Fuck Teeth

by Veronica on December 14, 2009

in Life

I would just like to say – Fuck teeth.

Specifically, the two top teeth of Isaac’s, that partially broke through the surface 2 nights ago and haven’t moved anywhere since. They’re just sitting there, almost through, causing pain and angst and woe.

So uh, fuck you evolution. I don’t like teeth. We should all just eat mush.

Mmmmm, mush.


I’d also like to say fuck you to my period and the period pain it leaves me with. Thanks to enough pain killers to down an ox, I’m able to move through my day semi-normally.

It wasn’t much good this morning when the pain meds hadn’t yet kicked in and I was a ball of misery who couldn’t move, breath, or be touched without crying/moaning.

It was bad.


In other news:

I haven’t really mentioned this yet, although a few people have found me already. I have another blog, a ‘writing’ blog. Slightly more professional and definitely darker. You can take a look if you like.

Only mentioning it because I’ve got two posts up there that I wouldn’t mind you having a look at.

One is on Tasmania, as part of Shannon’s ‘Around the world in 80 blogs’ challenge and the other is a humorous look at blogging that I’m quite happy with.

Tanya December 14, 2009 at 9:49 pm

Going to the links…now! lol

Bendy Girl December 14, 2009 at 11:16 pm

I seem to have missed your last few posts somehow. Glad to hear wedding cake such a success, not so glad to hear of the miserable period body issues. Me too atm!
Off to check out your other blog now, love to all, BG Xx

Mrs. C December 14, 2009 at 11:23 pm

Oh man do you sound like you’re in a lot of pain today. I wish I could help you out! Can Isaac chew on a frozen bagel or does he have food issues like Amy?

Hugs your way.

Martin December 15, 2009 at 5:02 am

That title is gonna get you some freaky hits…

shygirl December 15, 2009 at 12:45 pm

hey, have you heard of endometriosis? okay, that’s spelled wrong, but its the general idea. Anyway, I had horrific periods some years ago, and took enough painkillers to start wrecking my insides. I eventually had a laproscopy(quick in-and-out day surgery)for endometriosis, which is when bits of the lining migrate out of the uterus, take up living in other parts, but still do their monthly thing in places they are not meant to. I wished I had done it years earlier, it made such a difference.

taz December 15, 2009 at 1:11 pm

will visiti links a little later..

hope those teeth come thru very soon and that your period goes very quickly..

Renee @ Just_A_Mumma December 15, 2009 at 1:30 pm

So maybe there is an upside to Big H not having any teeth?! Lol

river December 15, 2009 at 4:55 pm

“.. enough painkillers to down an ox”. Ha. I remember when my girl worked in the deli, she’d arrive at work with glazed eyes and the deli manager would take one look and tell all the others not to let her near the slicer for the day. Period pain sucks. Each of my girls would triple the pain relief dose printed on the packet for at least 24 hours and sometimes 48, just like I do now with my arthritis and muscle aches. Packet says 2 panadol every 6 hours? Pffft!! I’m taking 4 every 4 hours. Doc checks me out regularly and I’m fine.
Hoping Isaac’s teeth are through by the time you read this. Do you have something to rub on his gums? You could put his favourite chew toy in the freezer then give it to him, the cold will numb the gums for a while.

achelois December 17, 2009 at 3:03 pm

EDS & hormones do not mix I know. Worried a little Veronica though about the severity of your period pain – I understand pain hormones and EDS but this level of period pain and are they still ridiculously heavy should be investigated by a gynae doc. You shouldn’t have to put up with this level. I know its your second? for a long while so it may take a while for things to settle but even so… Evening Primrose is good for raging PMT, sometimes………

Poor Issac – you could try waving some Christmas sweeties just too high for him to reach and they might suddenly pop through. oooh that sounds bad am just thinking carrot – stick stuff. Forgive me.

I like BG haven’t had posts in my reader either p’raps the reins are pulled in tight already and google are censoring title’s already. That’s a jest too before you feel all paranoid.

Next week will be better and that is an order. I am handing out orders this week seeing as I feel all out of control and that.

Take care.

tiff December 17, 2009 at 9:30 pm

Thinking of you hon, hoping you are feeling a bit better tonight.

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