I keep trying to write…

But then something inevitably happens.

Amy runs up and shuts my laptop lid, meaning that I get distracted.

The tiny little kitten climbs my leg, meaning that I swear like a trooper and have to shut everything so I can pry his needle like claws out of my skin. His destination is generally my hip or shoulder, anywhere where Amy can’t throttle him and he is hard to dissuade.

There are cries of ‘bootiful Mummy, look! it’s bootiful. Pretty shiny bootiful!’ as Amy pulls the tinsel and beads off the tree. It’s all about the pretty shiny bootiful here people.

There are requests for food and drink and then tantrums when the food and drink wasn’t exactly what was requested. A little voice telling me ‘Still HUNGWY Mummy, still HUNGWY, please Mummy Amy still HUNGWY’ even when their is food right in front of her. Somehow the difference between chicken sandwiches and chocolate is made astronomically clear when you are Two and actually requested chocolate. How could Mummy misunderstand so badly?

Then once Amy is mostly occupied, there I things I realise that I should be doing. Christmas baking; washing walls; swearing about the carpet stains; washing everything that isn’t tied down. I might be nesting, but goodness knows having Christmas coming up compounds my stress levels something fierce. Things that I could leave for a few more days all need doing right! now! because damn if there isn’t only 6 days until Christmas (and 36 weeks), then there is New Years to get through, then we have 3 weeks left until my due date. If the baby decides to hold on that long.


There are big things left to do, like buying a car that will actually fit 2 car seat, buying a car seat, moving the bedrooms around so that ours will fit a cot, cleaning the carpets (Nathan’s job) and making sure that no one falls through the dining room floor in the meantime.

There are Braxton Hicks contractions to breathe through; not painful but definitely intense. There are ribs to be kicked and I need to try and remember to shower so that I’m not found at the end of the week, unwashed with tangled hair and a scrubbing brush in my hand.

And at the end of the day when I am able to sit and relax and not have to shut my laptop lid eleventy hundred times, there is a bed calling me.

None of this is conducive to writing blog posts. (so that you know, I have been interrupted 12 14 times while writing this much already)

But we’re all good here. Busy and a little stressed and it’s hectic, but we’re holding up. Nathan is working long hours so I’m not getting any backup and we’re just hoping like mad that he doesn’t have to work this weekend, or over Christmas.

Everything is on the countdown. 6 days until Christmas and 34 days until I’m due.

Eventually I will have time to stop and take a breath. Until then you can find me pottering (slowly. v v slowly) around my house, cooking and cleaning and ignoring requests to watch the Banana’s in Pajama’s DVD for the thousandth time.


24 responses to “I keep trying to write…”

  1. tiff Avatar

    Counting down with you and I hear you on the bananas requests. here it is the Fairies and Thomas.
    If only life were that carefree that I could just sit and watch TV all day.

    tiffs last blog post..Toilet training bites hard when your daughter has the runs…

  2. Andi Avatar

    It’s amazing that you can even find the time to post at all! Please stay healthy and enjoy your holidays!

    Andis last blog post..Glad I’m a Girl

  3. Mrs. C Avatar

    OOO! I love Bananas in Pajamas. Haven’t seen them here in ages. VHS went bust-o. No Bananas toys to be had anywhere. Wow I miss ’em.

    OK, I missed you as well LOL!!! ((hugs)) Merry Christmas!

    Mrs. Cs last blog post..Rethink Our Schools

  4. badness jones Avatar

    Kisses! It’s crazy time for all of us, even those of us that aren’t pregnant! You’ll get through it, and I hope that you can sit back and drink in every moment of Amy this Christmas, because although it will be a wonderful change, and new joys, it won’t ever be the same once the baby comes.

    Merry Christmas!

    xo Sarah

    badness joness last blog post..Making my lists…I’ll be checking them twice….

  5. Sharon Avatar

    Please remember YOU deserve a break too. Everyone is supposed to enjoy Christmas. Don’t overdo things, it truly doesn’t matter if you don’t get everything done. You having to spend Christmas in hospital on bedrest is not going to be nice for anyone.

    Having said that, it will be really magic for Amy as it’s the first where she is really aware of everything and has no little brother to share with yet – unlike next year 😉

  6. Taz Avatar

    sounds busy busy..

    the joys of motherhood..


    wow your pregnancy has gone quick too..

  7. river Avatar

    Oh my goodness you’re busy. You do take a breath occasionally, right? Had to laugh at Amy and the “pretty, shiny, bootiful”. Do you have extra strings of tinsel and baubles that she can play with and leave the tree alone? We always put the playpen around our tree, to keep the kids away from the decorations. Looking back now, it seems kind of mean, they probably would have loved to play with the pretties. Do the walls really need washing? Will anybody (besides you) notice them in between eating christmas lunch and unwrapping gifts?

  8. Tanya Avatar

    Hmm lol

    as I read that I imagined you typing it really quickly!

    I’m hearing ya on the busy part, 20,000 things for me to do here before Christmas, the Rellies come in January and when Baby comes in May. Oh the fun!

    Also had to go to the hospital for my KYM appointment today, during the peak Christmas season.
    I am already sick of doctor and hospital appointments and only halfway through the pregnancy! Why do they insist on so much? Then they told me I am an ‘easy’ pregnancy. Pfft.

    If life wasnt busy, it would be boring!

    Tanyas last blog post..the job thingo

  9. julie Avatar

    Really slacking, you are. A toddler, a fun pregnancy, a kitten, an interesting dining room floor, that whole thing about possible EDS, Christmas.

    I thought my kids would outgrow the wanting to watch the same thing over and over and over. Nope. Now instead of Pokemon or Bananas in Pajamas they watch The West Wing or The Simpsons or Scrubs, Firefly and The Gilmore Girls over and over and over.

    julies last blog post..It’s Thursday.

  10. witchypoo Avatar

    I have nothing but time, and not an idea in my brain. Help yourself to the time.

    witchypoos last blog post..Look What Google Brought

  11. lceel Avatar

    Oh my girl. You need an assistant. And a masseuse. And a maid, butler and chef. I am going to talk to Santa Claus. See if the old fucker has got any of those laying around. Kinda doubt it, though.

    lceels last blog post..The Storm on the News

  12. Marylin Avatar

    So glad we’ve never had to endure banana’s in pajamas here 😛

    Hope you manage to put your feet up honey ((hugs))

    Marylins last blog post..The First Nativity

  13. Suzie Avatar

    I hear the hunry thing all the time too. It never refers to eggs or meatloaf only sweets.

    Suzies last blog post..10 Reasons Why My Coffee Maker is Better Than My Husband

  14. Marie Avatar

    Wow. I can relate to so much of that. What, sit? What, string a sentence together? 🙂

    I can’t believe the big day is almost here! SO exciting!!! I mean, Christmas is great and all, but I can’t wait to see pics of this baby we’ve all been waiting so long for!! 🙂

    You’re doing a great job. You do tons more than I can even imagine trying to do in a day.

  15. Cat Avatar

    Ok, I have to ask, because this isn’t the first time you’ve mentioned it…Washing the walls? Is this a Tasmanian thing? Is it dusty there? Is it because you have a young child? I’ve seriously never washed a wall in my entire life. Never needed to. Do you eat on the walls or something? What is with washing the walls?!?? I’m fascinated here.

    Cats last blog post..Vindicated

  16. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    I tell ya what…. I’ll come pick up Amy for an afternoon and you can have a little time off. How’s that?

    Oh right. Just waiting for Scotty to beam me up….. I’ll be right there.

    Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Fair ‘n Square

  17. debbie Avatar

    I don’t think I was even forming complete thoughts at this stage in my pregnancies. You are very inspirational.

    debbies last blog post..Tracking down ex-husbands for friends, pawn shops, and dogs

  18. Barbara Avatar

    Hmmm, I thought you were supposed to be relaxing?!

    Barbaras last blog post..353/366 – Then and Now

  19. Talina Avatar

    You need that dictating software that types what you speak thus making blogging easier. That way you can run around the house speaking your blog posts. It could end up really funny with all the ‘Still HUNGWY Mummy, still HUNGWY, please Mummy Amy still HUNGWY’ and the ‘bootiful Mummy, look! it’s bootiful. Pretty shiny bootiful!’ going on while you dictate your blogs. Ha!

    Talinas last blog post..Testing for mold and sending presents, yippie!

  20. Kelley Avatar

    Hugs babe. I remember that time and babe it is hard…

    Kelleys last blog post..Get off the ledge Martha.

  21. Ree Avatar

    Hi sweetie. Sounds like you’re having a wonderful holiday season. (c’mon, admit it.) Loves ya.

    Rees last blog post..Christmas ‘02 – Past in Polaroids 14

  22. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    Bloody lazy wench…

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Pathetic or sympathetic?

  23. Tara Avatar

    I. Totally. Understand.


    Taras last blog post..The new toy

  24. Karen MEG Avatar

    Maybe the walls could wait? Wow, I can’t imagine.

    The home stretch is the toughest, especially with a busy, busy toddler.

    Hope you do take the time to enjoy the holidays, because as you know 34 days from now will be a lot busier 😉

    Karen MEGs last blog post..Weekly Winners #50 – What a Week