Meet Roger and Pam. They are Jellybabies.
Roger and Pam are in love. Luckily for them, there was nothing standing in the way of their love. So they got married.
They were really quite horny little Jellybabies too. Look at them go!
However, eventually they got bored, so they added some spice in the way of another woman. See how she is faceless? That is how they like her.
Roger liked to watch.
But eventually he joined in too. He couldn’t help himself. Roger was like that.
Eventually, they got bored and decided to amp it up a level. Enter their experiments into group sex.
Pam enjoyed the group sex, but Roger didn’t like seeing his wife get, well, rogered.
So they went back to their regular lifestyle.
But Pam got bored easily.
And found herself another lover. Roger came home from work early one day and caught them in the act.
Roger went crazy and threw Pam off her faceless lover. He says that after that, everything is a bit of a blur.
It didn’t end well though.
38 responses to “Jellybaby Porn, A Love Story”
Oh honey you just crack me up…. hehehehehehe .. Umm did you eat the Jelly babies when you had finished exploiting err filming them???
Jelly baby porn indeed.. lol what will it be next?
cheers kim xxx
frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
LOL love it! π
Marylin’s last blog post..What to do when the power is off?
Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope that you don’t get cavities from all of your jellybaby porn π
maiden53’s last blog post..Flowers Are Very Nice!
ahahahahahahahahahahahaha. You are one sick little girl. (Of course that’s why I like you so much)
Ree’s last blog post..Calling All Green Thumbsβ¦
lol “I smell sex and candy” I just love that song!
Is it wrong to think they look tasty??? π
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Gold Digger
You are the true Jelly Baby master of porn.
missburrows’s last blog post..Diamonds don’t automatically equal sex.
there goes another half dozen readers π
Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..The Container Dilema
Were you a bit bored? LMAO!
Jenty’s last blog post..Kids and drugs
That would be soooo cool if they made those anatomically correct.
Marie’s last blog post..My Kid is Specialer Than Your Kid
Great porn! This was a great laugh, I see your spirits are up today… *hughs*
talina’s last blog post..Sometimes I would like to just be a hermit.
One would never dream that you have so much time on your hands π
witchypoo’s last blog post..The Great Cookie Caper
I don’t know what’s more disturbing: your post or the fact that all * I * could see was a waste of perfectly good candy!!! π
Tasina’s last blog post..Blessings and Tags
Can’t do that with liquorice allsorts!
Maddy’s last blog post..Wordy Wednesday – the sense of smell
Haha omg you have an over-active imagination! I actually feel sorry for Roger. And uh, did you eat them?
Katie’s last blog post..Stop, Thief!
This is freakin’ HILARIOUS! i will never look at jelly people the same way again – the little freaks!
cookiebitch’s last blog post..WHAT’S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT?
Hahaaa! Hilarious!
Angela’s last blog post..Support Beauty in Nature
Ha ha! That is HILARIOUS! You OBVIOUSLY have too much time on your hands!! What’d ya do with AMY?? π
marlee’s last blog post..The Update on My Husband’s Sorry Ass
Hee-hee. L does a similar thing with my chico babies if he gets to them before I do.
That is one of the funniest things i have seen in a long while…
much respect to you !!!
They should have stopped at three. Or at least – not gone any further. Perhaps then there wouldn’t have been such a tragic ending and Roger wouldn’t wind up in prison being some big fat guy’s bitch.
Lou’s last blog post..Seeing the image
That was awesome.
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Dawnβs sharing VD with me.
I was going to comment on how funny this was, then I noticed that some comments are dated Feb. 15th, so obviously you have somehow tapped into porn from the future.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! I see this is what substitutes for television in Tasmania. Heheh.
I’m a bit disturbed that there are jelly babies in the first place. I like gummy bears, but jelly babies? That’s just cannibalistic.
imaginary sarah’s last blog post..Ride the mechanical bull, get chafed
lol lol lol
that made me crack up!!!!!!!!
Reminds me of a story from my childhood. We used to hve a ‘large’ auntie. One day mum, my brother and I were eating jellybabies…my brother got a jellybaby and squashed it down, its sides went ut and he proclaimed that it looked like our auntie.
We spent the next 15 minutes in a giggling fit.
Good times…..
But I have never seen jellybaby porn??????
you could be onto something…….
hahha! I loved this post. I wonder if Pam gets mad when Roger humps her face like he was doing in picture #7.
amanda’s last blog post..The Mini-Plague
I’m kinda turned on.
snort π
Dawn’s last blog post..Reinforcements
Gosh that is the funniest thing ever, would never think of something like that. Can i link from my blog and tell people to visit you? Would love to share with others.
Laura McIntyre’s last blog post..Body Lies
Dear god in heaven, THAT is the funniest thing I have ever seen.
Mr Lady’s last blog post..This week in Haiku
[…] i come across a blog post that makes me forget all that and has me giggling like a school girl.This post by Veronica had me giggling and blushing in equal amounts.Β I could’t help but link […]
Veronica, you are awesome. That was hilarious.
Leslie’s last blog post..When I Cannot Sing My Heart I Can Only Speak My Mind, Julia*
Dude. That is sooooo hot. (And hilarious!)
Fern’s last blog post..can it get any better than this?
OMG…I can’t believe they make jelly porn!!
And I can’t believe that you posted it!!!!
I love you.
LunaNik’s last blog post..Warning, Carbon Monoxide Levels High…
Alli ~Mrs. Fussypants’s last blog post..Fussy’s Linkapalooza- Tastes Great & Less Filling!
hahahahahaha jelly baby porn.. they’re so funny… π kaka
all i can say is OMG