It doesn’t rain…

by Veronica on June 25, 2009

in Headfuck

It pours. Literally.

This morning, I was sitting in the lounge room feeding Isaac. I hear a Chscshhhhh sound (say it out loud, it sounds better) and then the pump started to run. I dumped the baby and raced to the bathroom thinking please for the love of god don’t let that be what I think that is… fuck it. It was indeed what I feared.

The hot water cylinder had burst right at the bottom and hot water was rushing into the bathroom and the laundry pile. (Washing machine is in the bathroom. Please, don’t ask.)

Dodging the hot puddle, I quickly switched off the water pump at the power point as in the moment, I couldn’t remember how the fuck to turn off the water to the cylinder. I’ll be buggered if I was going to let all our precious water flow out through a hole in the cylinder.

Screeching for Nathan and swearing at the top of my lungs, I dumped some dirty towels in front of the cylinder and then stood back to swear some more. A very sleepy Nathan answered, obviously he couldn’t hear the get the fuck here now urgency in my voice.



Stumble stumble grrrr groan mumble.

‘What’s wrong?’

‘The fucking fuck of a hot fucking water cylinder burst.’

‘Oh. Fuck.’

Then, as Nathan used his working brain to turn off the water to the cylinder, I rang my Daddy. As you do. And then, all swearing aside, I rang a plumber.

‘My hot water cylinder burst, can you send someone?’

‘Uhm. We can have someone there for you first thing tomorrow morning.’

After a few hesitations (I wanted them there, RIGHT NOW. I wanted them to be able to teleport and magically fix the fucking hot water) I agreed and he started to ask me questions.

‘Is there room around the hot water cylinder to work?’

‘Uhm. Yes? I think so. Some things would need to be moved [like the sink and the laundry and maybe that cabinet…] but it’s nothing major and he could have easy access.’

‘Okay. Now, what is the plumbing that leads to the cylinder like?’

‘Uhm. Shoddy. Very very shoddy.’

Shoddy is not the word for it. I’d use fucked, but I’ve probably used my swear quota for the day.

‘We bought the house last year and the plumbing is shit. You’ll love it.’

‘Oh. [laughs] Okay then. Right. Now how big is the cylinder?’

‘It’s big? I don’t know! It’s been a bad week. It’s a big one. Big.’

‘But is it 160 litres? Or 240?’

I consulted with Nathan.

‘Partner says it’s 240. I just need it fixed. I have kids…’


‘Right. Now where is the address?’

‘Address is [not given to the Internet]’

‘Oh. You know we charge travelling time, right?’

‘Yeah. I figured. Tell your boys to drive fast.’

‘Okay. Someone will be with you tomorrow.’


So. No hot water for me until it’s fixed. The floor underneath the cylinder is now fucked completely and even soggier than it was.

On the upside, while I’m going to be shelling out $1000+ for a plumber and a new cylinder, it’s likely that insurance will cover the cost of replacing the bathroom floor. If I jump through their hoops with one eye closed and my hands tied behind my back while chanting Iamagoodgoodcustomer over and over again.

And then I got my shit together, swore some more and headed down to the Funeral Home with Mum and David. My week has just been fucking awesome.

Nan died yesterday. I still feel numb and unreal and just a little fake. I was in a brain fog this morning, right up until our little mini disaster. I tell you what, there is nothing like a mini crisis to make you start thinking again.

Aside from the actual moment when she died, I haven’t cried yet. I don’t really feel like I need to yet. No doubt my tears are in the post and I will go on being fine up until the moment I am not fine. And when I’m suddenly not fine, I will be very very not fine all at once.

I haven’t actually cried in a long time now.

Oh and you know what makes things even more awesome? I found a lump in my breast a few days ago. A lump that isn’t normal for me. A lump that hasn’t gone away with feeding and massage. A REAL lump. A doctors appointment will be made, just as soon as I get through Nan’s funeral.


For anyone that knows us in real life, you can email me for details of her funeral. I’ve got everything right here [taps] in my pretty little head. OR, you can see the details in the paper tomorrow.

Barbara June 25, 2009 at 8:38 pm

I think a good, loud dose of ratshitbuggerfuck is called for here.

I hope your plumbers break every speed limit known to man to get to you quickly and thus charge less.

I’m thinking of you and your mum. It feels odd to wish you well for the funeral but I do. Do you know what I mean?

Get that lump checked as soon as you can, you hear me? I’m sending you positive thoughts, prayers and fingers crossed for that one.

Barbaras last blog post..Wooden Cheese

Sarah June 25, 2009 at 8:40 pm

Just checking in to send some love and positive thoughts your way. You really are having a SHITE time of it….

Sarahs last blog post..

tiff June 25, 2009 at 8:58 pm

You’d think those plumbers could pull the plungers out of their butt cracks and move a little faster for you.

Hoping they drive like the wind and that when the tears come someone is there to give you a hug.

tiffs last blog post..Baby daze (days)

Fe June 25, 2009 at 9:08 pm

Oh Veronica. I’m so sorry about your Nan.

Sometimes it’s hard to cry about the really big things. Although it seems to me that your hot water system is doing all of the crying for you today. Would have been nice if the universe could have given you a break today… but hey… maybe things will be a bit more balanced tomorrow.

Please get your breast checked asap. I had two biopsies on breast lumps today. Don’t wait. Please.

(((((( hug ))))))

Fes last blog post..A Collective Exhale Please…..

Tanya June 25, 2009 at 10:24 pm

That saying is so true. So be prepared incase anything else decides to go wrong. I think back to times when I have had everything go wrong at once and my whole world looks like it is going to collapse but you know what? Things do get better again, some take longer than others but sometime in the near future you will be smiling again. Life goes up and down constantly and I just try to tell myself that I will get through it, and I do so you will too.

Your nan was a beautiful person, all the children loved her and that you can be proud of. She didnt get bitter about the whole situation and was so positive by the way she commented on your posts and your mums and the photos your mum posted of her. You’ll have beautiful memories.

With the crying, sometimes you cry a lot and sometimes not at all. When I lost my Gramps I didn’t cry but when I lost my Pop 3 months later I cried and cried. I wasnt closer to one of them, it was just how I felt at the time.

Tanyas last blog post..My Top Ten

Ali June 25, 2009 at 10:34 pm

You’re right Veronica, it never rains. Poor you. I hope the hot water service gets fixed easily tomorrow. I also hope you are able to sneak off and have a minute alone to grieve. I failed to do this when my Pa died last year (because of babies and toddlers and kids and you know) and now my grief finds ways to randomly leak and burst forth at inopportune times. It is not a good look. xxx

Alis last blog post..First birthday: now with more pretty

Mrs. C June 25, 2009 at 10:37 pm

Yeah, you’re fake. I always thought of you that way.


You are about the most real person EVER. You are just a little numb now. But look how creative you are! I love your writing and your sense of humour… even now.


Mrs. Cs last blog post..Fer Reallio.

Marie June 25, 2009 at 10:37 pm

Good lord. You need a vacation.

trish June 25, 2009 at 10:59 pm

Veronica, I am so sorry to hear about your Nan.
You had a hell of a week first with Isaac , Nan and now the HWS.
I agree with Fe – get ye titties to the Dr.
I agree with Tiff …”Hoping they drive like the wind
and that when the tears come someone is there to give you a hug”.
Take care of your heart.
I hope nothing but good things happens for you guys in the next year at the very least.

trishs last blog post..The Light of Hope

Janet B June 25, 2009 at 11:04 pm

Oh Lord Veronica – it’s true when they say if something falls through the cracks, everything else just follows. Sorry you are having such a tough time at the moment. Just take your time in mourning. And get those boobs checked out. You’re gonna be ok – just hang in there! Sending love from Johannesburg!

Janet Bs last blog post..Girls Just Wanna have fun!

Bendy Girl June 25, 2009 at 11:09 pm

Oh fuck! Fuckity fuck in fact. Sending positive boiler healing, breast fixing thoughts. BG x x x

Xbox4NappyRash June 25, 2009 at 11:34 pm


Not right, none of it.

Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Berries and buds

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] June 25, 2009 at 11:36 pm

Can you take a vacation from yourself? Lawdy.

Hyphen Mama June 26, 2009 at 12:58 am

Dear Universe~Seriously? What the FUCK?!?

Yes, Veronica… what everybody else has said.

Hyphen Mamas last blog post..Letters to the Universe

Heather Rose June 26, 2009 at 1:09 am

Good lord! Veronica, I’m a fairly new reader, but I feel for you, lady, and wanted to comment. Remind yourself to take deep breaths during all this. One thing at a time is all you can do right now, even if it’s just going through the motions.

Marylin June 26, 2009 at 1:15 am

Fingers crossed the plumber manages to fix your problem asap.

((hugs)) hun, the universe is a bastard.

Marylins last blog post..The time I got some bloggy love.

jean June 26, 2009 at 3:43 am

Hang in there. You’ve reached your three thing quota. First Nan, then the plumbing and now your boob. Deal with them in that order and then have yourself a great big cry fest. Take a box of tissues and sit in the car. Not that I speak from experience or anything.

Andi June 26, 2009 at 4:35 am

Unbelievable. I swear, I do not understand how things always pile one on top of another, right when you are most in need of a break.

I hope you get your water cylinder fixed soon and that the lump is nothing more than a plugged milk duct. And I’m sending all sorts of good thoughts and peaceful vibes your way.

Andis last blog post..How I Got Mud In Places I Didn’t Know I Have

Jeanette June 26, 2009 at 6:09 am

Hells bells chick!! I think you need a holiday 🙂
(((HUGS))) about your Nan, and OMW about the lump, hope it isn’t serious

Jeanettes last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – Leave me alone!

Ree June 26, 2009 at 6:24 am

My arms aren’t long enough to wrap you in them the way I want to honey. XX

Rees last blog post..Awards and Such

Sarcastica June 26, 2009 at 11:47 am

Awh 🙁

I hope it gets fixed soon, and I’m really sorry about your nan 🙁 thinking of you and sending hugs your way!

Sarcasticas last blog post..Thunderstorms

Joyce-Anne June 26, 2009 at 12:02 pm

Unbelievable-f’ing unbelievable! I sit here and wonder why this all has to happen to you this week. (((HUGS)))

Joyce-Annes last blog post..Where does the time go?

Sharon June 26, 2009 at 4:15 pm

Oh shit Veronica! I’m so sorry about Nan… and Isaac’s pains…. and your lumpy boob…. and all the other stuff that’s fallen apart while I’ve been away. I’m so relieved that you were all together when Nan died and that she was surrounded by love right to the end.

You know that song ‘Things can only get better’? Well it’s true, it may take some time but they will get better – honest. You have such wonderful memories of Nan and they will console you in the days, weeks and months to come.

Sending big hugs and wishing I could do more

river June 26, 2009 at 6:31 pm

A lump?? Oh Holy Shit!! Hopefully it’s just a fatty deposit. I have one on one bum cheek. L was terrified that I was going to die on him.
Your water problems remind me of the time when a garden tap wouldn’t turn off, the washer was stuffed,then the pipe burst at the rusted through part, and the landlord turned off the water at the mains. Said he’d call a plumber later….first thing in the morning. My daughter went ballistic at him. She had a six week old baby and needed to wash nappies and cook etc. Plumber was there within half an hour.

DrMim June 26, 2009 at 9:34 pm

V – what an incredible pile of shit…because that’s what it is. Having spent the better part of the last decade digging out from one pile of steaming crap after another I sent you love, sympathy and condolences. And when you’re breast feeding your breasts can do weird shit as well…I’ll send a prayer out the universe for that…got to your doctor as soon as you can if not sooner…


Taz June 26, 2009 at 11:22 pm

thinking of you hun..

i hope things get better and sort them self out for you very soon..

i am here if ya need..


achelois June 27, 2009 at 11:44 am

Perhaps the water was symbolic of the tears you cannot yet shed. My God how much stress can one person have in one week.

Please make the doctors appointment for the lump and have you told husband?

Thinking of you.

Jayne June 27, 2009 at 1:05 pm

(((hugs))) Thinking of you all.

Jaynes last blog post..Hum a few bars and I’ll join in shortly….

HealthySante February 15, 2010 at 4:29 am

We are in February and here in Montreal (Quebec – Canada), it’s snowing!!! Yeah! I just want to say that here, it rains in Summer but in winter, it only snows!

Best Regards,

PS: I Love Your Blog!

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