For Sale or Trade:
One toddler. Slightly snot encrusted, but in a much better mood than yesterday. Is currently running, jumping, leaping and shouting BOO! at me. Can stand on one foot, hop, count, sing (tonelessly) and talk. Also gives good cuddles, declares ‘I LOVE you!’ occasionally and will accept any and all kisses.
Hates having her hair brushed, having me wash her face (hence the snot encrustation), raw pumpkin and being told no.
Is still mostly incapable of sleeping through the night, although occasionally she will sleep through for 3 nights and then wake up every hour for a month.
Likes any and all food (except raw pumpkin) olives and cheese especially, feeding herself, reading books all by herself, stealing any and all food from my plate. Loves being outside, kissing Daddy and climbing (onto the bench/table specifically). Is a good problem solver and will move objects so that she can climb/destroy/wreck-rend things properly. Will play with something only until she figures out how it works, then throw it away.
Be careful, she can open lids of things.
For Sale or Trade:
One 6 month old puppy.
Chews things. Alot. Has a penchant for toddler shoes and women’s underwear (both stolen from the washing pile and clean). Barks only occasionally and is generally quiet.
Has shown lots of talent in the garden digging area, so if you need a digging dog, she would be perfect. Digs up pea seedlings in order to eat them. Eats everything, so is a little tubby due to living on a Toddler diet.
Insists on chasing and chewing on the cats, much to my annoyance at 2am. As much as she bashes them though, I caught her curled up asleep with the Tortoiseshell kitten this morning. Heh.
Is good with toddlers, randomly cleaning faces and playing. Doesn’t seem to like snot much though, probably a good thing.
For Sale or Trade:
2 Kittens.
Mostly grown, one tortoishelle and one tabby. Have no names aside from The Tortoiseshell and The Tabby. Both can catch birds, mice, frogs and lizards, although I try and discourage frog and lizard catching.
In fact, I can hear frenzied bird squeaking right now. Oh no wait, that’s okay, it’s gone quiet. I don’t suppose I will have to feed them now.
They don’t eat much and they cope well with puppy chewing and toddlerness. Will however eat any and all table scraps (including peas and carrots) if allowed. Continuously surprise me by not getting fat (like the dog).
They don’t eat my underwear or scratch or miaow.
Although, one of them is living in my roof of a night time (does anyone want their own personal roof cat?).
Generally unaffectionate and a little skittish.
For the toddler, I want at least her weight in chocolate and you can only borrow her. For an hour.
For the Cats, well they are worth their weight in gold with the lack of mice I have had lately. So gold offers only.
And for the puppy? Well at the moment I am willing to accept any offer. She’s giving me the shits.
27 responses to “For Sale or Trade”
i know deep down you love them alot.. 🙂
is Mumma cat still around?
Tazs last blog post..49 Weeks Old
Ohhhh – I think I’ll pass on all three offers thanks all the same!
Glad to hear Amy is on the mend though 😉
Yep, she is a cutie. I’m eating all the chocolate though. I’ll need that energy to run after her. :]
Mrs. Cs last blog post..Morning Jump-Start.
We can work something out if you are willing…
I have 3 boys, one bulldog, one angst-ridden cat and 10 wild turkeys.
Deal or no deal?
texasholly @ June Cleaver Nirvanas last blog post..An issue of space
Just keep telling yourself that one day, she will have a daughter just like her. I believe my mother used to say that to me. I don’t know what she meant by it. I never gave my mother the frustration my daughter gives me. LOL….one day, you will look back on all this and laugh. She sounds like my neice, too bad they don’t live closer to each other. They could get into lots of mischief together…
Jenn FLs last blog post..Dreary
glad Amy is feeling better.
Love your classified ads 😉
Nah, you can keep the lot of ’em, but I’ll send you a truck load of chocolate if you’ll take The Spouse and Feral Beast for a couple of decades or so 😛
Jaynes last blog post..Trivial History October 1
LOL. U haz Ceiling Cat.
Hehe I love your writing! At least she’s feeling better… right? >_<
Marylins last blog post..Hai, I’m busy!!
Bahahahahaaa… I do like Jenn FL’s comment very much… Bahhahahahaaa *snirk*
frogpondsrocks last blog post..Wordless Wednesday..
Oh, I doubt that they would clear customs, never mind survive such a long plane ride in the cargo hold.
witchypoos last blog post..Chip Mittens
That’s one talented toddler. And while the offer is tempting, I think one more toddler even for just an hour would put me in the loony bin.
Jennis last blog post..Operator, I’d Like to Place an International Call…
Umm…no thanks. Well, I would take a cat but hubby won’t let me have more than one.
Debs last blog post..Lets get ready to rumble…
Snot encrustation? Easily solved with a long sleeved shirt. As for the rest? A large bird of prey – like an eagle, maybe. Yeah, that’s the ticket, and eagle, which would also keep various rodents at bay, as well. See? Solved all you problems and I get to keep my chocolate. Oh, and the non-sleeping toddler thing? Lace her milk with Guinness.
lceels last blog post..The End’s Beginning – The Kid – Part 10
I have my own snot encrustation problems right now, thanks. 😉
Rees last blog post..Another One Bites The Dust
All I have to trade is one grumpy husband and a neurotic cat that pulls all her hair out on her hips.
How much for the first one?
Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Irony travels
I’ll pass. I already have three of the first and can not handle the others right now. 😉
Kathryns last blog post..Becoming Mom
Would love the kittens, but don’t have any gold. As for the others, get to steal a toddler for a day in a few weeks so no thanks on that, and not much for dogs, so you can keep those.
Megans last blog post..ACL
Will trade 1 chubby, chewing, digging dog for 3 barky, bark, bark wiener dogs. 3 for 1 value! Great deal! Act now!
Do you have a paypal account?
Just Kat Stuffs last blog post..Three Kids, God Help Me
can I trade you for the feral cats which scratched my new car last night by sliding down the side of it?
Sorry I already have a digging dog . Don’t want a cat and I have a baby. Glad she’s feeling a little better.
Jenns last blog post..Diaper Rash and The Giveaway !
I’ll trade you your TWO! year old for two THREE!!! year olds.
tiffs last blog post..She doesn’t remember but I will never forget.
I’ll swap your 2 year-old daughter for my 2 year-old son who’s getting his 2 year molars and has had a fever for 4 days and is covered in snot (hmmm, a theme??) and is TOTALLY PSYCHO and can ONLY be quieted with copious amounts of Baby Einstein movies WHILE BEING CUDDLED BY MOMMY ONLY while holding his blue blankie.
But only for an hour.
Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Crab Apple Betty Ala Mud
Good luck! You are on the downhill slope!!!
Micheles last blog post..And…it’s time to “Boo” the neighbors!
Wow – he’s really growing! I had the same middle-of-the-night need to eat with my first pregnancy. I’d get up and eat a granola bar sometime around 5 a.m. I couldn’t make it through the night!
Taras last blog post..Like we didn’t know…