In Which I Talk About Pregnancy

So, I had some more bleeding last night. Now, before you freak out, it was light and it stopped quite quickly. Again. It was accompanied by ABSOLUTELY NO cramping, so that is a good thing.

However, it did mean that I used my referral to get an ultrasound done this afternoon.

Unfortunately, I have a retroverted (backwards) uterus, so in early pregnancy, nothing can be seen using an external ultrasound probe.

Bring on the latex covered vaginal probe. Or the dildo cam as Tiff says. AGAIN!


Anyway, to cut a long story short, there are very good indicators of a pregnancy that is nicely implanted in my uterus, but it is still much too early to look for a heartbeat.

Methinks that the ultrasound machine they use in the clinic is a teensy bit less sensitive than in the hospital, because I had a scan with Amy at about the same time in my pregnancy and they were able to magnify and see everything. Then again, maybe my uterus was just being difficult. Again.

So, the pregnancy is in the right place and I will be asking for another scan in about a fortnight or so when things are more developed.

Moving onwards.

The nausea that began as easy to cope with, has mutated into ohmygodIthinkIamgoingtoretchrightaboutnow GASP! So, think good thoughts for me as I sip slowly on tea or soup and not much else. Also think good thoughts for my family, who are going to be sick of vegetable soup by the end of the week.

Very sick of soup.

Poor guys.


24 responses to “In Which I Talk About Pregnancy”

  1. tiff Avatar

    Good to hear things are moving along nicely.
    Sending all sticky vibes your way.

    tiffs last blog post..So not cool.

  2. Jenty Avatar

    Sounds like it’s going very well πŸ™‚ Crap about the nausea though, try ginger biscuits. I used to nibble on them before I even got out of bed.
    And try ginger tea πŸ˜‰

    Jentys last blog post..Jealousy

  3. Bettina Avatar

    During my last pregnancy I lived on weak lemon cordial and dry sao’s. Ugh. I hate throwing up.

    glad everything is ok.

    Bettinas last blog post..Simple Pleasures Sunday

  4. Marylin Avatar

    Hope you manage to find something else to nibble on as well as veggie soup! ((hugs))

    Marylins last blog post..Weekly Winners #22

  5. Trish Avatar

    Glad all is well and nausea is good but awful IYKWIM!
    Nice to see the two dark blue lines on the pee stick.
    Argh – not the dildo cam …the not so nice part of an ultrasound.
    Jatz worked me . Thinking of you and like Tiff said sticky vibes.

    Trishs last blog post..Weekly Winners – Blogoversary edition

  6. Jenni Avatar

    yikes, how scary! i’m glad everything turned out to be fine.

    Jennis last blog post..Tea and Scandal

  7. Memarie Lane Avatar

    For me early pregnancy is all about peanut butter.

    My BIL’s girlfriend is 12 weeks pg right now and has been having bleeding. Turns out she’s got placenta previa, and she’s already on bed rest. Can you imagine being on bed rest at 12 weeks?

  8. Hyphen Mama Avatar

    I used a lot of peppermint tea and a LOT of napping.

    Ain’t pregnancy fun? But totally worth it!

  9. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    Just relax….

    Dildo cam sounds like fun.

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..The good news

  10. Talina Avatar

    Oh, don’t you just love the dildo cam? I had my first dildo cam experience in April with N right there… Fun times!

    Sorry about the sickness but I am so glad to hear you are on track with the pregnancy! I have a jacked up uterus too, mine is sideways or something- Makes finding the cervix hard!

    Talinas last blog post..Apparentally my hormones got the best of me today!

  11. Marie Avatar

    Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well – but also, kind of glad. Sounds like things are coming along nicely!

  12. Taz Avatar

    good to hear things are going well..

    i hit the hospital today for surgery..

    take care..

    Tazs last blog post..31 Weeks Old

  13. Burgh Baby Avatar

    The good news is that there are worse things than being stuck eating vegetable soup.

    Glad things are OK.

  14. Tara Avatar

    Oh Veronica – it’s a boy! I was wretchedly sick the second time around. I think it’s a boy thing LOL

  15. Widdle Shamrock Avatar

    Yeah, internal probes, lovely, had a couple myself.

    Good times, good times.

    Glad baby is glued nicely in place. Now to grow grow grow !!!

    Widdle Shamrocks last blog post..100th post

  16. Suze Avatar

    Ahh internal ultrasounds. Fun, fun! G;ad everythings going OK – hang in there, and enjoy the soup πŸ˜‰

  17. lceel Avatar

    Hang in there, toots. I <3 you.

    lceels last blog post..Sunday, sunday, so good to me

  18. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    My uterus is tipped also! How fun to share a womb oddity. πŸ˜‰

    Oh, and I know you have already been through it all and probably know all the tricks, but it doesn’t hurt to mention – I read recently that nibbling a low-fat snack right before bed helps.

    Take care of yourself! And – they’ll eat the soup and like it, damnit! (kidding) πŸ˜‰

    Sarcastic Moms last blog post..The Mexican, Aka The Urin8or

  19. Sharon Avatar

    I’ve heard that morning sickness is supposed to be a sign of a strong pregnancy, something to do with hormone levels I think. Might make you feel better about it! I second the ginger cure, a friend of mine swore by it. No personal experience as I wasn’t sick with my pregnancies. How about glace ginger in chocolate when you’re a bit better….

  20. river Avatar

    No need for Amy and Nathan to be sick of soup. Just feed them something else. Hee-hee, while you sip on the soup, hahaha. Unless just the SMELL of other food sets you off….in that case they can just learn to love soup, (or eat at your Mum’s?) Unfair, I know, but think of that beautiful baby coming.

  21. Rebecca Avatar

    Veronica! I missed your pregnancy announcement. Congratulations, and I’ll think “sticky” thoughts along with Tiff. πŸ™‚

    Rebeccas last blog post..Jamie and Jeffrey…

  22. Robyn Avatar

    You have my EXTREME sympathys…and congrats by the way…here are sticky thoughts to you…

    I am still sick once in a while now…and I am 18 weeks…

    I hear that is supposed to be a good sign though….so at least there is something positive about it….they have some amazing (but exspensive) drugs now too…..

    Robyns last blog post..

  23. newmom Avatar

    Getting nauseous was a regular thing during my pregnancy when I getting in a car.

    newmoms last blog post..Vaccines and your newborn

  24. Kathy Avatar

    Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy. Bleeding is scary. For me it indicated an ectopic pregancy.