Today as we were driving into town, Nathan and I were chatting. Amy was in the back seat talking away to herself when we realised exactly what she was saying.
‘Quick!’ I gasp, trying not to giggle, because giggling would be bad. ‘Don’t pay any attention to her. Ignore it.’
We studiously didn’t giggle (I am so proud) and she said it again.
[strangled gasps from the parents]
‘Oh dear’ says Nathan, ‘I think we have been swearing too much lately’
‘Uh huh’ I agree. ‘We need to swear less’
‘Shit! Shit! Shit!’ says Amy ‘Shit shit shit’
‘No, you need to swear less’ says Nathan.
‘I don’t swear that much!’
‘Yes you do’
‘Bugger off, I don’t. Shit. Oh shit! Bugger, I’m doing it now aren’t I?’
‘Oh dear’
Luckily, at that moment, a good song came on the radio (Men at Work – Land Down Under) and we turned it up and sang along. By the end of the song Amy had forgotten about her new word, especially as there were drinks to drink and balls to drop.
Ooops, I mean thank goodness.
27 responses to “I Swear! Alot Apparently”
meh….what’s swearing anyway only just mixed up words…
my sister has a mouth like a sewer, her 4 kids have NO chance.
Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..Bad Pile Up
Noice. Too’s first swear word was much much worse than that. We chose to believe she said Truck.
Kelley’s last blog post..Um, excuse me, what just happened here?
oh we careful little mouth what you say – imitation is a curse !
I better watch what I say too …little B*ggers know how to press all my buttons and turn off computer at powerpoints/power block … almost as bad as dropping something on your toe !
Babyamore Trish’s last blog post..Saving money 2 – two great links
What’s really frightening is when they know the exact intonation and occasion to use the swear words.
And “shit” is a hard word for a toddler to pronounce. You gotta be proud of that, heh, heh.
witchypoo’s last blog post..It’s All About Him
ahhh I rememebr that… and yes I swear too much too >_< Or I did… I try not to now but they just slip out without me even realising!
Marylin’s last blog post..Haiku Friday #6
Ree’s last blog post..Limbo
Julia’s word is “Dammit.” And you know? I let her say it. Because I can’t seem to stop saying it. Luckily, she’s old enough I could explain that she can’t say it in certain situations and she gets it.
Now, the day she told her Dadddy to “blow it out his ass…” That was something else entirely.
Leslie’s last blog post..When I Cannot Sing My Heart I Can Only Speak My Mind, Julia*
We were so proud. Our little son was gone off to Kindergarten. Our first. He was SUCH a little man. He came home in tears. Annie said, “Louie, what’s wrong?”. “Danny W. called me a fucker.” “Well, you shouldn’t cry just because Danny used a bad word.” “I’m not.” “Well then, why are you crying?” “I told Danny to kiss my ass and Teacher heard me and sent me to the Principal’s Office.”
Lou’s last blog post..Friday Haiku – painting
maybe bjorn and i are going to have to watch our mouths as Miss Maddison gets older.. lol
Isn’t it funny when they figure it out? In a horrifying kind of way… My kids do the same thing. Delaney says “damn” though.
Tara’s last blog post..Little Consumers
Oh boy! Just keep an ear out, it may resurface later 😉 Our daughter loves to say “DAM-mit!” with the perfect intonation. She said it once and stopped, and a few months later, she began shouting it after she fell or dropped things…*sigh*.
Why can’t they mimic things like CLEANING!
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..You Still Love Me…Right?
I’m sure she was just trying to tell you that there was a ship outside. Yeah…ok, maybe not.
missburrows’s last blog post..If you are going to lift up your shirt all day, don’t bother tucking it in.
Oh, dear! It is so hard to keep from laughing in some instances 🙂
I am waiting for that first time in public where Elijah just spits out something utterly embarrassing!
Angela’s last blog post..L.A or Bust
The little boy of a friend of mine once very seriously told me about someone he knew that was a “futher-mucker” – I about died. I called my friend and she was just mortified. It’s funny if it’s not YOUR kid.
Tasina’s last blog post..Hail to the Chief
just had to put my blog up.. 😛
Taz’s last blog post..17 weeks old
My 14yo daughter made me SOOO totally frustrated yesterday, I spouted out ‘God Dammit’ before I could stop myself. She looked surprised, but she stopped with the bitch-at-Mom session that she brought into the car after school. Not that cussing is a good thing, mind you- and if I catch her using that type of language, her life is over- cell, computer, ipod, etc. I can’t say it gets worse, but it’s seems different when they get older.
Nanci’s last blog post..Who’s got YOU covered?
Haha, I love that you said “shit” right then.
A little while back, we kept thinking Braden was saying, “Ahh, shit!”… over and over again. *ahem* I thought maybe he was trying to say, “No, sit!” like I tell the dog. That’s my story, anyway. Heh.
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Haik’ave you seen mah baby daddy?
Oh, I’m QUEEN of the potty-mouths. You know it’s bad when your 3 year old corrects your language and tells you to apologize! I swear, sometimes she’s so good I don’t think she can be mine…unless maybe she’s channelling the spirit of my sweet and prim great-granny?!
badness jones’s last blog post..Will Winter ever facking END?
you said balls.
Dawn’s last blog post..Haiku Frequently Wet Bathroom Floor
My kids say “frickin’ dammit!” My son repeated my “what the f*ck?!” once, until I convinced him that what I’d actually said was “I want some fudge!”
Marie’s last blog post..Upside-Down and Backwards
Nah, she was saying, “ship.” You know you say that WAY more than you say “shit.” Right?
Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Dora and Boots are Prom Cuss
OH AND SHE WILL GET BETTER WITH HER WORDS… yeah my husband stopped swearing all together and have not said shit for 28 years me,,, now that is another something yep I say I am who I am and my girls say well dad never says stuff like that…. good luck
Just a mom’s last blog post..FAWN MADE IT AND I AM PISSED,,,,,,,,,
I find that playing Men At Work is the best way to sidetrack just about any uncomfortable situation or conversation.
Maybe you could try swearing in French? Merde just sound so cultured and no one would blink hearing it from a child, lol,
Ivy and Noah chose crap for their first swear word.
It was like a song, in the back seat of the car…” crap, crap crap!”
Seconds of silence…
Enjoy the innocence of toddler swearing! Just wait til she’s a pre teen and she tries it on for size just to piss you off!
tiff’s last blog post..More thoughts… and an update on the ugly.
LMAO. My four year old has a favourite phrase at the moment. “Oh. My. God.” (she reminds me of Janice from “Friends”). The real problem is that she’s just started kindy at a Christian School 😮
Meg’s last blog post..How Fast do You Type?
I never swore very much but I stopped altogether when my two year old stamped his foot and said bloody hell in perfect imitation of me. When they started school they all learnt a lot worse than that anyway. Nowadays I bloody and bugger just as much as the next person. Strangely enough those words just don’t come out when I’m with my grandchildren even though they are 12 and 14 and have probably heard much worse.
yeah we have a language issue here. my hubby is a prison guard…he does not talk like a sunday school teacher. not pretty.
zoe’s last blog post..Kiss Kiss!!