My office, let me show you it.

by Veronica on September 11, 2010

in Gotta Laugh

Continuing on my theme, let’s have a sticky beak at my office.

Okay, so office is a little bit deceptive. It’s actually the dining room, where I’ve got my desk and bookshelves on the opposite side to the dining table. It’s all open plan, so from where I sit at my computer, I can see the loungeroom and kitchen. This doesn’t prevent Amy getting into mischief while I work however.

My desk – with wordpress open on the screen, I wasn’t *meant* to overexpose it. You can see how messy it is, all the bills end up here, along with books and other bits and pieces. The house is always clean, but it’s cluttered and untidy. Maybe because it’s a home with people living in it, not a show home. Tissues sitting on my speaker because when the kids run around, I start sneezing. A webcam/mic for Skype, books on top of my computer tower [Elizabeth Knox: The Invisible Road, A Field Guide to the Birds of Australia, and Isabel Allende: My Remembered Country, there is also I Am Ozzy hidden next to my computer tower] and my notebook next to my keyboard.

Further over we have the rest of the first bookshelf, another tall one from Nan’s house and a TV without a set top box, that Isaac uses to climb on and pull all the books out of the shelves. FUN.

Behind me we have MORE bookshelves! (surprised yet? there is also another one in Isaac’s bedroom, full to the brim). Missing are my Robin Hobb books (see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo leaning over dangerously?) because they’re at Mums. Isaac has also been at work pulling out books from the bottom right.

The dining room is falling apart a little. This is the room that had the indoor pond and we’ve not concreted the floor yet. The walls are warped. Quite warped.

The long term plan is to concrete the floor and put up plaster on the walls so we can repaint. It might take a while while we get the money together though. Why do things always come down to money and how difficult it is to work around a 4yo and a 19mth old?


Until then, I’m fairly happy. Simply having a DESK is a step up, up until a few months ago, I did all my work on my lap, on a rather slow laptop.

Ahhh, those were the days.

Nowadays, I even have a heater, right next to me. Luxury, right?

So there. A little peek into my hideously messy office. Hehe.

Lucy September 11, 2010 at 8:05 am

The bookshelves. Lovely. I cannot trust a home without loads of bookshelves, full to spilling.

Marita September 11, 2010 at 8:39 am

Love all the bookshelves ๐Ÿ˜€

Our bookshelves are tucked away in our bedroom to keep my books safe from Heidi.

Having a computer desk is rather a nice luxury I agree, for a while there before we moved I had no desk and it was so frustrating.

Other Fiona September 11, 2010 at 12:09 pm

I love seeing the other end of the blogs I read!

As for calling it messy, that makes me chuckle..! Where are the paper stacks? Old craft from the kids? Junky old bills and catalogues…?!

achelois September 11, 2010 at 1:11 pm

That’s not messy! I agree with other fiona above I also love seeing the other end of blogs… For a while I had a desk now I just slob about on a laptop. On your last post, I seem to get two in my reader at the same time so must be why I am always behind the times, I am the opposite to you. I am a random blogger, bet you can’t tell he he.

Mrs. C September 11, 2010 at 1:55 pm

Ahhh… someone else’s house has areas that need a little work. Nice to not see yet another “perfect” room. Ever see those and feel you want to hide and never post a pic again? I do sometimes. ๐Ÿ™‚

Veronica September 11, 2010 at 2:08 pm

Mrs C – YES! Definitely yes. My house is lived in and battered and almost falling down, so seeing ‘perfect’ rooms annoys me. Lucky for them that have them, but we definitely don’t.

Jayne September 11, 2010 at 2:11 pm

Far from messy, your house is normal and lovely to see the other end of the monitor lol.

BendyGirl September 11, 2010 at 6:05 pm

Love all the books, I always think places don’t feel like a home without books. Bit confused though – I clicked through to comment on the Maisy post, is that not scheduled til later? BG Xx

Veronica September 11, 2010 at 6:11 pm

Sorry! I accidentally scheduled two posts on the same day, the Maisy one has been popped back into drafts to be posted when it’s MEANT to post.

Marylin September 11, 2010 at 7:11 pm

It looks awesome! I should post my computer ‘corner’ (it’s in the living room)… then you’ll see what messy is like! LOL

Amy September 11, 2010 at 7:51 pm

Your house is NOT messy, Veronica. It’s actually far better than my room here at uni right now! Say, you’ve just motivated me to tidy up MY room now! I have a hard enough time living with myself, to be honest, let alone with others (especially kids)!

I wouldn’t post a pic of my room atm it’s that bad ๐Ÿ™ I shall hop to it!

river September 11, 2010 at 8:32 pm

Well, *snap*, it looks as if we have the same type of desk. Except mine is over by the side window and my laptop is on the table instead so I can see the TV better. Love your book collection. A lot of mine have been weeded out and sent to op-shops because they were impulse buys and only read once, not worthy of another read. I prefer to keep only favourites that I can read over and over. Hope you get your concreting and plaster done before next winter.

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