I Can Haz Kittens?

This post is for Taz, who has been begging for these photos for a month.

My cat is a stray that adopted Amy for her own. At first, we thought she was feral, but honestly? What kind of feral cat waltzes into your house and smooches on your daughter?

She knew when she was onto a good thing, I swear she thought about it and realised if she made the small human fall in love with her, then nothing could harm her. (It worked incidentally. Cats are smart)

She is missing her back foot, (to a trap I would imagine) so she limps everywhere. Anyways, when she started hanging around here, she was pregnant (dammit! I would love to know who dumped her!). She gave birth to her kittens on the 23rd December and I still don’t know where she chose to give birth. Stupid cat. (Okay, maybe cats aren’t that smart)

Monday she brought the kittens over to the house. The final kitten has been molested by a crow (yeah, word of warning? Don’t leave your kittens unattended near hungry crows.) but the wound is in it’s shoulder is healing nicely now and it can just about walk again.

Taz has been begging me for photos of them since she knew they had been born. Here you go hun.


Aren’t they cute?! Amy thinks they are fantastic. She likes sitting in the middle of them while they are trying to feed, which unfortunately seems to mean that she sits on all three of them.

Poor things.

At least they will be kid friendly for their new homes? Or maybe they will never want to see a Toddler again.

Get your schizophrenic kittens here.



29 responses to “I Can Haz Kittens?”

  1. Bettina Avatar

    pretty pretty.

    My cat was a dumpee who wormed his way into the house then refused to leave. Gots to love em!

    Bettina’s last blog post..hello mouse, you need a house

  2. frogpondsrock Avatar

    I refuse to show this post to your little brother.. I am not looking at these kittens at all..

    *peeps* Gah they are too cute.. which one is ours? your father is going to have a fit..

    kisses mum xxx

    frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday

  3. Tiffany Avatar

    Awww too cute.

    Tiffany’s last blog post..Up, down, up, downโ€ฆ

  4. witchypoo Avatar

    Kitties are always good for a cuteness fix.

    witchypoo’s last blog post..Cheese and Bandwidth and Awards Oh My

  5. Marlee Avatar

    So CUTE! My son wants a cat SO BAD, but his dad’s allergic. ๐Ÿ™

    Marlee’s last blog post..These Ain’t No Badass Shit Kickers

  6. maiden53 Avatar

    The kittens are sooo cute! Amy is lucky to be able to sit in the middle of them. They will be extremely kid-friendly.

    maiden53’s last blog post..Books that I am reading

  7. Lou Avatar

    Cute kittens. We can’t keep pets, unfortunately.
    Zach has allergies. Pet dander and stuff like that. But he LOVES cats. Keeping him and cats apart is sometimes difficult.

    Lou’s last blog post..AN almost Wordless Wednesday

  8. LunaNik Avatar

    Ok, so that’s the cutest thing I have seen in a long time. I wish a cat would wander into my house….

    Come to think of it, I don’t think that cat that I already OWN would like that very much. She’s a bit territorial.

    LunaNik’s last blog post..Untitled

  9. Sandy (Momisodes) Avatar

    Oh my heck! They are so CUTE! Kittens are so precious…yet so full of mischief, hehe ๐Ÿ˜€

    Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Playing With Dynamite

  10. Jenty Avatar

    Aww cute man! They’re gorgeous!! I love kittens.

    Jenty’s last blog post..10 things Iโ€™d buy if I won a million dollars

  11. Just a mom Avatar

    I am a sucker for kitties,,, my hubby is NOT so sucky or is he hahhahaha they are verycute,, and sad,, and I will be back later to catch up on your last post. You might want to wander over to my place and give me your view on the question.

    Just a mom’s last blog post..Day 30,, PONDERING / WONDERING,,,,

  12. Marylin Avatar

    so so cute ๐Ÿ™‚

    Marylin’s last blog post..Last one I promise!!

  13. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    Thank goodness you are so far away. The cuteness slays me and we are down one cat at the moment. It needs to stay that way.

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Toddlers and Teens Are All the Same

  14. Marylin Avatar

    ok and no idea at all why it had my wordpress address saved there^^

    Marylin’s last blog post..A random postโ€ฆ

  15. Marie Avatar

    OMG breastfeeding cats! Why won’t their mom throw a receiving blanket over them? The indecency! ๐Ÿ˜›

    Marie’s last blog post..Starbucks!

  16. missburrows Avatar

    They are cute and they can type (but not spell). Wow, they will be worth millions!

    missburrows’s last blog post..Guilt trips lead nowhere

  17. Taz Avatar

    aww.. aww..

    there the cutest..

    maybe ya could get a pic with all of em facing camera please please..

    and one of mumma cat..

    i hope its not too much to ask.. ๐Ÿ˜›

  18. Taz Avatar

    and thanks so much for doing a post for me.. ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Talina Avatar

    Those are so damn cute! I miss having kittens to enjoy, all my cats are grown and fixed…

    Talina’s last blog post..New stove should be here soon..

  20. Ree Avatar

    How lovely. I’d rather have cats than dogs, I’m so taken by their gracefulness and aloofness (maybe because opposites attract?)

    I wish you could sent them to the U.S. I’d take 3 or 6

    Ree’s last blog post..Another Day When I Send You Away

  21. janethesane Avatar

    Oh, they are adorable. I would love a cat but I am really allergic. I think that is why I chose a pet cat for my blog. If you stop by play with Clarissa for a moment. She loves to chase the ball on the string.

    janethesane’s last blog post..Office Refuse

  22. zoe Avatar

    awww i love me some kittens!

    zoe’s last blog post..Chicken or Tuna?

  23. cookiebitch Avatar

    omg … the crazy cat lady in me just said “gimme gimme gimme” … I’d be the only one on my block with an aussie cat! ๐Ÿ™‚

    cookiebitch’s last blog post..DON’T FORGET TO READ THE LABEL

  24. Kate Avatar

    OMG, kittens!

    I have a weakness when it comes to kittens!


    Kate’s last blog post..My Travel Horror Story: Some Serious Schadenfreude

  25. river Avatar

    They’re adorable. Put a stamp on one and post it to me. That’s Adelaide, remember? Just don’t tell my landlord, lease is VERY specefic on the no pets thing.

  26. amanda Avatar

    haha! I love the drinkz photo. Kittens are so adorable, but I am so allergic. ๐Ÿ™

    amanda’s last blog post..The Martin Scandal Update

  27. Babyamore (Trish) Avatar

    I love the captions and the kittens *sigh* someday I will get another one.

    Babyamore (Trish)’s last blog post..52 blessings to be grateful for on Friday

  28. […] to recall other cute animal photos I have viewed from all my blogging buddies. Veronica also posted some adorable kitten photos that I loved! One of Veronica’s commenters, Kim posted a priceless photo of a pouting child […]