Amy had a ball yesterday playing in the Gardens. About halfway through the day she discovered a mud puddle. Fun times!
She had so much fun jumping in it. Luckily I had thought to bring extra clothes (sort of) and she was able to play.
Junk food!
An awful lot of space. She had great fun running away from me all afternoon.
Mum’s birthday cake was gorgeous AND delicious!
Instant toddler entertainment! Amy has stopped calling them dooooogs, now they are ‘Hoss’s!’ Look at how much drier it is getting. That little bit of green you can see is from the horses splashing water from their trough.
Running to yell at the ‘hoss!’ Closely followed by her cat.
And this one is because we all need a little more cute in our days.
32 responses to “Mud Puddles and Chocolate Cake”
great photos Sweetheart..
I will post mine soon.. But first I need some birthday chocolate.. mmmmm yum.. xoxoxox
frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Favourite Photo Friday (on Saturday) #3
what awesome photos..
looks like a fun day for all..
Aww..I love them all. But that cake has me drooling…Hope your mum had a fabulous Birthday!
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..A Narrow Scroll
wonderful photos! That cake looks amazing!
amanda’s last blog post..Scrolling Saturday: Oodles of Caboodles
I miss playing in mud puddles!
witchypoo’s last blog post..LOL kitteh loads fast
It looks so dry…
That’s how it looked here up until Mid-December last year. It hasn’t stopped raining since for more than a few days and half the state can’t believe how lucky we are, the other half of the state is under water!
I hope you guys get some rain soon.
Cat’s last blog post..Net Worth: 1 February 08
Oh wow that cake. Looks REALLY yummy.
Tasina’s last blog post..Painful Admission
We had a LOT of cute with those photos, not just the last one! Amy is adorable with that hat. And that cake? I think I need a bite!
Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Mr. T’s Understudy
I love the photos of Amy – you can see she is having fun.
Also the kitty is co cute
Tiffany’s last blog post..Weekly Winners.
I’m putting in an order for a cake like that for my birthday next month!! lol
cute pics all!
*throws choccy drops*
Bettina’s last blog post..My Media Week
Amy is looking so grown up now. The baby is being lost to the little girl. And doesn’t that kitty look just like the mummy cat? Too cute. Was that a Black Forest cake? That’s my favourite, for birthdays I alternate with Black Forest and Pavlova (without passionfruit). Hopping on over to say Happy Birthday to your Mum now.
gorgeous cake and looks like Amy was in her element.
The Kitty is too cute …my favourite! oh and the cake! do we have a name ?All lovely photos.
Babyamore (Trish)’s last blog post..Scatterbrain Sunday ,Awards and a new Australian Anthem
Awesome pictures, V!! Love the one of Amy in the field with the Hoss’s!
Secret Agent Mama’s last blog post..Weekly Winners XII
Loved the horses grazing.
HRH’s last blog post..A foggy karate tunnel…
Great photos! Please pass a piece of that cake my way!
Annie’s last blog post..2/3/08 – Weekly Winners
Great photos… the hoss’s are soooo kule!!!
Karen MEG’s last blog post..Weekly Winners Edition #10
That cake looks yummilicious! And that kitten is just adorable.
Cinn’s last blog post..Sorry…
The cake and the kitty captured my attention 🙂 Well, duh, of course so did your little one!!
Mine’s up – If you saw me before as rnning2wn2, it’s still me. I’ve changed my look!
chuck’s last blog post..Weekly Winners #3
love the photos, especially the one with amy and the hosses!
janet’s last blog post..Weekly Winners: Jan 27-Feb 2
I can’t decide if I’m stealing that baby or that cat, but expect one to go missing soon! 🙂
Mr Lady’s last blog post..Movin’ on up
mud puddles, cake, much better can you get!?!
mp’s last blog post..It’s Weekly Winners Time!
Kids are so much fun! I love it when you teach them something and you can see their little brains absorbing that information. My nephew is five and he is just picking up on so much.
And that kitty is SO cute. I love calico cats. Well, I love all cats…and dogs…and horses. lol. Ok, ok..I’m just an animal lover all around.
Just Jinny’s last blog post..Weekly Winners
What lovely photos! I can’t believe how dry it is there!
Jenty’s last blog post..Weekly Winners #4
Great pictures again! Looks like your Mom had a great birthday, judging by that cake?? LOL, nonono, she said so herself! Love the pictures of Amy, I always do! Must be so great for her, living there!
Jientje’s last blog post..Weekly Winners, Shopping at the Dance Hall
Oooh, that cake looks delish! Kitty and little one, too!
Maggie’s last blog post..Weekly Winners Sunday 2/3/08
Very nice! 🙂
Rebecca’s last blog post..Weekly Winners
That cake is almost as yummy looking as that sweet girl. 🙂
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Weekly Winners Jan27 – Feb02
Wow – it is SO dry! That’s what summers around here are like 🙁
Amy looks so cute digging into her little bag of treats. She’s said, “Hahaha – these are MINE and you can’t have ANY!”
Tara’s last blog post..Poor Boy!
So cute!
missburrows’s last blog post..Politeness Can Take You All The Way To The White House
Great photos, and of course I love the kitten!
merrymishaps’s last blog post..waterview, take 2
I love the pictures! It’s so cold and damp here right now, those bright warm photos look so inviting! Amy is a doll, as always. And that birthday cake? YUM!
Leslie’s last blog post..The Haiku Buckaroo Contest, Take Two!
that cake looks delish. and what with me on a new diet and all. ugg. cute pics!
zoe’s last blog post..Must Know Monday