My doctor put me back on the pill today. So when Mum asked if I had taken my bitch pills today, she was right. I had. (I *may* have been picking on my little brother. He *may* have deserved it. That’s my story and I am sticking to it.)
So, let us enter the time when people in the supermarket will piss me off.
My head might get to exploding point with people I don’t know and I may just feel the need to swear a little louder in your general direction.
ESPECIALLY if my daughter decides that she is feeling sick and is in pain and proceeds to cry and scream through the entire shopping centre.
Do not comment in my hearing about tantrums. I have a sneaking suspicion that this may be a tummy bug or an ear infection and both cause projectile vomiting. I can and will use this to my advantage. She is SICK, not grumpy.
If you are the pharmacist I am trying to buy Nurofen from do NOT ask us 100 questions before you sell us the medication.
Yes, she has had it before. She is 18mths old and I know how to administer it. Yes, she is definitely in pain, NO she is not having a tantrum. See above for tantrum comments.
Do NOT suggest that we may want to give her some now. Do we look stupid enough to HAVE painkillers and NOT USE THEM for my obviously in pain daughter?
Okay, are we all together now?
Amy settled down and was her normal self about half an hour after the Nurofen was given. She has had 3 diarrhoea nappies (yes, don’t you love how I share these things?) and has been gagging, but not vomiting.
I hope it is only a 12hr thing.
So yes the pill.
I am back on it to stop the bleeding and also to maybe help us with the TTC. We spoke about it and because I fell pregnant within a fortnight of coming off this exact same pill before, we figure it can’t hurt to try it again.
I am sure I will have further things to blog about regarding the pill (can we say depression? Libido loss? Extreme Bitch-Face-from-Hell syndrome? Tears at the drop of a hat?) but I am hoping that I don’t have any major side effects from it this time around.
Also, a big shout out to Lou, who has written a post about us moving over at Lotus’s blog.
We did our final inspection today and there were a lot of things that didn’t get noticed when the house had furniture. However, all of the things are very fixable. We shall just call the house a renovators delight and we shall delight in renovating it.
We will be collecting our keys about midday Friday (tomorrow for me, as it is 8.30 Thursday right now) and we will be heading up to bleach disinfect make sanitary clean the place tomorrow.
We move Saturday.
And I am on the pill.
But hey! Hopefully I won’t be bleeding!
27 responses to “Enter the Bitch Pills”
All that bleaching and sanitizing will take more than one day won’t it?
Aren’t you lucky that Mum lives nearby?
witchypoo’s last blog post..Synchronicity
aww hope everything goes REALLY smoothly for your move! Poor wee Amy, hope she’s better soon.
Here… have some chocolate *grab hugest, tastiest bar I can find for ya*
oh, and one more thing… ((((((((((hugs)))))))))
Marylin’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
Sweety… you weren’t being a bitch really… you were just a tad snarky… *snork*
Love to you sweetheart xoxoxoxox
frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Awards … part two..
Hope you don’t have to be on them for long.
Good luck with the move and I hope Amy is a lot better soon.
hugs & choccy to you
Bettina’s last blog post..Caught!!
Moving? baby sick? pill? OMG. I would send you some energy if I had any to spare…bless you!
HRH’s last blog post..Because sometimes one drink is not enough…
So happy for you and the new house!!
Hi Veronica! i just started reading your blog and i love it! In Nov, right as i was starting to TTC, i had a 45-day long period. Ugh. That’s a long fricking time. So i had to go on the pill in Dec, when i finally went to the dr. i had to take 21 pills in a week, which made me completely nauseated, but it stopped the bleeding. And right when i TTC in January, it worked. So good luck for you, i’m sure everything will turn out fine. Also, good luck on the move and making Amy feel better!
jessica’s last blog post..New layout
I feel for you babe. I was on one type of pill that made me cry every time I had a thought. Seriously. I stopped crying only when I was asleep.
Ree’s last blog post..I Promised You A Blogolution – Month 2
Don’t shout. I toasted you with just a bit too much Ron Zapaca Centenario. Just say ‘hey’. Softly. Very softly. And don’t move again, for a while. o.k.? Or, if you do, tell me AFTER you move. So I’m not tempted to toast too much. Again. Ever.
Lou’s last blog post..100 word Challenge #4 – Generation
So sorry you have to be on the pill….they turn me into a lunatic too. Hope you don’t have to be on them for too long.
Congrats and good luck today!!!
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Ask And You Shall Receive: Part 3
I always ovulated really hard after coming off the pill. 🙂
Dawn’s last blog post..Punt Soup Recipe
Oh sweetie.
Pharmacists, *sigh*
It is a requirement they ask you all the annoying questions. Pain in ze ass, but rules are rules. Although, I think they should cut a mum some slack when she’s obviously wanting to purchase the product and get her sick child home.
A simple “You’ve administered this before with no problems” would suffice.
The pill and depression. Damn.
I don’t know if this will help any, but you could try this…
Tell yourself every time you pop one of those suckers in your mouth:
This is to stop the bleeding
This isn’t forever
This worked last time
This is going to help me get my baby.
Healing vibes for you and Amy.
Anja’s last blog post..Expressing my love for Widdleshamrock.
I think I called you “Victoria” today, and I do apologize. It was in that moment before I had lunch.. LOL
I hope Amy’s better real soon and that the pills help you. 🙂
Secret Agent Mama’s last blog post..100 Words: Generation
Woohoo! It’s moving time! I’m WAY excited for you, in case you couldn’t tell.
Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Random: Yoi and Double Yoi Edition
Well I have ALL those symptoms and I haven’t been on the pill for about TEN YEARS…hmmmmmm… 😉
Good luck with the cleaning! 🙂
marlee’s last blog post..Maybe I’m Hung Over From All the Nyquil…
i hope everything goes great for you in all areas.. 🙂
i also hope Miss Amy is feeling better very soon..
thinking of you and ((((((HUGS))))))))..
Taz’s last blog post..18 weeks old
I hope Amy feels better and that the pill works! Good luck with the move.
And just so ya know, I’ve heard tell that there’s something about a new house…it is generally followed by a new baby. It may be a crap old wives tale, but it was the truth in my case. So, maybe things are all just coming together!
Leslie’s last blog post..Who Needs American Idol When I’ve Got This?!
Oh, honey, I am sorry. You know how I feel about that pill, and I used to think it was so great. I’m hoping you’ll do okay on it this time, and that all you find is that it assists you in TTC!
Braden and I have been sick again this week, complete with one night of Braden vomiting in the middle of the night and then almost choking on it. I almost had a heart attack. Sick is for the BIRDS, MAN.
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Grab your drinks again!
the pill??? wtf??? hope amy is better and the move goes well.
zoe’s last blog post..A letter to my body
Hope Amy is feeling better soon and it is just a short bug. Hugs to you and to her. Being sick is nasty.
As for the pill… I can’t think of anything much to say about that.
Hope that is short and sweet too.
Tiffany’s last blog post..Ivy update; please proceed to Defcon 3
As I type this you’re probably elbow deep in suds and bleach, take a break rinse off and eat some chocolate. I hope Amy is better by now. And tomorrow the MOVE! Yay! I hope you find your camera cord so we get LOTS of pictures.
I’ve read a few blogs lately about how the pill is affecting women, making them bitchy, cranky etc. I didn’t have any of that when I was on it years ago. Don’t remember what brand I was on, but I remember always being level headed calm happy. Maybe I’m not normal?
A home is not a home if you do not put a stamp on it !!
hope the bleeding stops, and the side effects stay away !!
Poor Amy, hope EVERYONE is feeling better now. Just think positive pill vibes
Laura McIntyre’s last blog post..Regular Haunts
Always good to read what you have to say
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