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We were having a sort of okay morning before the post arrived. Amy kept escaping out into the big yard, to run around and when I brought her back inside, we had tears and tantrums. FYI baling twine is great stuff to tie gates shut. Too tricky for small hands to untie. Awesome.
She’d just had yet another tantrum and Susie, the puppy jumped all over her making it so much worse, when the mailman came.
Getting the post is exciting don’tyouknow. Probably because it involved the big yard, yet again.
I’m not sure what made her happier, the fact that we got something in the mail from school (letting me know what days playgroups and early learners is on) or the fact that we got a package from Disney containing a dvd AND I let her open it. To the best of her abilities that is.
I waited until Isaac went down for a nap, figuring anything new to keep her quiet during naptime was a good thing, before putting the dvd on.
Now I must admit, I’m not a big fan of kids cartoons. I let Amy watch them most mornings and during dinner prep, but I don’t watch them myself very often. Kids movies, well, that’s a different matter, but we’re talking cartoons here.
So I put Handy Manny – Tooling Around on. Amy curled up on the couch to watch it. I checked emails, got some writing done and watched her reactions.
Dude, she was quiet! QUIET.
The dvd has an autoplay feature (Fastplay?) at the beginning, which was fantastic because I couldn’t find the dvd remote in the beginning. It was less fantastic 40 minutes later when it started playing again, without me touching it, meaning that either I brave the tantrums and turn it off anyway, or let her watch it again.
I’m not feeling very brave, I’m letting her watch it again.
Handy Manny offers messages about teamwork, friendship and community, while having fun with friends. I’m not sure how much of it sunk in to Amy’s head, but it’s not a bad thing for her to be learning at all. If she doesn’t bash Isaac on the head when they play with the building blocks later I’ll be inclined to look twice at the dvd.
The bonus features were a bit beyond Amy – I’m not encouraging her to learn to use the dvd remote just yet, it’s bad enough that she knows how to work the machine by herself.
So that’s that. Anything that gives me 40 minutes peace and quiet can only be a good thing!
20 responses to “Handy Manny – Tooling Around – review”
I love Handy Manny but the sexual tension between Manny & Kelly annoys me, but Mr Loparts crush on Manny amuses me!
ps: glad to see I wasn’t the only one up at a ridiculous time this morning!
I’ve never heard of Handy Manny but he sounds great – if he can keep an active toddler quiet for 40 minutes then he’s my kind of guy frankly.
I vowed that my children would never watch TV – they watch it most days because now I’ve had children I’m a lot more realistic.
Hey Veronica, if you click that disney ad it takes you to the disney page where you can play kiddie games. hehehe
My boys both *adore* Handy Manny too. Zack will even go onto the playhouse disney website to play games about him! lol 🙂
Haven’t heard of this one but if Amy loves it and gets something from it, it’s all good 🙂
Frogponds – true! I just noticed.
If you click the sidebar ads, it takes you to kiddy games!
Oooh I love kiddy games!
My 3 year old enjoys Handy manny too. We haven’t seen this dvd…yet. Just hearing Amy’s reaction, my daughter will love it.
Look, anything to get a few minutes of peace and quiet during the day. Let alone 40 minutes. I’d sell my soul for that!
We love Handy Manny… and since our 2nd language here is Spanish, it’s a great reinforcement of Spanish terms. I want to move to Sheetrock Hills and I still want to be Kelly.
I’m realistic like that.
I did a post on Handy Manny once… it’s the only children’s show I just plain can’t watch.I know it means well, but the episode I saw everyone was speaking pocho (spanglish), dancing to mariachi music while waiting for someone to call them up and hire them. I felt like all they were missing was a Home Depot sign in the background. 😛
However, the fact that it bought you 40 minutes…. WOOT!!!! I may have to revise my opinion of the show if it does the same for me one day!
I’ve never heard of Handy Manny either, but anything that gives you 40 minutes peace and quiet is a good thing. Caring and sharing lessons are a bonus. Next time she beans Isaac with a building block you can say to her Hand Manny wouldn’t do that, he’d think that’s not a nice thing to do…
Why is the big yard off limits? Too big? Too dangerous? Just askin’
River – Big yard is off limits because that’s where the horses are (really, it’s a giant paddock and we’re in the centre of it) and because it fronts a very busy highway.
I totally could have written this! Thank God for TiVO with the auto-stop at the end of each show, or tele watching would be an ongoing experience LOL
My kids love that show too! I love TV some days 🙂
I’d vote for 40 minutes peace and quiet too – especially after my fortnight of bigger-kids-sitting! Back in the early days of the home computer we used to print out loads of outline pictures for colouring in, much cheaper than buying colouring books.
I love Handy Manny and I love fastplay!!!
I think fastplay was invented for mums 🙂
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[…] what, anything that keeps them silent for an hour is worth my time. She was the same way with the Handy Manny DVD that we reviewed, so obviously Disney has their formula and know what works for the short […]
My daughter loves Handy Manny. But … I’m so envious! Handy Manny kept her quiet for 40 minutes?! I wish he could have that same effect on my Julia too! 🙂