New carpet and new directions

We got new carpet yesterday. We’ve lived in this house for almost seven years, just dealing with the crappy carpet hand we’d been dealt and suddenly, care of an exploding light bulb raining molten glass all over the living area and hallway, we get new carpet. It’s a bit weird. NEW STUFF. In our really old falling apart house. Something NEW AND SHINY.




It had been a while since we looked at our dining room floor. Out of sight, out of mind is a great thing when you know you’ve got giant holes in the floor covered with random bits of board, but yesterday when we tore everything up it was hard to ignore the giant holes.

Even harder to ignore was the corpse of the cat which had gone missing a few days previously. Poor Amy, she’d been holding out hope that some kind person had thought Alley was lost and picked her up.

Alley, who was my least favourite cat, has, in death, made her way to the top of the favourite cats list. Mostly because she died right underneath the only bit of under the house we can actually access. Smart move, cat.

But I digress.

Giant holes in the floor. See here for when we first discovered them, a really long time ago oh god why have we been procrastinating fixing this floor.

The holes were ahem slightly worse than that old post shows, care of people occasionally falling through the rotted floor boards and making new, larger holes.

Don’t judge me. If you could ignore holes in your floor by covering them with shitty carpet and furniture you would too.

SO. We removed the cat corpse, had the carpet laid through the entire living area and hallway and were given strict instructions to fix the dining room floor so they could finish laying the rest of the carpet another day.

Procrastination always takes a back step to the reality of hey you could lose a small child or three under your floor and fix it so you can have shiny new carpet you procrastinating idiots.

I had not planned to spent a lot of money buying new flooring for the dining room this fortnight, but hey, needs must and can I please just cry in the corner now.

WOO. New carpet and debt! YAY US.


I deleted my email address today. Up to 500 spam emails were coming through a day (A FREAKING DAY) and my email spam filter wasn’t catching all of it. Now it’s gone. Deleted. If you want to email me veronica [at] veronica foale [dot] come still works, as does my business email veronica [at] veronica foale essentials [dot] com [dot] au . Just a heads up in case your emails to me start bouncing because god knows I am so popular these days.

And finally, if you’re looking for something AMAZING to give as a Christmas gift this year, may I recommend soap?

Handmade soap is gorgeous, good for your skin, smells amazing, and is good for your soul. You know you want it.

Use coupon code WELOVEXMAS at the checkout for 15% off up until the 18th December.

To make sure your order reaches you we recommend ordering no later than December 13.

Cool Mint




4 responses to “New carpet and new directions”

  1. river Avatar

    The new carpet looks great! Those coloured walls you have are a great match for my kitchen cabinet which is also yellow, pink, green, purple and blue. It’s out on my back porch because I didn’t think fast enough and put it along the lounge wall when I first moved in here. That wall now holds a big TV unit with loads of storage that my girl bought me.

    Soaps are a great idea for Christmas, I bought mine already. The newest ones arrived yesterday, thank you, the chocolate one smells amazing! Almost edible! The others will be gifts.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I love the yellow – the pink purple and blue, not so much. Once we get some money saved we’ll buy new Gyrock and reline the walls. Until then, I’ll try not to stress about the amount of times Eve grabs a pen and frantically draws on the walls while I try and steal the pen back.

      SO glad you like the soaps! I’ve just put a chocolate soap in our shower, I think Amy will love it. It smells so good.

  2. Happy Elf Mom (Christine) Avatar

    Ohhhh… that carpet is probably the best colour you could have picked with littles still running about. Not too dark or light!

    1. Veronica Avatar

      We thought so too! Although I’m still panicky about food near it. Heh.

      I don’t think we’ll ever be a white carpet family.