Got Nothing

by Veronica on August 10, 2009

in Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

I knew it was coming. It’s actually been creeping up one me slowly for the last 6 weeks or so, but I’ve been pushing through it. The kids need food and the floor needs vacuuming because honestly, while I can look the other way when Isaac eats a tissue (clean? dirty? ummmm, you tell me…) I can’t ignore him trying to chew his way through Amy’s left over cereal she spilled (it was dry cereal. So sue me) as he gnaws on the dogs leg and we all sneeze our way through the dust.

I’m crashing.

The pain in my hands is getting worse. I’ve been spending an awful lot of time wandering around clutching alternate wrists and rubbing them. Panadol has been disappearing like lollies as I just get through today.

Horizontal parenting has been my friend as I need to lay down right now. Isaac wiggles all over me while Amy jumps on the both of us and we all lay in front of the fire while I pray no one needs anything because standing up might make me pass out.

And today, I think I’m done.

My blood pressure has been so low that by the time I had the kids in bed, I fell onto the couch and told Nathan I was dying. Heh.

Now Nathan. I love him, but he can’t read my mind. Terrible flaw in a man if you ask me. I have to actually (GASP) tell him exactly what I need to make me feel better. So I flopped all over him with my feet higher than my head to prevent me passing out and requested the things I need to feel better.

A sandwich with the left over roast lamb. Lots of salt to get my blood pressure back up. And salad dressing because I wanted to pretend it was my go-to cure of cucumber, salt and vinegar.

A pillow to raise my feet until I stopped feeling like my head was just going to float away…

Oh and some panadol. And a cup of tea to wash them down.

Surprise surprise, if I give the man concise directions, he’s pretty awesome. I think I’ll keep him.

So crashing. Everything hurts and I can’t seem to hold a train of thought very long. Isaac has gotten incredibly heavy and omg Amy please don’t jump on me. I can’t catch you today.


I’m going to go and hide under my rock for a little bit.

Have some photos to tide you over.

On the upside, Amy pooed in the toilet for the first time ever. I’ve never been more pleased to see poo.

Baby Lettuce

Spring is coming


Photos of the kids next time. Lately they don’t sit still long enough for me to take any good ones and I don’t have the energy for chasing.

Oh and Mum is hosting a give-away. You should go and enter.

witchypoo August 10, 2009 at 9:50 pm

Oh,darlin, this must have you scared spitless. But? Amy pood in the toilet!

lceel August 10, 2009 at 10:55 pm

Yay for Amy. That’s really good news. And I have a question, given my own close association with EDS. What type of EDS have they diagnosed you with? Or are they just calling it ‘EDS’?

This low blood pressure thing has me worried – it is NOT common in EDS people to experience low blood pressure – the type of EDS that DOES experience low blood pressure is extremely rare – like 10 cases worldwide.

I have a feeling that if you have low blood pressure, there is another agent at work – it could very well be that your EDS is not responsible and something else IS.

I would encourage you to seek out an opinion targeted at your low blood pressure – specifically. If it is EDS causing it, make someone tell you so.

Veronica August 10, 2009 at 10:59 pm

Lou, I was diagnosed with Classical and Hypermobility EDS. I’ll get the doctor to check out the blood pressure thing.

I’m off for more blood tests anyway because of the Livedo Reticularis that showed up on the backs of my legs. (It’s a pretty purple/red lacy almost rash looking thing. Fun)

Marie August 10, 2009 at 11:18 pm

Yay Amy! I remember how hard it was with my stepson to get him to use the potty. Then, when he did? AWESOME. Yay!

I wish I lived down the road so I could drive over to help you. Darn geography.

Mrs. C August 10, 2009 at 11:39 pm

Wow. I don’t know how you are able just to do the basics. Kids fed and safe, and nevermind the vacuuming. This is pretty scary stuff, though, and I have to wonder if there were some emergency med you could take when you felt yourself going? Like an epi-pen for an allergic person? It’s just scary. Are you going to get a medical bracelet too? Not that they are very fashionable, but might be helpful in emergency.

Taz August 10, 2009 at 11:59 pm

hope it all gets better for you soon hun..

is Issac crawling yet? any teeth?>

Marylin August 11, 2009 at 12:13 am

Well done Amy for pooing in the toilet! Things get *much* easier once they’re toilet trained.

Sending you lots of love sweetheart. xxx

Andi August 11, 2009 at 2:04 am

There were times in the early years of Motherhood that I seriously didn’t think I could go on another day. But that was without a debilitating illness and a shitload of grief piled on top. I can’t imagine how overwhelmed you must be. Thank goodness you have an awesome guy who is taking a bit of the burden away from you. Hang on (by your fingernails if you must) and know that this will get better. It WILL!

Bendy Girl August 11, 2009 at 2:06 am

Sorry Lou, but from my understanding low blood pressure is very closely associated with EDS. Von, I’m sure you’ve read some stuff about autonomic dysfunction/POTS being closely linked.

The theory seems to be that because of the extra stretchyness of the blood vessels the blood pools when we stand, meaning the pulse rises as the heart works harder and BP drops. (or rises, mine does both!)
I think that’s something to do with the Livedo Reticularis too as I’ve never seen an EDS’er without that in varying forms, but get it all fully checked anyway. We also tend to have Raynauds

Having said that, darlin’ you sound exhausted and that won’t help. Can you get some stronger pain relief off the doc (it’ll reduce all your other symptoms too) More importantly, can you get some more help with housework/childcare to take the pressure off you a bit? Have you applied for any disability benefits?

Hugs n love, BG x x x

PS Go Amy!!!!

Xbox4NappyRash August 11, 2009 at 3:18 am

Just please look after yourself for fuck sake.

frogpondsrock August 11, 2009 at 7:04 am

Oh sweetheart. You did look shocking yesterday. Give me a ring if you need me to come around. I like your photo of the lettuce, clever girl.

Veronica August 11, 2009 at 8:48 am

Bendy, yes, I tried to tell the doctor that the Livedo Reticularis was EDS caused, but apparently the fact sheets on it say nothing about EDS. No matter that the EDS sheets say lots about LR. Anyway, yet another blood draw isn’t going to kill me in the scheme of things.

Sarah August 11, 2009 at 8:51 am

Whooo hooo! Poos in the loo! Yahoo! Weird though, did my Amy call your Amy over the weekend because we had a poo in the toilet on Sunday afternoon as well. Then an afternoon of dry knickers and wees in the potty and yesterday Amy went to playgroup with knickers on and had no accidents. She did protest yesterday afternoon so I put her back in a nappy and she poo’d in her sleep last night again, but hey, its progress.

Sorry you are feeling so rubbish, I think some horizontal parenting and issuing of instructions is prescribed for a few days.

Jayne August 11, 2009 at 9:37 am

Yay for toilet poo!
Superglue Amy to the loo, glue Isaac to his bouncer and Nathan in an apron to get your goodies 😉
Yep, get that BP checked, increase your fluids during the day to boost it up, too. What’s your heart rate like?

Ree August 11, 2009 at 10:26 am

The photos are beautiful. And so are you.

tiff August 11, 2009 at 11:19 am

I know it’s very blech of me to say but take care of you, okay?
I know, sorry, I honestly wish there was something I could do for you and my words just seem like a big mess on the page that won’t really bring much good to you but
I’m thinking of you and hoping that things get a bit better for you soon.
It must be so hard to want to have normality but all you are left with is a feeling of utter exhaustion and pain.

Sharon August 11, 2009 at 12:06 pm

Sorry you are feeling so bad lately. Watch your paracetamol consumption, maybe alternate it with codeine, ibuprofen or aspirin (if you can tolerate any of them)as too much paracetamol will damage your liver and you really don’t need to add that to your list of woes. It is definitely worth getting a check up with your GP for alternative pain meds and maybe something to raise your BP. Quite possible some of your problems are caused by depression, which is not surprising given the events of past year or so.

And housework? As long as you and the kids are safe, fed and reasonably clean a bit of dust won’t hurt.


Tanya August 11, 2009 at 1:38 pm


Hyphen Mama August 11, 2009 at 4:21 pm

Your camera rocks! No picture of the poo? No? that’s just me? Hmmm, I must reconsider my sanity.

I really hope you find some answers regarding your health. Sometimes horizontal parenting is the best we can do.

river August 11, 2009 at 5:11 pm

“Horizontal parenting”. Love it. Could you perhaps have just the tiniest pinch of salt in each drink of water you have throughout the day? Not enough that you can taste it, but over the course of the day it might help to keep your blood pressure up. Keep on at your doctor too, he should know that the EDS and LR are related. I agree with Bendy that you should apply for some disability benefits.
Lasty, Amy is AWESOME! Take it easy, okay?
(Nathan, look after our girl)

Jenni August 11, 2009 at 11:04 pm

you’ve had such a shit time these last several weeks. sounds like nathan is doing a good job. i hope you get what you need.

Kat August 12, 2009 at 1:45 am

Beautiful pictures. Sorry you’re feeling crappy. Hooray for poo in the toilet!! I jumped for joy over that first one.

Barbara August 12, 2009 at 1:51 am

Yay for Amy’s poo (not a sentence I ever imagined myself typing before having children) and yay for Nathan although a shame he hasn’t really cracked the mind-reading thing.

But boo hiss ya boo sucks to the EDS.

Your photo’s are wonderful and given the amount of pain you must be in at the moment I am very impressed.

Pia August 18, 2009 at 7:33 am

The photos are beautiful, and so are you. Sending you lots of love.

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