My Great Grandfather had a massive heart attack and died this morning, aged 81. He had been married to Nan for 54 years. She was devastated when I spoke to her earlier.
Honestly? I don’t think it has sunk in yet. I feel a bit numb still, even though I have been processing it for hours.
We had a brilliant Christmas here. Nan and Pop brought up loads of meat and Pop wouldn’t take no for an answer when he gave me all the leftovers to keep.
He joined in the cricket game and bowled like a champion. He even had a bat as well. For a man that was blind in one eye, he played a mean game of cricket.
He would probably hate this photo of himself, but it captured the spirit of the day.
Thank you Pop for the wonderful memories, for showing me where to find the best raspberries when I was a kid, letting me eat all the black currants off the bush and laughing when I ate the jam cherries.
Thank you for the black currant bush that you grew especially for me. I plan to take it with me when I move.
Thank you for everything. You will be horribly missed.
Love Veronica, Nathan and Amy.
43 responses to “My Great Grandfather”
I’m so sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace.
Jenty’s last blog post..On the radio this morning
I love you Pumpkin… xoxoxox
frogpondsrock’s last blog post..My Grand Father 1926- 2008
I’m so sorry xxxxxxxx
Karen (Misc Mum)’s last blog post..Uh-oh
We are so sorry to hear about your loss all our thoughts and prayers are with you and all your family at this sad time.
Love Mark Anne Adam and Charlene
I’m so sorry for your loss. My prayers for comfort and peace for you and your family at this time.
Bettina’s last blog post..Carrot greetings
Hugs babe.
I never met my great grandparents. So wonderful that your got to meet Amy.
As I said to your mum, the pain will pass. And that photo of your GG father bowling is priceless.
Kelley’s last blog post..Rule 34 and Clinkers
big hugs hun..
so sorry to hear of his passing..
thinking of you..
V- You really are so very lucky to have had him in your life… all of the precious memeories that you get to keep forever! I am glad that you have the bush to take with you to your new home – it will be like he is there, too.
maiden53’s last blog post..Life IS Good
What an incredible spirit!
The bush is a good idea, and you can give slips to Amy when she moves to her own place as well.
You can bring him to you just by remembering how it felt to be around him.
He looks to be a man who would prefer you celebrate his life rather than mourn the end of it. He wants your Nan to be okay. She will need lots of attention after the rituals are over, her routine is so disrupted. My thoughts are with you.
witchypoo’s last blog post..Part Three of One Hundred Things
I’m deeply sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my prayers for comfort and healing in this sad time.
Jayna’s last blog post..Oh, It Gets Better
I am so saddened to hear of your loss. He must have been a remarkable man. Look at you. Look at your Mum. We all owe him a lot.
Lou’s last blog post..It is Done!
I’m so sorry for your loss. He sounds like a wonderful man. Thank you for sharing your fond memories of him.
alejna’s last blog post..rats!
Sorry for your loss.
Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..The Girls Have Been Up to No Good
He looks so vibrant in your pictures. What a great loss this must be. My condolences.
Candy’s last blog post..An Interview!
What a sad day it’s been all around…lots of sadness on many blogs. I’m so sorry for your loss. It is nice that you were able to spend time during the holidays. *big hug*
Tasina’s last blog post..Burning up
He sounds like a real Greenman with a strong spirit, I’m sorry for your loss.
Old Knudsen’s last blog post..Teenage Tough Guy Will Have You Whacked
Ah honey. I’m so so sorry for your loss. He looks like a wonderful man. My granddad died when I was 16 and I still miss him. I’ll be thinking of you and your family and your Nan. Big hugs.
badness jones’s last blog post..Too Much Information – My 101st Post!
Oh, so sorry to hear!
You and your family are in my thoughts!
Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos!
Angela’s last blog post..Indecisive Me
I am so sorry for your loss he looks like a great grandfather. I had one of those too. ((HUGS))
Just a mom’s last blog post..Day 38,,, IT IS FRIDAY….,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Veronica, I’m so very sorry for your loss. He really must have been remarkable to have such a special place in your heart….My thoughts are with you and your family.
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Love or Redemption?
Oh I’m so sorry sweety. All my love to you and your family. xx
Marylin’s last blog post..Haiku Friday #4
Sorry hun… Loosing someone is hard but it’s so great to keep the wonderful memories alive. You photos of him are wonderful and make him appear very full of life and happy.
talina’s last blog post..Old-Fashioned Know How- Do it yourself remedies
You are the fourth blogger I read who had lost someone this week. š
Marie’s last blog post..One Tough Cookie
I am so very sorry. It must be devastating for you. I love the pictures, though; he seems like he was such a wonderful, spirited man. I will pray for you.
Stacey’s last blog post..Life has it’s downs.
Oh Veronica,
I am so sad for you. There really are no words.
He must have been so proud of you.
Your tribute speaks volumes.
Tiffany’s last blog post..Five things I have learnt today about toothpaste.
Oh Veronica, I’m so sorry! I got all teary reading your post – very moving. You sound like an excellent great granddaughter – and how lucky you were able to cultivate such a relationship with him. Hugs!
Tara’s last blog post..7 Feb health update
I’m so sorry. I think that’s a great photo of him playing cricket, and great memories you have. I will be thinking of you and hoping you and your family find comfort in your memories and each other.
julie’s last blog post..Whoa. I am confused…
I’m so sorry for your lose.
LunaNik’s last blog post..100 Things…
Looking at those pictures I can see he was a wonderful man. He’ll never really be gone as long as you have your memories and photos. Give your Nan an extra hug from me.
I’m so sorry for your loss. š
Veronica, I’m so sorry. Your blog post and photos are a lovely tribute to him. I’m thinking of you and your family.
Leslie’s last blog post..It Has Been Said That Pregnancy Hormones Can Make You Desirious Of Sexual Activity. Well, So Can Love.
Just now saw this. Tears and prayers for you and your family right now from here.
Love you.
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Weekly Winners F3-F9
Gosh hun im so sorry for you and your family, your poor Nan and what she must be feeling right now
Laura McIntyre’s last blog post..Sharing Shots
Aw, honey, I’m so sorry. I’ve been terribly lax about reading recently, and so I missed this.
My heartfelt sympathy to you and yours. Grandparents are very special people. {{hugs}}
Ree’s last blog post..For Now – Until Iām Back Later
I’m so sorry I missed this, Veronica. My condolences to you and your family. What a handsome man, he sounded like a wonderful fellow. This was a beautiful photo tribute to him.
Karen MEG’s last blog post..Weekly Winners Ed. #11
All the best to you and your family.*hugs*
Those photos are so beautiful. The one of him running made me cry.
Momo Fali’s last blog post..Why My Best Friend Is Green With Envy
Thank you Von, that was a lovely post, he would have been very proud of you, I know I am.
I love you heaps
Aw man. He was RUNNING! Awesome that he was completely himself to the end.
Thinkin’ of you – and that a chocolate truck crashes in front of your house, leaving you the entire contents.
Dawn’s last blog post..Filler
I am so sorry to read your sad news… I am only now just catching up on blogs so I’m a few days late but many hugs and lots of cyber chocolate.
He sounds like he was a wonderful man!
Cat’s last blog post..Molly
Just came here via Kelley’s place and read this. My thoughts are with you and your family. So very sorry to hear of your loss. He looks like an awesome Great Grandfather. Hugs to all. And I love the photo of him leaning on the fence. Without knowing him, it looks like it captures his real spirit. Keep him close to your heart and he will always be with you.
I’m very sorry for your loss, Veronica. He looks like such a lively spirit! What a great man to have had in your life.
imaginary sarah’s last blog post..Ride the mechanical bull, get chafed
[…] period started this morning. So on top of Pop dying, I am not pregnant. Good times abound in this household, good times I tell […]