Let’s talk about mothers day

by Veronica on April 22, 2011

in Sponsored Posts

Mother’s day has never been a big thing in our house. I’m sort of blaming Nathan for this fact, because the kids are little and it’s his job to buy me something (anything!) for mother’s day. Or at least ensure I get a sleep in and a cup of tea made for me.

Of course, like everything though, this hasn’t happened and I’ve spent my previous 4 mother’s days walking around the house grumbling about being under-appreciated and screamed at. Thanks kids, mummy loves you too.

I’m not bitter.

Anyway, this year being the first year that Amy is at school, there will be a mother’s day gift coming home for me, probably hand pasted with glitter on it somewhere. Considering it will be my first mothers day gift, it’s going to be brilliant, whatever it is. I’m quite looking forward to it.

I’m lucky. My biggest worry is that I won’t get a cup of tea, or that Amy will jump all over me in excitement and make sure that I can’t sleep. Both of these things are likely to happen.

Some mothers aren’t so lucky, and there is a big drive to buy charity gifts for mother’s day this year.

UNICEF has an online store, where you can buy charity presents for this mother’s day. The Mother/Baby pack is especially important, because it would allow a HIV positive woman to give birth and breastfeed, without passing HIV to her baby. One thousand babies a day are infected with HIV, and without treatment, many will die before their second birthday. Medical centres are often long distances from remote villages and travelling to them is beyond most mothers means. The mother/baby pack allows medication to be distributed and used easily by the mother.

So, if you’re wondering what to get your mother this year, or trying to work out what your older kids can buy you, and you’d like to help out a family in need, then the UNICEF shop is for you.


Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Kidspot and I received monetary compensation for writing it. I wouldn’t have agreed to participate in a campaign that I didn’t feel strongly about however, and I think that UNICEF’s charity gifts are an excellent idea.

river April 22, 2011 at 2:37 pm

I had a quick look at the Unicef shop, there’s some great gift ideas there!

Rusty Hoe April 22, 2011 at 2:37 pm

Great Idea. Have shared the link. 🙂

Kakka April 22, 2011 at 2:52 pm

Thanks for letting me know about this Veronica – I buy Oxfam gifts for me family as part of their Christmas presents and this would be great for them to get me with year for Mother’s Day. And I may even just buy one for myself so that I can help.

Seraphim April 22, 2011 at 3:43 pm

So true. I have reasons why I find Mother’s Day painful (a whole other story) but in contrast to so many mothers, my life is very blessed and healthy and safe. Thanks for letting me know about the site. I’ll check it out.

frogpondsrock April 22, 2011 at 5:42 pm

As your Mother, you know what I will be expecting for Mother’s day this year don’t you?

Catherine April 22, 2011 at 9:13 pm

For years I’ve been arguing that Mother Day started as a protest for peace – it was a day of political action (the story is on my blog, if you want to have a look). Consequently, (and the way I criticise the advertisements for Mothers Day gifts probably didn’t help either) I never got anything for Mothers Day. Last year I helped out on the school Mothers Day Stall, and the kids got me a few nice little things. But yes. It is a day I think about the other mothers in the world who need medical aid, clean water and somewhere safe to live, which is what I’ve been advocating the last few years. Thanks for spreading the word. Mothers can help each other on Mothers Day.

nurman April 24, 2011 at 8:53 am

I was impressed with the day the mother. I agree and recommend to everyone to celebrate it, by taking the time to give attention to our mothers. Give him a kiss, hug with affection, and give her favorite foods

frogpondsrock April 24, 2011 at 8:59 am

Yes everyone, make sure you give him a big kiss.

Naomi Ellis April 28, 2011 at 6:09 pm

I was impressed with what was on offer at the Unicef shop and I love the Mother Baby pack idea. I hope you get some special attention this Mothers Day too!

Sara April 30, 2011 at 2:08 pm

Gawd, it’s like you were reading my mind re the gift-giving from hubby and kids (or lack thereof). Thanks for the Unicef link. Will definitely be making some purchases to help out. If this makes me a “do-gooder” and a “bleeding heart”, as I’ve been accused of recently, then bring it on. Should be more people like us in this world.

Happy Mum’s Day to all the mum’s out there!

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