
Now I know that I have been neglecting this blog terribly, but really, is that any reason for over 50 people to unsubscribe? Really?


I will try and get something of substance up later today, okay? Just bear with me here.


31 responses to “Neglected”

  1. Lori Avatar

    Are you sure that many people did? Maybe just a computor glitch? I don’t subscribe, but I do read every day that you post. I can go huge gaps between posts too, and feel bad when I don’t get on others as much as I would like, but real life marches on!

  2. Ali Avatar

    They’re probably just jealous of your fabulousness. Don’t give it too much thought.

    Alis last blog post..Oh yeah, I rock.

  3. frogpondsrock Avatar

    *phew puff puff pant pant phew* There you go sweety I have just subscribed 50 times for you…. I think my reader will now explode but anything to make you happy.. *gasps for breath*

    frogpondsrocks last blog post..A blank screen..

  4. Kat Avatar

    I’m still here! πŸ™‚

    Kats last blog post..Many Thanks

  5. Jennifer, Playgroups are no place for children Avatar

    I’d bet a million bucks that you didn’t lose 50 subscribers. That number is so finicky and based on the number of people who open their feed readers. Since it was a holiday weekend here in the US, I bet that LOTS of people ignored their computers, so subscribers numbers fell! I know mine did!

    Jennifer, Playgroups are no place for childrens last blog post..Well, that’s done

  6. Jennie Avatar

    I still love you!

  7. Dina Avatar

    I don’t subscribe, but I do read!!

    That’s weird about 50 people. Did it happen all at once? I’m guessing it’s a glitch. Or did you say something horribly shocking and offensive?

    Dinas last blog post..My Theme Song

  8. Talina Avatar

    I am still subscribed… Now quit neglecting okay?

    Talinas last blog post..Pondering poo and freezing.

  9. Tanya Avatar

    I havent subscribed…but I still read?

  10. lceel Avatar

    I don’t believe that. 50? No – that can’t be right.

    lceels last blog post..Tis the season for ….

  11. tiff Avatar

    Still here!

    tiffs last blog post..Too many chiefs.

  12. KatSTUFF Avatar

    Really? Those asshats. Want me to beat them up?!

    KatSTUFFs last blog post..NaBloPoNOMO!

  13. Sharon Avatar

    I’ve been away for a few days but can’t believe you’ve ‘lost’ that many subscribers. I’m still going to continue reading your blog anyway.

    Do NOT get stressed about this Veronica! Relax, think of the baby. Amy and the pets seem to be creating enough problems for you without worrying about your readership too. FWIW Amy will move on to the next stage in her development soon and, as with all the other stages, there will be plenty more plus and minus elements to ‘enjoy’. Pets, you have me there ‘cos I could never be bothered keeping animals, and, if your experiences are anything to go by, I’m really glad I didn’t πŸ˜‰

    Have some chocolate and a quiet sit down.

  14. Leslie Avatar

    It’s probably a glitch.

    But, this is one of the things about blogging that bugs me – whenever life happens and I miss a few days of writing, or if I’m not commenting (especially the commenting) as often as usual, I lose readers. It sucks. It makes me feel bad. I hate the whole, “I’ll only comment on your blog if you comment on my blog” thing. Perhaps if I were a better writer, I wouldn’t have that problem.

    Anyhoo, you’re a great writer. I’m sure it’s a glitch and those 50 will show back up in your numbers in a day or so.

    Leslies last blog post..This Is What Crazy Sounds Like

  15. river Avatar

    So you lost a few readers. Does it really matter in the big scheme of things? Are you blogging for your own personal pleasure? Or are you blogging to please a bunch of faceless people who don’t know you and you don’t know them? Like those above me, I’m still here.

  16. Trish Avatar

    How rude but more likely a hiccup – I had it happen to me (not 50 – oh my stars I wish) when I lost 20 once … it might bring you double or nothing now.

    Trishs last blog post..Not so … Wordless Wednesday

  17. Taz Avatar

    no probs.. πŸ™‚

    Tazs last blog post..58 Weeks Old

  18. mommanats Avatar

    Hi! I subscribed yesterday does that count for something???

  19. Ree Avatar

    i iz still here.

    Rees last blog post..Mute Monday – Q

  20. Marie Avatar

    I’m still here! I’m still here! (And equally guilty of blog neglect)

  21. nikki Avatar

    Those 50 people can bite me.

    I need a donut.

    nikkis last blog post..Too cute for his own good

  22. Jeanette Avatar

    Still here πŸ™‚ My readers change a lot too.

    Jeanettes last blog post..Three Corners – Traditions

  23. Xbox4NappyRash Avatar

    You’re blogging for two now you know…

    Xbox4NappyRashs last blog post..Making that list, checking it twice

  24. Memarie Lane Avatar

    damn glitches. one of them changed my page rank to zero for about two weeks solid.

    Memarie Lanes last blog post..Happily Ever Sometimes

  25. Ash Avatar

    I’m not goin anywhere!!!

    Ashs last blog post..Candied Apples

  26. SusanB Avatar

    Freaking internet. I just typed a nice little comment where I reasoned about Thanksgiving and Christmas causing these troubles and warned you to watch out for the same stupid technological phenomenon at Christmas, but then my computer ate it. Argh!

    Anyway…I’ll still be here! =)

    SusanBs last blog post..Thanks, Internets!

  27. Cat Avatar

    I’m still here!!! Just WAAAAAY behind on my reading. Promise to catch up. See? I started already.

    Cats last blog post..Attn: Complaint Department

  28. Bobbi Avatar

    I didn’t unsubscribe. I think that number was wrong.

    Bobbis last blog post..My Thanksgiving Dinner Was Awesome!

  29. Barbara Avatar

    Damn, I haven’t been commenting regularly but I’m still here! I subscribed to your kitchen blog and then found that I never commented because I got the email and read it but then never got round to going to the blog to comment. Maybe that’s why they unsubscribed – so that they’d remember to give you comment love more often.

    Barbaras last blog post..336/366 – Best Friends

  30. Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) Avatar

    I wish I had enough regular readers to lose 50… Heh. πŸ™‚

    Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba)s last blog post..Photographing the moon: a few tips…

  31. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    I thought the same thing had happened as I was traveling and neglecting the blog – I think it was a glitch?

    Sarcastic Moms last blog post..Oh, Hai! No, I’m not dead.