer because he wants just a sheet.
Here’s to hoping you get some better sleep from now on.
my girls were swaddled for a long long time (till they were about two from memory).. they had that premmie startle thing for ages and then just needed it.
yay for sleep..log may it continue!!
good luck tonight.. 🙂
That?!?! Is fucking awesome.
Now THAT’S worth a WOOT!!!! Sleep on, child. And Isaac, too.
YAY!!! I’m so glad for you!
Sleep well!
Oh wow that’s AWESOME!! YAAAAY for a night’s sleep!! 😀
OHHHH I hope this works EVERY night, I really do. Fingers and toes crossed.
Seriously. Yay.
I wonder if I tried this on my nearly 4-year old, nearly 60 lb. if he would laugh in my face. Or sleep. Hmm.
Yay for a god night’s sleep! Fingers firmly crossed for tonight!
Really hope that this is the answer!
I had this problem with Boo (sensory issues).
I made him a weighted blanket. If you google it you can make one too. I made mine with curtain material and weighted it with aquarium pebbles.
Sleep deprivation. Tell me. We just took our older boy’s cot away and forced him into the bed. And he’s scared. I was in there no less than three times last night and my partner twice. And the baby decided to stay awake most of the night. Tempers are short around here right now.
That is WONDERFUL! I hope it’s the answer and that you were able to sleep as well.
Read the last post before this one! Yay!!!! Woohoo! Hope it wasn’t fluke and you’re sleeping right NOW.