Fuck the greenhouse, fuck the weather and where the fuck is my holiday spirit?

Remember the greenhouse?

Well, it held up mostly brilliantly, until this morning. Obviously the holiday stress has been getting to it, because it tried to fly away this morning. Unfortunately, greenhouses built out of bendy metal poles aren’t designed for flying and instead it flopped down, 6 inches away from where it started, slightly bent and a little worse for wear. Also lucky, it tried to fly away while I was checking my morning emails, so I spotted it and had it pinned back down quite quickly.

An hour later, it tried to fly again, this time uprooting itself from the bottom poles in order to do so. A few bags of potting mix, some more tape and some ingeniousness, and it was stuck back down. Again.

The weather today has been getting progressively worse, colder and windier. Certainly a day for hiding inside with hot chocolate, not a day for preventing flying greenhouses, because you guessed it, it tried to fly again.

More successful than the first two attempts, this time it flew a good three feet in the air, before collapsing back down with a giant thud, trying again and pulling all of the support beams out.

I tried to fix it, I really did. But once I made my way into the internals of the flying greenhouse, it tried to impale me, rather viciously. The wind tore the plastic out of my grip, metal poles were flying everywhere and after being beaten by a flying pole and worrying about my internal organs, I bailed out.

Really, can you blame me?

It’s still tied down, so really, it’s not doing anything other than flopping around like a fish on the end of a line and occasionally trying to murder me when I get too close.

I was already short on Christmas spirit before the assassination attempt. A nasty flu virus that turned into a chest infection, coupled with a period that has lasted almost 5 weeks now (despite me being on the pill) and a course of prednisone to keep me breathing have all conspired to make me grinchy.
Really really grinchy.

But! It seems the blogosphere isn’t half as grinchy as I am, because we’ve managed to raise an extraordinary amount of money to send presents to the children stuck in detention on Christmas Island.

The amazing Louisa decided that she wanted to send things and she mobilised the blogsphere and our various sponsors into helping. As I write, she has almost made the amount of money needed to courier the gifts to the detention centre and any extra money donated will be spent on gifts to add to the parcels.

I even managed to get Cal Wilson to tweet about it.

If there is any chance you can donate, or if you’re in Melbourne, get gifts to Louisa to be sent, then please, go and check out her blog for how to do that.

And hopefully, by the time I’ve pressed publish, my inner grinch will have been tamed with something that isn’t a metal bar trying to stab me. I think the Universe is telling me something.



13 responses to “Fuck the greenhouse, fuck the weather and where the fuck is my holiday spirit?”

  1. Fiona Avatar

    Foucs on the good, focus on the good x bajillion.

    If that means looking outwards, then so be it.

    take care xx

  2. Frogpondsrock Avatar

    It does look a tad vicious. Don’t turn your back on it, will you.

  3. Farmers Wifey Avatar

    When you find your Christmas Spirit give it my address so I can partake…

  4. Marita Avatar

    We’ve had a big Christmas lunch with special friend of ours today so this comment is coming to you through the filter of a Turkey induced coma.

    The greenhouse is evil. I believe we need to nuke it from orbit to ensure its permanent demise. Otherwise you just know it is going to spawn little baby greenhouses of evil. Also you don’t want it infecting the ducks with evil. You think this greenhouse has it in for you, I saw watch out for the Ducks of Evil for they will rip away your very soul and feed it to the baby ducklings. Then watch out world.

    Christmas spirit. Bah Humbug! Bugger making the rum balls, I’m just going to drink the rum.

  5. BendyGirl Avatar

    The universe is trying to tell you that your greenhouse has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome! I mean seriously…what else could cause multiple bendy pole collapses, repeated attempts to get up and move only to flop down a few feet away and that stubborn spirit to keep on trying again! Hope you’re feeling better in time for xmas sweetie BG Xx

  6. Frogpondsrock Avatar

    You know this reminds me of that sheep Harold. Notice also that the Greenhouse did not so much fly as…plummet.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      This has me cracking up. Big time. I’ll also adore everyone else who gets the reference.

  7. Barbara Avatar

    Bwhahaha – laughing at BG’s comment. Of course, a greenhouse with EDS.

    I also hope you’re feeling better for Christmas and that you manage to tame that greenhouse.

  8. sharon Avatar

    Back to the drawing board then Veronica. Perhaps saving for a more substantial greenhouse is going to be the way ahead for those tender crops. You may be able to salvage the remnants of the current one as a sort of lean-to arrangement or in the shelter of some hedging planted in the future which would filter and break up the force of the wind. A nice Rosemary barrier could do the trick at minimal cost and it grows quite quickly.

  9. Fred Miller Avatar

    I’m picturing Snoopy sparring with the beach chair in A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.

  10. Libby Avatar

    The holidays are hard on everyone.

  11. river Avatar

    I say tie a longer rope to it and let it fly like a kite. Paint funny faces on it first.

  12. […] The greenhouse failed, due to wind and a general lack of ACTUAL strength, able to stand up to you know, ACTUAL WEATHER. […]