Oh yes, it was BRILLIANT, right up until we had a bit of a breeze and some rain.
I woke up this morning, to find it collapsed and half the joins broken. No matter I thought, DUCT TAPE. It fixes everything.
I hassled Nathan until he got out of bed to help me and in the middle of a rainstorm, with the wind trying to blow us away, we put it back together. Of course, then the sun came out and defrosted our frozen fingertips and ears.
We pinned it down better than before and went away.
An hour later, it sailed merrily across my paddock, dropping poles and joins all the way.
This time, it was pretty broken.
Some people might have called it fucked, but not me.
No, I am more determined than intelligent.
Through the waist high grass I dragged its various bits and pieces back to the small enclosed yard.
Wind safe! I thought. Protected! I thought. Easy to access!
Haaaaaaaaaaa. Cough.
Amidst a lot of swearing, Nathan and I put it back together. We only had to traipse back out to the paddock to look for missing pieces half a dozen times or so.
An entire roll of duct tape and an awful lot of cursing later, it was back upright and mostly okay. We pinned it down, even better this time and went inside.
It will be fine I thought. It’s protected from the wind on all sides! The weather isn’t even hitting it.
I kept thinking that, right up until the wind grabbed it and tried to steal it.
Racing outside in bare feet, I grabbed it and held it down, while the wind gusts passed.
And then we tied the fucking thing to the fence on one side and star pickets on the other side. I’d like to see it try to run away now.
On the upside, the temperature inside must be sitting somewhere near 38C – a far cry from the 10C it actually is outside.
As soon as I can find the energy to bring the watermelons and honeydew seedlings over from the big garden, I’ll pot them up. Again.
I’m sure they’ll be grateful.
Photos. Because Kristin asked me for them.
I tied it to the fence. Front and back. If it goes, it takes the fence with it. Please don’t let that happen.
A bamboo stake promotes “stability”.
More “stability” and lots of duct tape. And some grass.
And now, two different dramatic representations of how it looked when I found it blown away.
37 responses to “I take back everything I said about the stupid fucking greenhouse”
Oh dear. Erm, at least it shouldn’t blow away this time? Maybe…
If it goes again, I’m giving up.
I know the feeling, our little ‘compact’ shed did exactly the same thing – twice. It fell onto the car the first time and made a dent in the front wing and the second time it just imploded. It really is windy up on our hill lol! When we finally get enough pennies together for a proper shed it will be bolted to a concrete pad and the roof will be very firmly attached.
Hope the seedlings survive the upheaval and grow well.
Things need to be built to withstand wind.
Oh no! Perhaps it’s poor form to say, but I was really hoping for a picture of the duct-taped, tied-up greenhouse.
Updated. Now with photos for your viewing pleasure.
Thank you.
I seriously was in need of a laugh and your story was fantastic. I seriously thought that stuff only happened to others.
Maybe only to others, when you’re an other person. This kind of thing happens to me ALL the time. I should tell you all about the time a pig bailed me up in the toilet.
well, that just sucks.
I hope it stays put 🙁
It has done so far and the wind was pretty bad last night. So, win?
Silly greenhouse thinks it’s a parachute.
I hope it stays put this time.
Or a tumbleweed. I’m not quite sure which one.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA *goes to get your father*
Hehehe. Helpful Mum, very helpful.
You’re welcome Sweetheart.
*giggles* oh dear! I had a mini version of your greenhouse to grow tomato plants in….but it had to be brought inside partly cos of the wind and partly because every cat in the neighbourhood thought it was for them. They get really, really hot inside but do work well if they can be pinned down enough. Perhaps recruit the local cats?! BG Xx
My cats haven’t discovered it yet. I wonder what’s going to happen when they do?
Hahahahahaha!!! Love the dramatic representations!! Thank you for indulging me. My day is now complete. xx
You’re welcome!
The only thing better than the title to this post is the illustrations.
Hope that fucker doesn’t blow away any time soon!
I’m glad you liked them 🙂
It hasn’t blown away so far. Fingers crossed.
Oh Kim, a little sympathy for your daughter, please! *Watershedd, sitting in corner, trying to suppress a snigger!*
I would laugh too, if it wasn’t me.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Veronica Foale and Veronica Foale, Wanderlust. Wanderlust said: I take back everything I sd about the stupid fucking greenhouse http://t.co/J1qv1R2 @sleeplessnights -Go for the title stay for the drawings […]
you don’t have floods there tho, do you ? lol.
funny post
Nope, no floods. Just damp, cloudy weather, with occasional rain. Tassie has been pretty flood free.
Oh no!! I can just imagine you out there trying to fix it! Bummer! I hope it holds up as it looks fantastic!
Oh, I bet it would have been funny, watching as an outsider. I swore, quite a bit.
This story is better than an image of me chasing a J&R trashpack down the driveway due to the wind.
Ahhhh that is so freaking funny! Love your dramatization illustrations, btw. You have done a most sedate and neat job of the duct taping. Man, my efforts would have looked as crazed as a serial killer, I would’ve been flying that tape round with rage. So props to you for keeping your cool enough (or making it look like you did!) to do such great taping down.
Mine went with the bin men couple weeks ago… the wind shredded it and the poles rusted stoopid thing. Bought a glass one second hand for £20. Now I just gotta figure out how it goes together… The fabric of yours looks tougher than mine was so good luck!!
Oh, that is so tragic. But so, so funny.
Awe Veronica – I so understand. I have the same greenhouses. I spent far more time/sweat/swear words securing them to the planet than it ever took to put them up…….I used start pickets driven into the ground inside. I also gaff taped up all the joins…….
One is into its second season (and probably last), the second one is new, and I spent even more time enforcing it……..A friend bought the same one…and well, they had a similar outcome to you…….
crap crap crap.
It is a TROLL of a greenhouse 😉
Laughing at The Duck Herder’s comment.
But also, oh no! I hope it stays together and on the ground from now on. Good luck.
We had a greenhouse on our farm; but now it’s gone, from the cyclone 🙁
Splendid reenactment! I was enthralled! Psssst Can I borrow your artist?
Glad it is (currently) (*I hope*) still standing!
[…] greenhouse failed, due to wind and a general lack of ACTUAL strength, able to stand up to you know, ACTUAL […]