There are so many things I could blog about (Seven the puppy refuses to toilet train, Amy has molars coming down and is refusing to sleep, my phone cord is playing up causing the phone to ring and disturb my sleepless child, I have eaten too much chocolate, my fast internet won’t be connected until Wednesday, it is Easter, etc etc.)
However, all of those things are boring (unless you really want to hear about puppy poo? No?) so I present you with a photo.
Of my finger.
If you get ill at blood, please look away now.
You know, it doesn’t look nearly as bad in the photo. It hadn’t started to bleed (or hurt) very much at this point (hence me being able to photograph it).
I seem to have removed the side of my finger near my fingernail. My father assures me that he has done the same thing and that the chunk removed will eventually grow back and I won’t have less of a finger.
Nathan was quite rapt that he was able to examine the chunk of finger I cut off that was left on the knife.
However, it looks lots better this evening after I let it dry out. (The bandaids kept sticking and removing them hurt enough to make me nauseous and cry lots. I decided risking bumping it was a better option).
Hopefully it heals nice and fast, because touch typing minus one finger is an awfully hard thing to do.
</end sympathy request>
20 responses to “If Blood Makes You Sick, Look Away Now”
Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow. Big Smooch – make it better.
Lou’s last blog post..100 Word Challenge #7 – Openings
erm, you’re gonna think i’m weird or something but… there’s something almost pretty about the bright redness of the blood – if you try to think that it’s not blood >_<
Sounds painful though 🙁 You really are a true blogger to get that photographed! Power to ya! 😛
Marylin’s last blog post..Busy Busy Busy!
hugs and internet chocolate.. 🙂
hope it heals up for ya soon.. 🙂
Taz’s last blog post..21 weeks old
Goodness! Fingers cuts tend to be gushers 🙁 I hope that heals quick. Until then, hunt and peck with the other fingers 🙁
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Hai’jacked
Mmmm. Yeah.
Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..ET phones home…
Ouch. And yuck!
Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..If You Need Me, I’ll Be Worshipping at the Church of Dora
ewwwwwwwwww. <>
Have you tried lots of Neosporin and a gauze bandage?
Ree’s last blog post..The Hotfessional vs. The Inflated Ego
Youch!! That looks really sore.
Hope it heals quickly
Jenty’s last blog post..Got him into trouble… and a bit more
I heard that chunk-will-grow-back thing once too, about 11 years ago. Guess what? Still a hole in my leg.
Memarie Lane’s last blog post..Hold the phone…
Oooh, love, that’s got to smart. Hope it feels better soon. Much sympathy coming your way.
Barbara’s last blog post..My Third Brief Aside
Ouch, you poor honey.
Finger cuts bleed like a mofo. I’ve done or two rippers with a scalpel, and they bleed something wicked.
Get Nathan to give you lots of TLC.
Sending hugs through cyberspace to you.
Anja’s last blog post..Smiley Saturday.
Holy Fack woman, that looks like it freaking hurts!!!
Good on you for not turning into a blubbering idiot and self medicating….like I would have with a good wine. LOL.
I love that you thought to take pictures of it and then were brave enough to post the gore. Wicked cool!
Redneck Mommy’s last blog post..Phone Manners
OMG that is DISGUSTING! But I had to look anyway.
I hope it feels better soon! Glad to know that you could amuse the two most important men in your life 🙂
Tara’s last blog post..Confession – My kids are clothes-aholics
Yikes, that’s gruesome.
I hope it’s better soon.
Leslie’s last blog post..The Fine Print Of Wish-Making
I would offer to kiss it better, but vomiting on it probably wouldn’t help AT ALL.
Go and have some chocolate instead.
And slow down!
Tracey’s last blog post..Smiley Saturday
Ouch indeed!
Some things heal better without a band aid,
just try not to get it dirty….
Hope it feels better today,
Myst’s last blog post..Achievements…..or not!
There’s so much blood it’s hard to see which bit is cut….Hope it heals enough soon that touch typing is easy again. I never did learn to type. I’m a three finger hunt and pecker….Washing your hair with that is going to hurt like hell.Dishes too, great excuse to have Nathan do them as often as possible. Nappy changing? Nathan’s job now, for a while anyway.
Oh crap. Does this mean I have to dig up the pictures from the inside of my knee??
Tasina’s last blog post..Simply amazing
That picture rocks balls.
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Freak-Me-Out-Elmo
Oooooh blood.
And part of a finger lost…reminds me of my days in the surgical ward.
Hope it feels better soon
tiff’s last blog post..Weekly Winners on Monday…what? It’s a public holiday!