Feeling a tad bit hormonal. Also: Photos.

by Veronica on August 8, 2012

in Evelyn, Grief, Headfuck

Internet, I am feeling sooky. It’s probably a side effect of scoring a few days at home without blood tests or waiting for phone calls, but I’m feeling sooky and my hormones are obviously having a giant party without me.

It was triggered by a package in the mail from Marita at Stuff with Thing, that not only contained fleecy warm suits in 4×0 size for Evelyn, but the best gift for my older children as well. As I speak Amy is happily colouring in and Isaac is bothering her. This is on top of a package from Kelli and the breastpump and some gorgeous clothes from Kate.

I am so grateful for all of you that read here, the people I am proud to call friends, as well as the regular readers, commenters and lurkers. I have devoured every single comment in the last 12 days, with every well wish leaving a warm spot. It’s been fantastic to know that I have this level of support and hand holding when I need it.

The juxtaposition is, of course, my side of the family IRL, in which Evelyn’s birth seems to have flown pretty much under the radar. Not that I expected balloons and flowers, but a phone call would have been nice. An email even. A “like” on facebook. Any of these things would have worked, especially as I had to say no visitors in the hospital because of the whole NICU admission.

Of course, I don’t expect that the birth of my baby is something universally celebrated and making news with all of my family members everywhere.

It’s very possible I am just missing my grandmother a lot today and that my grief is manifesting as frustration with the rest of my family who are not dead.

In good news, the Clinic Health Nurse weighed Evelyn again this morning and she has gained back the weight she lost after birth, plus extra. Almost 80g overnight, taking her to a grand total weight of 2.44kg.

I TOLD YOU she was feeding well.

She’s a litttttle jaundiced, no? In the same way an oompa loompa is a little orange. We suspect a spray tan addiction.

She looks slightly less orange in natural light. Yay for natural light.


Rusty Hoe August 8, 2012 at 5:38 pm

Family can suck at times, but remember there are a heap of us out here waiving pom poms and cheering you on (you should see my high kicks). I’m so glad to hear she’s gaining weight and that she’s home with all of you. I’ve got my fingers crossed that she’ll keep going along in the right direction, the hormones will settle, and everything will move to the usual new baby routine. And that second photo…I swear if I still had a uterus it would be twinging with cluckiness.

Glowless August 8, 2012 at 5:39 pm

Couldn’t help but laugh at the spray tan reference πŸ˜› I think it’s hard when family don’t acknowledge something as big as the birth of a child – liking a photo on FB or leaving a “congrats!” message isn’t hard. I think it’s even harder, and the absence more keenly felt, when readers and even random acquaintances who don’t really know you take the time to do just that, knowing that it is huge for you.

Deb @ Bright and Precious August 8, 2012 at 5:41 pm

Congratulations Veronica! I’m only just catching up to this news after 12 days – so sorry! (have been ill and awol). What a gorgeous girl you’ve birthed! And what a beautiful name. I’m so glad she’s doing well. She looks perfect. Enjoy your little one. Can’t wait to catch up with some posts now. πŸ™‚ xxx

Madonna August 8, 2012 at 5:54 pm

I want to send you a gift too. I want to send you the care and concern you need. A hug and a package full of love. I know what it’s like to have an NICU/PICU baby. My little darling is now nearly 4 and still has a lot of “foibles” (cp, epilepsy and a gamut of other stuff) and I am constantly disappointed by the lack of family support. I know how much a message on FB or a quick phone call means. Know that I’ve only been following your blog for a few short weeks now, but that if I could, I’d be right there with you. Sucks to have sick kids and the time you need your family around doesn’t mean you always get them. Hugs and care from Sunny QLD. xoxo

Brooke August 8, 2012 at 6:11 pm

She’s beautiful! She looks very fair. I’m sorry you’re feeling rotten about the IRL people… People get caught up in their lives. I just hope that one day they make it up to you in some small way for letting you down. xx

Sharon A. August 8, 2012 at 6:30 pm

She’s gorgeous:) So glad you’re getting the online support still, sorry about the family dissappointment, that would be hard indeed.

Fine August 8, 2012 at 6:37 pm

Sorry about the lack of support from parts of your family IRL – I hope they get their act together someday and make up for it. Glad you feel supported online!
Now: congrats to Evelyn and you for reaching that weight! She is one precious little girl and that second picture just about breaks my heart with her cute facial expression, orange and all.
Yay for your girl that feeds so well, and hopefully someday she will recognise the beauty of pale skin and stop that spray tanning…


Mandy August 8, 2012 at 6:43 pm

Um hello, you had a baby, they should be jumping up and down. You should feel like the centre of attention, if not now when? Sorry, but I think when a woman has a baby regardless of how many they have had before it should be celebrated.
This is not the first time I’ve seen people be covered in love by friends and forgotten by family. Remember, at least you’re feeling the love from somewhere. I’m sure you’ll always remember that, I guess in some ways it’s a little more special because it’s not obligatory.

Tiff August 8, 2012 at 7:16 pm

Family are sometimes the worst thing for hormones. She is absolutely gorgeous.

Fiona August 8, 2012 at 7:19 pm

yay for the internets!!!!

Bettina August 8, 2012 at 7:38 pm

Maybe it’s worth asking if it could be breast feeding jaundice. My 2nd child had it. Don’t really understand it, but I didn’t have to stop breast feeding, and she grew out of it.

Kylie @kykaree August 8, 2012 at 8:01 pm

Oh bless she’s coming along nicely!

Joseph was 650g at birth and under the bili lights he looked so funny, put his teeny arms behind his head and basked in it! Just like he was on a sun lounger!

Cat@jugglingact August 8, 2012 at 8:09 pm

Oh gosh, that family can be so nasty. Lots of love

Margot August 8, 2012 at 8:21 pm

*Huggles* Veronica. The hormone, the hormones. So horrible when everything is fine, so with Evelyn’s jaundice issues the hormone effect must be amplified. Hope Evelyn’s jaundice & your hormones both get better soon.

Anne August 8, 2012 at 8:27 pm

She is so beautiful!! Hope the jaundice goes away soon…<>

Mrs Woog August 8, 2012 at 8:34 pm

V, she is just perfect. Tan and all. What a popette xx

river August 8, 2012 at 8:36 pm

Evelyn’s beautiful and not as orange as I expected, under normal daylight it isn’t at all noticeable.
I look at her little face and I see Amy.
Congratulations on such a big weight gain.

Louisa August 8, 2012 at 9:28 pm

I am sorry about the fam πŸ™ Those photos are just divine, I want to cuddle her!! Keep your eyes on the post my friend, we love you!! xx

Denyse August 9, 2012 at 12:33 am

I just love being Internet “grandma” over and over you know! Your mum and I haz our bonding times. When you & Nathan were in the hospital awaiting Miss E’s appearance & Kim was with Amy & Isaac, I knew how it was so well! Having been there a few times with my older grandkids, and trying to be upbeat when you know your DD is labouring is a day/night of intense emotions. Glad always to read your news, and see the pics.
I had a “sun tanned” son waaaay back in 1979 & on the day my milk came in & I was soooo teary & ready to feed… He got wisked away for light therapy!
As for family & friends…those in real life, so to speak who “could care” often have agenda completely removed from the world of caring & sharing.
So, meh! We do. And love to. Denyse xxx

Becky August 9, 2012 at 6:47 am

I’m sure the last thing you feel like doing is standing in front of a camera, but you are planning on doing one of those baby-to-belly shots while she’s still small and foldable, right? Pretty please? The one where you press the baby to your belly in the fetal folded position, so we can compare it to your last belly photo and go “awwwww”?

She really is a cutie.

Mary @ Parenthood August 9, 2012 at 9:33 am

She looks just like her parents, if a little more tan πŸ™‚ Best Canadian wishes on the jaundice going away really really soon. Maybe they could try a non-invasive jaundice test if the heels are suffering? Can’t hurt to ask

She’s adorable… Also what ARE you eating to make such high quality milk? That’s amazing stuff you must be producing!

Carli August 9, 2012 at 1:42 pm

She is lovely, great to read you didn’t need to be re-admitted too.

Terri August 9, 2012 at 9:44 pm

Oh so cute, I love the one where she is looking at the camera with her eyes wide open. What a lucky family you are.

edenland August 10, 2012 at 12:31 am


Oh she is a delight. And, from your family in the computer who are not dead ….. a huge, massive congratulations. *blows bugle* *throws confetti*

Your beautiful mum gave me her address …. Evelyn will be dressed in NYC’s finest I LOVE NEW YORK! jumpsuit very soon.


Elita August 10, 2012 at 1:36 pm

New to your blog, but I understand the whole family thing, i too had no one visit me in hospital after the the birth of my second child, my little man was in special care nursery, on anti-botics for sespis so I could not even have him in my room, so a few visitors would have been great but no one came, so i know how you feel.
Enjoy your time now you are are home and your free.

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