I got my period on time, even though we know we nailed the timing. However, my period only lasted 3 days (normally 7) before fading off into some on again/off again spotting before finishing.
I also normally have terrible period pain and this time I didn’t have a single cramp or ache.
Then on Sunday I had a little more spotting (4 days after my period finished), very unusual for me because I never spot mid cycle. Ever. Once my period has stopped, that it is.
So after a little spotting Monday (not even enough to warrant a panty liner) a bit yesterday and a bit this morning, I am now feeling crampy and yucky and the spotting is getting a touch heavier and is more pinky that brown.
Nathan is going to buy me a preg test tonight before he goes to work, but I won’t be able to do it until the morning (it is late Wednesday night at the moment).
So my internets what do you think?
Is a pregnancy possible or not?
Ah also, we haven’t been having sex (too many other things going on since my period finished) so I can’t even blame it on sex.
18 responses to “File This Under TMI”
anythings possible. I had “light” half periods and spotting with two of mine – didn’t even realise I was pregnant until I was 2 months down the track because of it OR maybe the stress of the past few weeks has thrown your system a bit out of whack.
Bettina’s last blog post..Sleeping Beauty?
My pendulum said you was pregs. I was very surprised when you got your period. And I started to doubt my abilities.
witchypoo’s last blog post..Tickle Me Tuesday the Third
Here’s hoping!
Karen’s last blog post..Darn You, Murphy!
I think you must be, and I hope you are! It would be so cool for us to be preggers at the same time.
Marie’s last blog post..How to Find the Perfect Name
There is something unusual going on. It could be a response to stress. Or, you could be pregnant. For the meantime, go with pregnant until it’s proved otherwise. However, if strange stuff continues for too much longer, don’t be shy about seeing a Doctor.
Lou’s last blog post..new painting – new update
Very few of your entries DON’T go under the TMI heading… 😉
But I persevere anyway, that’s devotion 😉
Oh, and good luck !
Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..Tit-less Monday
I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
Ree’s last blog post..The Arrangement(s)
Fingers crossed for you pumpkin… I will take my mobile to Tafe today.. So ring me if you need me…
((((hugs)))) mum
frogpondsrock’s last blog post..wordless wednesday
I really hope that this is it!! But the pinky colour doesn’t sound good to me.
***holding all digits for you***
Jenty’s last blog post..You know you’re getting old when…
no idea hun..
but good luck anyways.. 🙂
let me know..
got nothing. except we all know witchypoo is genius.
Dawn’s last blog post..Carseat
Yes, totally possible. If and as soon as you get a positive, go to doctor because if you are bleeding you may need progesterone pills (that was the case with me). K?Bai!
Dre the Texican’s last blog post..Look Y’alls! I’m Studying!
good luck…..
Ooh, I have all kinds of things crossed for you. I hope everything turns out great.
julie’s last blog post..Wednesday.
So be careful moving!
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Apparently, it comes apart.
I agree with Lotus, be careful moving just in case.. . I also went through something similar to this a few weeks ago with my period. It was much lighter and shorter than usual, and it barely felt like a period……I was also in the midst of packing and prepping for the move. I think mine was attributed it to the stress.
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Home Adaptation
not likely. sadly. have you tried an ovulation predictor kit?
zoe’s last blog post..The Vector
Here’s hoping!
Leslie’s last blog post..When I Cannot Sing My Heart I Can Only Speak My Mind, Julia*