
Dear Council Workers,

Hi! I appreciate that you are doing your job, but I would just like to know why the hell you are washing the road. My daughter and partner are both asleep and I am taking the few moments I have spare to do some things.

Please STOP WASHING THE FREAKING ROAD outside of my daughter’s bedroom window, because if she wakes up and ruins my free time I will be rather pissed off.

I mean, freaking hell! All you have to do is wait a few days and it will rain! Sheesh!

And don’t look at me like that when I wander outside to find out what the noise is. Really, I don’t care what you think. Just piss off.

Thanks, Veronica.

Dear Seven,

When there are workers being noisy outside of the house, I don’t need you adding to the noise by barking to let me know that there is noise. I am dealing with it okay? Bark when it is dark to let me know there are people out the front. I would appreciate that.

I know you just want to be comfortable, but when I get up to let the cat out I am NOT inviting you to steal my bean bag. It is the only place I can sit and use my laptop until I get a desk and I can’t sit on top of you. Nor can you lie on my lap while I work.

Also, while we are at it, if I catch you peeing on the clean washing again, even though you had just been outside for an hour and the back door was still open, I may just feel the need to turn you into an OUTSIDE dog.

And the chewing of my underwear. Can you stop that? Please? I am down to 4 pairs of knickers and it will be a few days until I can buy more. I can see you digging through the clean laundry looking for it. Why can’t you chew sticks? Or the toys I bought you? Or your own feet? Because I need my underwear dammit.

Thanks, Your Owner.

Dear Amy,

Thankyou for sleeping nicely this afternoon. Also thankyou for not waking up when the workers were screeching outside of your window. I really didn’t want to have to go and throw dog poop at them.

Love, Mummy.


17 responses to “Letters…”

  1. Bettina Avatar

    I haven’t tried throwing dog poop as council worker control…… might have to give that a go sometime……. oh hold on. Dad’s a council worker…… could get my bottom spanked for that……… dammit!

    Bettina’s last blog post..Queen of the gym bunnies!

  2. Lou Avatar

    Obviously, Seven prefers you to go commando. Which is one of my favorite mental images. Women (especially attractive women) going commando. I think I love that dog.

    Lou’s last blog post..And then we went to windsor

  3. Suzie Avatar

    Oh yeah that sounds like a usefull pass time. Nothing like a scrubbed street.

    Suzie’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday Goes A Squeeking

  4. witchypoo Avatar

    Ronnie, did you write those letters to let off steam? Cause you know, Amy and the puppy can’t read.

    witchypoo’s last blog post..Am I Nicer When He Looks Like Jesus?

  5. Marylin Avatar

    hehe great letters 😉

    At least Amy has been good…?! 😉

    Marylin’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday

  6. Jill S. Avatar

    LOL! Could you write me a letter to the obnoxious snow plow guy who starts up his snowblower behind my house at 4:00 a.m. without fail???

    Jill S.’s last blog post..Hee

  7. Dee Avatar

    Hi I am having a moment of mummy brain and cannot recall if I have posted a comment before :S


    Washing the road??? Yes lets help conserve water by washing the road, because you know without a shiny sparkling road people won’t be able to drive properly!

    Glad Amy didn’t wake, sometimes they surprise you with what they can sleep through.
    My daughters are cat nappers, but it appears they can sleep through most things, including a mulcher out the front of the house!

    Dee’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – Joy

  8. talina Avatar

    Let me just tell you, do poo throwing is oodles of fun.. When you are throwing it into your rude neighbors yard.. 😮

    It is quite the stress reliever!

    talina’s last blog post..Brace yourselves, a new look is on the way.

  9. Taz Avatar


    the letters are the sweetest.. 🙂

    Taz’s last blog post..24 weeks old

  10. Toni Avatar

    We have neighbors that feel that the only time to rev their super car engines is when my girls are trying to nap. They don’t do it at 10am…nope, they have to wait until 1-3pm. Bastards. 🙂

    Toni’s last blog post..The circle….

  11. Dawn Avatar

    I’m back. Kinda. I’m more or less caught up on you. The loss/gain of the boobs, the undercooked cat burger … that you like me cuz there’s no captcha on wordpress….

    Dawn’s last blog post..Oh Easter, You are Such a Bitch

  12. Lou Avatar

    hon – please tell me that you got a building inspection on your house before you bought it !! You should be able to get some insurance back from them.

    If you didn’t get an inspection then you have rocks in your head, and u probably deserve the issues that have arisen !!!!!

  13. frogpondsrock Avatar

    Hey Lou.. Hon.. Please tell me that you have a life. Oh, and if you dont???
    It is no wonder that you are here, showing me that you have rocks in your head..

    Jeers Kim

    frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Tiramisu.. Yum..

  14. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    If you do end up throwing dog poop at the workers, can you take photos of their reactions? I think that might amuse me. Thanks!

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..One of Those Dyson Posts

  15. Lou Avatar

    hey frog pond – im sure your daughter has the ability to stick up for herself. You dont need to be so defensive.

    Its a known thing to do when purchasing a property (or maybe you dont do that in Tassie) – ie that you get an inspection. I apologise for using rocks in the head – but if you are forking out thousands the least you could do is make sure its OK..

    All i was suggesting was that assuming that an inspection was done then you can take the inspector to court etc.

    This is veronica’s blog – not yours – so butt the fuck out

  16. Anja Avatar

    Oooo thar be viciousness on ze blog.

    Can I bet a lazy tenner on Kim?

    Anyhoo, back to Veronica.

    My German killing machines bury my underwear. I don’t know whether that’s a commentary on my ‘bits’ or that they really love me.

    Anja’s last blog post..What next? A foetus in a thong?

  17. Veronica Avatar

    Lou – We knew we were buying a house that needed renovating. We knew that we had to replace the dining room floor.

    Why leave me snide comments and never leave a correct email address? That puts you in the ‘Troll’ category you know.

    Also, you may agree or disagree as you choose in your comments, but politeness is a key.