Hadrians Walk

by Veronica on July 8, 2010

in Blogging

When I heard that Martin was planning on walking 84 miles in 6 days, across England, I might have laughed at him a bit. Just a little. Okay, I choked eventually.

But you know what? He’s 3 days into it and so far whilst he is suffering a bit (okay, a lot) he’s not dead yet.

Frankly, I think all the walkers are mad, absolutely bloody mad, but it’s such a good cause, how can I begrudge them their madness. So, even as I laughed about Martin walking his feet off, I threw some money his way, so that it was at least worth his blood, sweat and tears.

If you’re interested, you can watch the tweets come in by searching #hadrianswalk on twitter (and there, I’ve even linked it for you!) and Dad Who Writes is keeping us all updated at the end of each day.

The money raised goes to the Joseph Salmon Trust.

Joseph Salmon was a little boy who died of pneumonia when he was three. A year after his death his parents set up the Joseph Salmon trust to give financial support to parents in the Huddersfield and Mirfield areas, whose child has died.

So, you know, it’s a good cause and everything.

Basically, I’m asking you to dig deep and donate a few pence to the Joseph Salmon Trust, so that they can help out bereaved parents.

OR, if you don’t have the money (which hey, I know that feeling well, without my ad revenue I wouldn’t have been able to donate a cent) you can go and comment on THIS POST, where $1 will be donated for every comment left. (fine print: One comment per person and a valid email address MUST be left).

And if you’re so inclined, cheer the walkers along on twitter by using the #hadrianswalk hashtag. They’ll (probably) be grateful for all the support they can get (from us lazy internet friends sitting at home in our warm living rooms….).


Photo credit: Dad Who Writes

Tanya July 8, 2010 at 3:15 pm

An excellent cause. I left a comment not because I’m stingy, but because moving interstate I literally have no money and am living off 2 minute noodles.

Ro July 8, 2010 at 3:16 pm

Y’know, Hadrian built that wall for a good reason…to keep the mad, nutter Scottish walkers out 😛

Veronica July 8, 2010 at 3:23 pm

Tanya – I know how that feels! I’m lucky to have had ad revenue to donate, otherwise I would have just had to comment there too.


Fiona July 8, 2010 at 4:12 pm

The more I see this, I’ve FINALLY got around to giving :p Thank the paypal account

kim(frogpondsrock) July 8, 2010 at 7:10 pm

Thanks sweety

Martin July 13, 2010 at 7:53 pm

Aw cheers. Day 2 was the worst physical experience I’ve ever had, day 3 would have been just as bad if it wasn’t for the stunning surrounds as you can see above.

It’s looking like the target 20K will be met, and probably passed, so thanks for the plugging and help.

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