I am eternally optimistic. Stupidly so, sometimes. Things will get better, it will be okay, we’ll get through it.
This is of course why I was busy packing the car with all of the market set up last night, despite knowing that rain was forecast for today. A lot of rain. Because maybe it would be okay. It might not happen. It might be gorgeous weather. This is Tasmania, you can’t count on anything.
Of course, I was wrong, and when it was pouring at 5am I lay in bed wondering what the best course of action was, right up until Evelyn woke up having an asthma attack and I had to get out of bed to make sure she could breathe.
After fixing her, and spending a lot of time looking at every single weather report I could get my hands on, while talking to Mum, I decided to stay home.
That wasn’t the end of it though. Because the angst. So much angst. I hate cancelling, and I hate letting markets down. Especially Autumn Fest which is one of my very favourite events to attend ever.
However the idea of setting up a marquee in a thunderstorm and then standing alone in the pouring rain all day, in a marquee filled with soap, unable to leave – well. That was the kicker for me.
So no market today.
Of course this means you benefit, darling readers, because I am having a 20% off wet weather sale. If you use the coupon code WETWEATHER at checkout, you’ll get 20% off, and you won’t even have to come and stand in the rain with me.
Shop Now.
It’s absolutely bucketing down outside now, and I know I made the right decision, snuggled up writing this in a warm hoodie and yoga pants, with a cup of hot tea, rather than scarves and boots with a thermos of rapidly cooling hot chocolate.
Tasmania in Autumn. Fun times.
2 responses to “Eternal Optimism doesn’t work on Mother Nature”
Very wise decision. Stay home where the hot chocolate stays hot or can be heated at a moments notice.
I love snuggling up in winter clothing. It isn’t quite cool enough to really get rugged up yet, but I have my flannelette pyjamas on.
*Definitely* the right decision sweety! I’d have done the same. 🙂 We’re finally coming into Spring and have had a few warm days when coats haven’t been needed and it’s been blissful after such a dark, grey winter. Mild and barely any snow here, but horrible, wet and very windy. It feels great to finally see the sun regularly, lol!
Comfy hoodie and yoga pants though… doesn’t really get more comfy than that!