
As bloggers, we regularly get trolls and flamers. This doesn’t stop it sucking each and every time it happens. It still feels like a kick to the guts and still leaves us questioning our words and intentions.

Mostly trolls and flamers spread their nastiness in your comments section, or via nasty emails (I have been lucky enough to avoid emails, mostly because my trolls don’t like to be recognised).

So, when I found myself flamed in another blogs comments, I was shocked to say the least. Then I was stressed and then I had to laugh about the number of mistakes this person made in their comment.

Lets just say, I don’t think they are familiar with blogging at all.

Anyway, Mum has written a post about it, including a link to the post where I was flamed. Thanks Mum.

I know that as bloggers, the best thing is just to ignore the trolls and hopefully they will go away. However, this just seems a little bit more personal. Go visit Mum, and see the comment and you will see why.

Thanks guys, I heart you.

Also, thank you so much for all the supportive comments I got from my last few posts. You don’t know how much they meant to me. Maybe that is why I feel that Andy’s comment is so personal, because it happened when I was so down.



26 responses to “Flamed”

  1. Memarie Lane Avatar

    I got flamed once in someone else’s comments. The blogger is a good IRL friend of mine and I said something that I knew she’d get, but someone new to the blog thought I was being rude. So both the blogger and I had fun with that one.

    And I got flamed on my own blog once when I was still on myspace, by a very nasty relative who actually started a myspace account just to post the nasty comments. But the things she said were just so ridiculous and out of touch that I simply left them up there, and my other commenters bashed them so much that they finally went back and deleted them themselves. And I actually got an apology.

    Memarie Lanes last blog post..Don’t say I never gave you anything.

  2. Lou Avatar

    Sweetheart, i went up on Hook, Line and Sinker’s blog and left a comment directed at Andy. It is awaiting moderation. let’s see if they have the balls to publish the comment – and the other comments they’re getting from everyone else your Mum has enlisted in the cause. Like I said to your Mum – “You don’t fuck with Veronica. Not even.”

    And now for something completely different …..

    Lous last blog post..Where did the day go?

  3. Bettina Avatar

    being flamed is never nice, but particularly when you are already feeling crap. That guy is a wanker and so not worth you feeling bad about.

    cheers big ears 😛

    *throws Veronica some Kirsch soaked strawberries dipped in chocolate*

    Bettinas last blog post..For Kelley

  4. Suzie Avatar

    That was your mum. Thats so funny I was just on her site. Screw them! You know you rock!

    Suzies last blog post..My Superson B

  5. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    Every douchbag needs a home. It appears that Andy has found his at HLS. Which means you run far FAR away. People who can type, spell and use complete sentences need not apply. Sorry this happened to you.

    I was called to the mat on another woman’s blog about a year ago. I was being supportive of her “situation” as were dozens of other bloggers, then I was called out BY NAME by a woman telling me I’m going to hell. It annoyed me for days, then I just had to laugh and get on with it.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Who Needs Disneyland When Mickey’s Living at My House

  6. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    Ugh, I knew just what you mean. Sometimes, though, I even read another person’s post, and I paraoidishly (word?) feel as though they are annoyed with me, because of something they’re writing about.

    Need meds much? (or please just tell me this is normal)

    I’m off to see what the dickface said….

    Sarcastic Moms last blog post..Luckily, I was not forced to Monster Hurl.

  7. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    Looks like someone stuck a Cod up Andy’s butt. I say let him sit and rotate on it.

    You are far better than that stupid website, V. I’d petition other, much better sites to write for.

    In fact, you could probably contribute something to Blissfully Domestic. You should really ask Alli about that. You do lovely things in the kitchen, or you could talk about gardening, earth conservation tips, child-rearing tips. Open a line of communication with her and see what her ideas for you might be.

    (But give her a bit right now, she just birthed Baby #5.)

    Seriously though. That website is FAR below you.

    Sarcastic Moms last blog post..Luckily, I was not forced to Monster Hurl.

  8. Taz Avatar


    Tazs last blog post..30 Weeks Old..

  9. Taz Avatar


    Tazs last blog post..30 Weeks Old..

  10. Jenn Avatar

    Well some people are just rude or morons or both so who cares , don’t let it bother you . Have a good day and forget abou the jerk!

  11. Jenn Avatar

    about haha you know what I meant

  12. zoe Avatar

    someone needs a box of scorpions sent…

    zoes last blog post..This is the end

  13. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    Well he did have a point…

    I’m joking!!! honest.

    Ignore the prick. Bigger fish & all that.

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..A fornication fifty-fifty

  14. Talina Avatar

    Ha, that added some sunshine to my Monday! The ignorance is entertaining! I left my 2 cents also…

    It seems hey are just a tad butt hurt about not having a writing personality or readers for that matter.. Too much pride, not enough business sense. LOL!

    Too fun!

    Talinas last blog post..The earth is cooking me!

  15. Jenn Avatar

    Hey I was tagged and since I don’t really have any friends on here yet and talk to you the most I tagged you ok? you can see it over at my blog . Have a good day !

  16. Jenty Avatar

    What an arsehole!! I would not have been happy either.

    Jentys last blog post..Heard on the radio

  17. Tanya Avatar

    It happens to everyone. In real life there are people who you DON’T say things to like that…like cops. But in your blog-land anyone can say anything and that is the beauty of it. There are so many things you read that people wouldn’t say in real life.

    I used to comment all the time on things but after receiving an offensive reply in email I ended up givng up.

    This is a different place to real life. That guy probably hasn’t the guts to say anything to anyone, he’s probably a coward who has never stuck up for himself, you never know.

  18. Tanya Avatar

    P.S it’s meant to be about fishing…not about people arguing about blogging….

  19. Dirty Laundry Diva Avatar

    What a silly bitter guy! Don’t let it get you down!

    Dirty Laundry Divas last blog post..Being on the news does not always equal big bucks!

  20. Anja Avatar

    Honey, this jerk isn’t worth it. You know that, of course… but it hurts more when you’re feeling down. When I was being slammed by asshat comments, the jerks seemed to have a radar for when I was feeling at my lowest. *sigh*

    Heh, the guy is such a worm, it seems apt to find him on a fishing site.

    Anjas last blog post..Someone’s gonna get a little whoomp ass.

  21. Suze Avatar

    Mines awaiting moderation, too.

    They’ll never publish our comments in a million years unfortunately.

    Generally though – my usual advice is to ignore trolls. By posting about them etc, you just give them more attention, something they don’t deserve.

  22. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    I’m so sorry V. That is terrible that anyone would flame you. YOU! You are the sweetest blogger ever. I’m off to see about this.

    Sandy (Momisodes)s last blog post..What’s in the Bag

  23. Kat Avatar

    Fu&% that Sh*&!!

    I’m going to go look.

    Kats last blog post..What Happens In Vegas… Doesn’t Always Stay There

  24. tiff Avatar


    I will go and look promise but i have seen the next post and i am so happy for you, SO happy that i am crying as I am typing.


    tiffs last blog post..Space face.

  25. Burgh Baby Avatar

    OK, so how do I avoid having people email me nasty things? I haven’t had a rude comment in I don’t know how long, but two people have actually taken the time to set up a fake email address just so they could send me nasty. WTH?

    Ignore those guys, btw. Their blog is just a way to keep new content going up on the site so that Google doesn’t ignore it. Which it does anyway since the content sucks.

    Burgh Babys last blog post..Just Cause for a Shy Streak and Some Fun

  26. […] would like to give these flowers to everyone that commented here or on Veronica’s post. […]