As of today, there will be no ADSL connected here.
Apparently, after waiting a month for Telstra to first check the line, then activate it for ADSL and then finally fix the faults on it (last count: 4 faults, each requiring about 4+ business days to be seen to) someone has pinched the port that our connection was supposed to be plugged into.
Pissed off is a pretty mild term.
APPARENTLY while Telstra was busy fucking around and twiddling it’s thumbs, they simply FORGOT that we were actually in the process of getting real live ADSL.
Maybe they thought that our telephone provider (who has been lovely and helpful throughout) were bugging them about errors simply because they could.
Who knows?
I do know that there is no longer the infrastructure at the exchange to support another ADSL connection and that there isn’t ‘the demand’ to upgrade their equipment.
Even though the infrastructure was available a week ago.
I am waiting to hear back from my providers customer support team, who will let me know what is going on and whether Telstra have changed their minds. (Uh yeah, not likely.)
In other news, I’m feeling a little off colour. Not sure if it is partially the cystitis or if I am coming down with a cold, so please forgive me if I don’t get around to visit you for a day or so.
14 responses to “No ADSL For Me”
That sucks. Dialup is SUCH a pain in the ass and now you’re stuck with it, at least for a while. And, to top it off, you’re feeling a bit off. So make yourself a big pot of strong black tea, add some lemon juice, honey (a great natural antibiotic) and a generous shot or two of brandy or rum. Keep it nice and hot and sip it, holding the cup up under your nose where you can breathe in the vapors.
Works every time.
Lou’s last blog post..Not clean yet, more baths
grrrrr – that’s so frustrating!
Hope it’s sorted in your favour hon.
Hope you feel better again soon too.
Bettina’s last blog post..Garden Update
Feel better
Suzie’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday and a Ditty
argh that sucks 🙁 I really hope ya manage to get it sorted. Feel better soon xx
Marylin’s last blog post..Borked
Ack! So sorry to hear about all of this. Dial-up can be so frustrating. Hope it all works out and you feel better soon.
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Business Lunch
That is crazy! I hope the get their sh%t together soon, sorry about the frustrations!
Talina’s last blog post..I am home from the Doc…
Damn it. That’s bloody frustrating and so frigging typical of all service providers these days.
Take it easy, sweet one. Rest and recuperate.
Anja’s last blog post..Hot Hunk Thrust-day
that sucks about adsl
hope your feeling better soon..
Taz’s last blog post..25 weeks old
you hardly ever visit me anymore anyway… *sob*
Telstra sucks old withered donkey arses.
Kelley’s last blog post..Arsehats everywhere.
I hope things start looking up for you!
Amanda (Shamelessly Sassy)’s last blog post..The Ship is Sinking
I hope things get better things have been bad heer lateely tioo : (
kaylee’s last blog post..Letters
Try and get a satellite connection !!!! Surely you should be able to access that. sorry to hear about your troubles – hang in there !!!!
Can we say Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman?
Hope you feel better soon. If not, hope there’s a DAMN good reason why you feel crook!
Tracey’s last blog post..Happiness
That bites ass! I’ve been selfishly anxious for the time when you can watch my videos.
Hope you feel better soon! (from someone who knows the value of feeling better) 😉
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Don’t act like it’s never happened to you.