We’ve had quite a bit of rain here lately – enough that I am feeling a little cabin fever-y and my children are, despite all of our best efforts, climbing the walls a little bit.
But now, instead of just our paddock looking like a giant puddley duck pond, the Jordan River has decided to get with the program and flood.
Of course, in the scheme of things, this is minor flooding, BOM tells me that the levels are set to reach their peak this afternoon and then start dropping and no one’s house is in any sort of danger.
It does make for pretty photographs however.
And curious sheep.
[All photos taken with my 300mm lens. The flooding is terribly unlikely to get any higher and we would need an awful lot more rain to raise river levels enough to reach us – rain that isn’t predicted.]
13 responses to “Huh, would seem that the Jordan River is a little flooded”
Love that lost shot of the sheep! Great photos! Glad you will all remain safe though.
Great photos!
Hope the rain stops for you guys soon. We had that cabin fever feeling here a fortnight ago.
Beautiful photos. While I’m just *craving* a rainy day, I do hope you get some sunshine soon.
Those aren’t the infamous flying sheep, are they?!
Hope your toes stay dry!
I’d say send me the rain as where I live is facing the worst one year drought in history, but you said you are not getting anymore rain so that does not work. Love the photos.
Could you please send the rain of here to Oklahoma?!?! Pretty please? We really need it as we are experiencing an EPIC DROUGHT!! Thankyousomuch. Oh and the cute little sheep, I promise he will have a good home!
If you stud your walls with overly large pebbles, the kids can learn rock-climbing at the same time….
I love that last sheep looking directly at us.
Also I’m hoping very strongly that it isn’t raining here on Friday.
Because I’m moving…….
Blimey. And I thought my August had been wet so far!
Great Photos we have had our share of flooding up here in QLD don’t want to see rain for a long time still drying out.
Always Wendy x
These photos are amazing. I love the sheep.
We have had our share of flooding up here in QLD hope we don’t see rain for a long time still drying out. Great photos!!
Always Wendy x
We have had our share of flooding up here too in QLD hope we don’t see rain for a long time. Great Photos!!
Yeah for no more rain predicted and safe houses. Yeah for sheep. I could look at sheep pretty much all the time.