As far as plans go, it’s not a great plan (a great plan being “magically stop my baby having seizures”) but it’s a plan and it will do while we wait for Evie’s metabolic tests to come back.
She started phenobarbital Tuesday morning and has been having regular doses of what I am terming “baby drugs” (different from “kiddy crack”, in that “kiddy crack” is actually chocolate milk) and so far, aside from a sedative effect, there hasn’t really been any impact on the episodes.
From here, we’re hoping to be discharged today, to continue giving her the phenobarb at home, while monitoring the seizure activity and following up in the clinic early next week.
Side note: I am all for gazing adoringly at my tiny baby, but do you know how exhausting it is to watch the baby constantly, to the exclusion of nearly everything else? Exhausting. It’s a good thing she’s so pretty.
If the phenobarb doesn’t work, we’ll try another medication. This we’ll continue doing either until something works, or she naturally grows out of the episodes, or the metabolic tests come back and tell us something.
The problem with Evie’s seizure episodes is that she’s not presenting like a newborn. Normal newborn seizures (usually benign, I should add) are different to Evie’s. Evie is presenting with seizure activity that is similar to something that shows up in 4-5 month olds.
She’s very advanced, obviously.
This is, of course , the reason we’ve done all of these tests, because she’s not presenting in a textbook fashion for the benign seizure disorders that show up in babies. Typical child.
Today when I see the doctors I will mention yet again the probability of Evie having Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (which, SURPRISE! can also be linked to a relatively rare metabolic condition] and see what they have to say.
But really, until tests come back, we can’t do anything except try and control the seizures.
(Or, seizure type episodes, as the doctors insist on mentioning, at which point I say that anything that alters my baby’s consciousness and causes her to have involuntary movements and limited to no responses during, is not normal, and I don’t care what we call them, can we just get on with fixing it? Also, EEG’s are great, but they’re not perfect and how do we KNOW that they’re not just originating from deeper in the brain? Where an EEG can’t pick up? I am probably too well researched for my own good here.)
So, that’s it Internet. An interim plan.
(Also, please let us get home today. This recliner is crap for sleeping.)
Update: HOME! We’re HOME.
That is all.
21 responses to “I think we have a plan.”
Thanks for updating us, Veronica, I have been thinking of you all a lot. And I sure hope that the phenobarbital helps, that you get the test results asap and that meanwhile you get to go home and sleep in your own bed again…
Much love and strength,
As always, you have my love. I’ve been thinking of you. You must be so exhausted. Hang in there. I hope you can go home soon too!
Advanced baby is advanced. I like a plan, even if it’s just for the interim xxx
I’m glad you have a plan.
Glad you get to go home
Much love
Thinking about you all the time. Have been lighting candles. Waiting for answers is a dreadful place to be, so fucking hard.
SO much love to you, Veronica XXXXX
Me too! Thinking of your beautiful baby & you! She’s in my prayers every night little mama as are you and the rest of your family. I hope they will have some answers for you soon immediately followed by a plan of action and a complete recovery. I want all the doctors standing around hitting their foreheads saying “Duh! How’d we miss that!” and “Whew! Good thing we finally caught on!” and somebody telling you & your family that you can now take your perfectly healthy little baby home and “live happily ever after!” Yes please!
So glad to hear there is a new plan in place and that you are still managing to keep your faculties during such a difficult situation. I hope things start to improve very soon x
My goodness. You are ok. You can still crack jokes and at the same time be really real about how tough this is gonna be. I am in total awe. I know you HAVE to be strong (you have no choice really) but my. You have a lot of strength there. Evie has a good fighter in her corner.
God bless you and I am sending love your way as always.
‘She’s very advanced, obviously.’
I love you… x
I am thinking about you, and hoping that you all get home today.
You said nothing about Evie’s eyes: what have the doctors found out about them?
We don’t know anything about her eyes yet, she’s too young to be able to measure their development accurately, so no one is saying or doing anything until she’s older.
What I do know is that sometimes she will track and follow with her eyes and other times she won’t. Sometimes she responds to me visually and other times she doesn’t. Her blink reflex is not great and while she has been responding to light nicely while in hospital, she doesn’t respond to finger flicking at her face, or anything coming near her eyes.
Basically, wait and see how it develops.
Oh, Veronica. I am so sorry this is happening.
And BTW, you may remember me: years ago, I had my own blog called Warsaw Mommy. I am out of this blogging thing completely now, and have only just started checking back with many of the women I followed a long time ago. I dropped back here about a month ago and have been following Evie’s story with concern.
You are in my thoughts…..
I did recognise your email address and knew who you were. Welcome back!
I hope this interim plan leads to something more solid for you guys.
Speaking with your Mum now. Still in our thoughts, from me, the GOFA and my family. XXX
I hope you guys made it home today and that the baby drugs are working.
Yes! We’re home!!! I just had the longest hottest shower and it was blissful.
So flad there is some kind of plan. Heres hoping or the best
I have been thinking of you and Evie heaps the last few days. I’ll be checking in all the time now to see how you go. I’m so glad you’re in the thoughts of all these people and some positive vibes are coming your way. It must be such a stressful time for you.
Nice to read that Evelyn’s eyes are still tracking and following even if only sometimes. There’s hope yet that her sight will be fine.
Isn’t it too early to test for EDS?
I’m glad you’re both home for a while now, you get to enjoy the hot showers and your own bed.
Glad you’re at home, and hope that you find the magic mootie that’ll stop the seizures.