I’m All Out of Practise!!!


Sadly, I still have no phone or internet *cries* and sitting down typing this feels a bit strange! I have forgotten how! (not really)
BUT! I thought you all might be missing me and need a bit of an update (wow, has anyone else noticed, adjusting to someone elses keyboard is hard work?) so I need to say thankyou to Mum for a) letting me use her computer and b) watching Amy while I do so.

Amy has been sleeping through the night every second night or so (can we say WOW!?). I’m not entirely sure WHY, but hey, you will hear no complaints from me! Maybe it is because the new house has paper thin walls and she has no choice but to sleep through the noise? Who knows.

The house needs alot of work. Luckily most of the jobs are small and can be done by us. The bathroom is a bit of a shambles with the pump inside (Mum mentioned this, tank water needs a pump to get to my taps) but since Dad and a friend fixed it, it is much better.

The laundry is in the bathroom as well as it being the only space to put my big chest freezer, so currently there is standing room only. BUT! I have a bathtub! I haven’t had a bathtub for 3+ years. It is lovely.

The unpacking went well, everything is just about where is needs to stay. I need more bookshelves though *sigh* Do you think my books are procreating overnight?

I *should* have internets back on Tuesday (it seems so far away *cry*) and then I will be able to read my emails and look at all my comments. As it is, I am saving reading them until I have time and leisure to read them properly.

Even more exciting than that? We got a puppy today. Amy has promptly named her ‘Buttons’ and the name seems to have stuck. (Still am not sure if Amy was pointing at the Pup or at her tummy. Never mind)

Photos will be produced as soon as I have internet at home.

Miss you all!



25 responses to “I’m All Out of Practise!!!”

  1. witchypoo Avatar

    Yay! I got my Veronica fix. Can’t wait until Tuesday. So glad you are settling into your new home.

    witchypoo’s last blog post..Miss Emily Puzzle

  2. Tasina Avatar

    Woohoo! Glad to hear it went well. Can’t wait to see the pictures!

    Tasina’s last blog post..Scrolling Saturday 03.08.08

  3. river Avatar

    A puppy already! Fast work. That’ll keep Amy busy enough to keep sleeping at night. We’ve certainly missed you here and we’re glad you’re back. I’m speaking for everyone whether they like it or not……….
    Does it feel like “Home” yet?

  4. Marylin Avatar

    Great to hear from ya Veronica 🙂 can’t wait to see the pics and WOOT at Amy sleeping better!!

    I think she’s had words with Max though – 6 times last night he woke me up!! not amused >_<

    Really looking forward to having ya back online permanently!!

    Marylin’s last blog post..Hai, ku’d you help me?

  5. Bettina Avatar

    yes other people’s keyboards feel strange. Especially my mothers. The shift keys stick making it really hard to type using any punctuation at all!

    See you soon


    Bettina’s last blog post..Smiley Saturday

  6. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    Yay for the sleepless nights fix…I was struggling to find a vein…

    Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..La Blitz Du Ovulation!

  7. Taz Avatar


    how are ya?

    looking forward to hearing from you..

    glad to hear you have settled in well.. and Miss Amy is sleeping better.. 🙂

    how have the cats settled in do ya still have mumma and her bubs?

    wow.. a puppy cute.. what breed is she? where did ya get her from? how old is she?

    take care

    Taz’s last blog post..19 weeks old

  8. maiden53 Avatar

    woohoo for the bathtub!! I have not had one for 7 yrs now and I miss it! I am glad that Amy is sleeping better… better for her and YOU!

    maiden53’s last blog post..Thursday’s Thought

  9. Jenty Avatar

    Glad Amy is sleeping better, she must really like the house 🙂
    And great news about the puppy, can’t wait to see pics.

    Jenty’s last blog post..Missing flowers

  10. Angela Avatar

    Good to see you back! if even to tide us over until Tuesday or so…

    Glad to hear the move went well! I’m sure Amy is having a ball with Buttons 🙂 And can’t wait to see pics!

    Angela’s last blog post..L.A or Bust

  11. tiff Avatar

    Yay for a post!
    Yay for you being into your new home, even though it needs work!
    Yay for Amy sleeping through, can she please come teach Ivy PLEASE
    Yay for the puppy!

    We have missed you too.

    tiff’s last blog post..Ivy update or Dermatologists gone wild.

  12. lceel Avatar

    Missed you. I am so glad that things seem to be going well. Especially Amy. We await ….

    lceel’s last blog post..TT on Saturday

  13. Dawn Avatar

    It’s all so exciting!

    And the sleep thing? You know I’m over the moon about that one for you.

    Dawn’s last blog post..Shovin’ off on Showin’ off

  14. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    That makes me sad that there is a new puppy and we don’t have pictures yet. Darn Internet provider! Get going already!

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Melting Mom’s Annoyance the Easy Way

  15. Old Knudsen Avatar

    Hey I still haven’t got over the fact that Tasmania has computers and civilisation………. ish, bathrooms? National geographic has sorely mislead me. Maybe that was Papua New guinea I get all those places mixed up.

    Old Knudsen’s last blog post..Woman Experimented On By Aliens For Over 30 Years

  16. Karen MEG Avatar

    Great that the move went well. Looking forward to photos!

    Karen MEG’s last blog post..Weekly Winners #15

  17. janethesane Avatar

    Glad you checked in! I bet your books are multiplying and replenshing. Mine do. Congrats on Buttons.

    janethesane’s last blog post..Anne Hefley is my best friend

  18. GARETH Avatar

    Congrats on the move, the tinkering, and fixing stuff is a pain, but it puts your stamp on things, and makes it your home, not just a house !!

  19. Auctions Avatar

    Can’t wait for the pictures.

    Auctions’s last blog post..billy-jo oleary

  20. Soa Avatar

    Congratulations on the move! Good luck with everything!

    Soa’s last blog post..Logidex 5.6 Release Highlights Integration with HP SOA Systinet

  21. kaylee Avatar

    Well dang i have been gone awhile too i miss you too 🙂

    kaylee’s last blog post..Real Post

  22. the fruitfemme Avatar

    I can’t *wait* for the photos. & don’t you dare let Amy tell Khubz that she got a puppy!!

    the fruitfemme’s last blog post..Breathe. Breathe.

  23. Tanya Avatar


    well done guys 🙂

  24. Mr Lady Avatar

    Can’t wait to have you back!

    Mr Lady’s last blog post..Just Another Memey Monday

  25. Leslie Avatar

    Buttons? Too cute!

    Glad to hear you are settling in. I’ll be glad when you’re back full force!

    Leslie’s last blog post..Cause They Don’t Know ‘Bout Us, They’ve Never Heard Of Love*