Presents! For Amy! (There was much excitement)

This post is sponsored by Nuffnang.


Toys are the bane of my life. No matter how many time I pick them up, they end up all over the floor again as soon as I turn my back. Not to mention that I am fairly sure they are breeding in the bottom of the toy box while I sleep.

Every few months I go through the kids rooms and toys and freecycle a bunch of them. However, there are some toys I can’t bring myself to Freecycle and funnily enough, these seem to be the expensive, better quality toys the children are gifted with at Christmas.

We’re not going to talk about the growing pile of stuffed toys that Amy has that I can’t bring myself to pass along to other children.


Amy is obsessed by the mail. It might be because we’ve got some lovely friends in the internet who send me things like chocolate, or because I buy a lot of books online, but there is nothing Amy likes more than checking the mail, hoping for packages.

She was a teensy bit disappointed when the other day, she checked the mail and instead of a letter, we got a red post office slip letting us know we had to go and collect a package.

A few hours and a few tantrums later – she’s been a bit difficult lately – we were on our way to the post office, collecting a package from Nuffnang and Mattel. Of course, I didn’t let her open it until we were home again, and she’d helped me clean up all the other toys strewn about the house.

Excitement ensued when she saw what was inside.


Rather excited.

Mattel rather nicely, sent me some vehicles from the Little People Vehicle range and I’m not sure the kids have stopped playing with them yet.

Despite the packaging taking a while to open, with excited kidlets bouncing around me the whole time, I am so pleased with these toys. They are tough and the little people are soft enough that I’m not worried about the children hurting themselves on the edges. These definitely aren’t toys that I will want to get rid of.

Both vehicles, we’ve got a school bus and a tractor, sing. Isaac spends a lot of time pressing the person to make the car sing and then dancing. It’s rather cute.

All around, I love Fisher Price stuff and always have, so I’m not really a hard sell – and anything that comes in the post and is for the children is going to win them over instantly. Isaac incidentally is still crawling around with the cow in his hand, so I think they’ve won him over.

Now, I’ve just got to referee when they decide that they both need the school bus or they are going to die.

And you know, that’s always fun.


15 responses to “Presents! For Amy! (There was much excitement)”

  1. Marita Avatar

    We love little people toys. Our speech therapist used them A LOT with Heidi. Now Heidi has grown out of them I donated our massive collection of Little People toys to the Early Intervention Centre she attended. Hope Issac and Amy get lots of fun out of their new toys.

  2. statia Avatar

    I’m so over all of the tiny toys around the house too. I can’t wait until the baby is old enough to walk up and down the stairs (that is, if she will START WALKING ALREADY!), because all of their crap is going in our basement (which is finished). I figure, I can drag my laptop down there and get work done while they play, so they don’t kill each other, but then I won’t have to look at toys in my office, and all over my entire first floor.

  3. Ro Avatar

    These are fabulous toys, always engaging kids of all ages, and are excellent for use in role playing, teaching visually-inclined kids social skills and for recreating social situations kids sometimes have difficulty negotiating, particularly for kids with ASD.

  4. Joyce-Anne Avatar

    Toys are very cool, especially when they are Fisher Price Little People. I hope the children have lots of fun playing with them and, of course, you get lots of peace while they are playing.

  5. river Avatar

    Oh quick, buy another school bus!! Just kidding…..maybe.
    Fisher Price is good stuff, my kids had a bit when they were babies, but mostly it was K-mart bargains in their toy box. It didn’t matter to them, since their favourite thing to do was use the broom to sweep the lot down the hallway into the back room at the end of the day. Sometimes three or four times a day. They loved the broom. Funnily enough they didn’t much like actual floor sweeping…..
    Amy and Isaac look so sweet playing together there.

  6. Marylin Avatar

    My kids adore their little people things. They have a noah’s ark (of all things!!) and loads of animals to go with it, and a plane. Max adores both and will even ‘let’ Zack play with him when he’s got them out! 🙂

  7. Barbara Avatar

    I love Fisher Price. Those toys look lovely, I fear I feel an internet shopping spree coming on!

  8. Tanya Avatar

    fantastic. I saw a heap of those for sale cheeply and umm and arrred over buying them…but never did. 🙁

  9. Angela Avatar

    We call them Baby Farmers. Ours came with the Little People barn. We got them for Ruby for her 1st birthday and she still plays with them. Thomas has just one in particular that he likes. If you give her to him he just holds her. For ages. Doesn’t chew her. Just holds on tight. He’s not interested in the others. Funny!

  10. Kristin Avatar

    Our kids had the version of the bus that came out several years ago (and the airplane and the Noah’s ark, etc) and loved it. Virtually indestructible.

  11. Katie Avatar

    I’ve been seeing these “Little People” toys popping up around the place – they look so cute!

  12. Jeanette Verster Avatar

    I love those FP toys!

  13. Kristin Avatar

    Wow. What a sexy button.

  14. Fiona Avatar

    Oh my 25 year old sister would love them. And she wouldn’t be sharing them with her 8 month old!

  15. achelois Avatar

    On toys – mine are 17 and 19 years. On searching through a large wooden antique chest for a word list for my step grandson. nb I have to put step otherwise it would look like my teenager daughter had a seven year old child! Anyway, at the bottom of chest I found baby toys!!! Good grief, seven year old darling grandson put all thoughts of going outside to play football aside and played happily for an hour with an ancient FP thingy.

    The toys by the way never go away until they leave home – they just get more expensive.

    How wonderful to get them for free. Daughter is a hoarder and I know still there amongst the make up, clothes and books are a few favoured toys. Its my fault I still have baby stuff in the loft, that I just can’t bear to part with.

    I always felt too many toys was confusing and meant that they weren’t given the attention they deserved. Putting toys away with EDS is pants frankly. I love the toys in your pictures. I have a horror of children choking on all things small and had to seriously hide this phobia. By the way both the children are sitting in a classic ehlers danlos W whilst playing!

    I do so hope FP use one of these photo’s in advertising, absolute proof that their product gets a thumbs up from kids.

    ps – Just in case there is a troll lurking.

    Grandson did play football after FP play for cardiac exercise and bone strength. He also had his quota of five a day veg and fruit -more indeed. Cleaned his teeth and chose carrot cake over chocolate. We had at least two politically correct conversations and discussed marketing strategies, as over here in the UK everything is covered in World Cup Football Fever images. Including breakfast cereal. He made homemade museli and we stuck a picture he had drawn on the container, obviously this had World Cup Logo’s on it! Tired then, healthy and happy he returned to play happily again with good old FP toys! Albeit putting the rather faded but still totally playable with FP people in the thingy to go on an imaginary trip to South Africa to train. This meant I had to go to the antique chest and find the atlas. Thank you Fisher Price for the longevity of your products.