Oh Hi! How Are You? You’re Here For The Blog Post Aren’t You… or Oh Wait, What Was I Going To Say Again?

I used to be able to write while I listened to music. Not anymore apparently because I just had to turn my music off so I could write a coherent sentence.

Unfortunately, the ability to write a coherent sentence does NOT actually give me anything good to write about. So damn.

My daughter is playing by my side, absolutely covered in pen. She seems to have discovered that drawing on paper is not half as much fun as drawing all over her legs. Oh wait! Now she is climbing up onto my lap. Joys! After holding her by her feet and swinging her from side to side, much like a pendulum, I have managed to extricate myself from her grasp for long enough to write this sentence.

She is chewing on my knee now.

Oh wait! Now climbing me sounds good again.

Okay. I am back. She has been placated with a cup of peas. Peas you ask? Yes peas. My daughters love of peas is amazing. She would happily eat peas (slightly minted thankyou!) for every meal.

So now, what was I blogging about? You don’t know? Shit. I didn’t tell you yet, did I.

In amongst all the pea getting, hot water and toddler dodging, spoon manhandling and leg climbing, I completely forgot what I was going to talk about.

Maybe about the complete lack of Tasmania bloggers about the place. (Do you know any? Do ya? Huh? Tell meeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Or about how I feel so far different to the other kids in my age group. (Yes, kids. Do you know, they are going out and partying? How. Much. Fun. Or not.)

Maybe about how Amy drew on the wall in pen and I had to scrub it off. (I haven’t told Nathan this one yet. Ooops)

Or how she has tattooed her dolls heads. (She wants them to be like her Poppy apparently)

We discovered today that milk + frozen berries + the blender = Amy’s favourite beverage. (and healthy too!)

We also discovered that tomato stains the carpet (and Ajax is fantastic for getting it out)

Also that the Toddler likes copying what Mummy is doing (by spreading food into the carpet as I am Ajaxing food stains out. She used the exact same hand movements I was)

I have noticed that she does a very distinct set of movements when she needs to wee, probably about 30 seconds before she actually does. (yes Amy, we are going to buy you this fun thing called a potty!)

So anyway, does anyone know of a meal you can make entirely out of condiments? Maybe with a few peas thrown in? I seem to have a cupboard full of sauces and not much else. *sigh*

That’s okay though, we will survive. You know why? Because I still have peas. Yay!


21 responses to “Oh Hi! How Are You? You’re Here For The Blog Post Aren’t You… or Oh Wait, What Was I Going To Say Again?”

  1. Jenty Avatar

    Glad you still have peas! LOL! Connor loves them too. The smoothie sounds like a yummy idea, I must make that for my kids – add joghurt to make it even yummier πŸ˜‰

    Jenty’s last blog post..6 months of photos

  2. kim aka frogpondsrock aka mum Avatar

    hehehehe Sweety your Dad doesn’t have tattoos on his head lol… I know some Tasmanian bloggers.. Tinkingbell and 2Paw spring to mind.. hehehe

    peas in mustard sauce sounds nice hehehehe


    kim aka frogpondsrock aka mum’s last blog post..Weekly winners #6

  3. Veronica Avatar

    Peas are great stuff, unfortunately she thought she might go swimming in them and threw them around the floor like confetti.

    I know he doesn’t have tats on his head Mum, but the dolls have long sleeved tops on, so the head was her first choice.

  4. Veronica Avatar

    Ah! Also, I keep forgetting to ask. How is my font size for everyone else? Is it too small?

  5. Marylin Avatar

    hehe that reads like a typical day of me trying to write a blog entry too πŸ˜€
    in fact guess what… it is possible to teach the toddlers to type for you when they get a bit bigger πŸ˜€ see: hhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiii immmmmm zaaaccccckkkkkyyyyyyyy11111!!!!!

    now that was me telling him what buttons to press^^ he’s learning…;)

    Zack luuuuurves the peas too, I think he’d happily eat them as an entire meal lol.

    oh…and the font? it seems fine to me! πŸ˜‰

    Marylin’s last blog post..Ten on Tuesday #5

  6. Tiffany Avatar

    Amy, Ivy and Noah sound so much alike in their daily activities.

    Tiffany’s last blog post..Well, blow me down!

  7. Kelley Avatar

    Boo’s favourite food is mustard. Apparently it goes with everything.

    Even peas.

    Moo liked them frozen best.

    Kelley’s last blog post..Update on sleep and apologies.

  8. Nan Avatar

    The font is fine, if I can read it ok anybody can, I seem to remember you liked peas from my garden when you were little.

  9. Marlee Avatar

    Most kids I know will eat anything as long as they can dip it in ketchup. Maybe that’ll get you a little more mileage out of what you’ve got around?? (But probably not the shiny foil wrappers–hopefully she won’t try those with ketchup…) πŸ™‚

    Marlee’s last blog post..I’ll Stop Thinking About My Own Ass, and Move on to Someone Else’s

  10. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    This was an awesome post! Rambling at it’s finest (I’m totally serious, btw).

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Take a Little Ride on the Short Bus

  11. Lou Avatar

    I absolutely love peas. My wife and sons hate them – so I don’t get them very often. When I was a kid, I used to like peas with black pepper covered with a splash of milk. Yum. Nowadays, my favorite way to have my peas (when I can get them) is to mix them in with my mashed potatoes, which I take with butter, salt and pepper. Oh, yum again. Christ, now I’ve got to go find some food….

    Lou’s last blog post..Still not a winner …

  12. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    Oh, and to answer your question from over at my place, she’s 23 months. Two is SOOOO close to slamming the door open and kicking my ass.

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Take a Little Ride on the Short Bus

  13. witchypoo Avatar

    My younger son used to stare at the ceiling and walk in circles when he had to poo. Talk about telegraphing your intentions!

    witchypoo’s last blog post..Are Your Eyes Bleeding Yet?

  14. Mr Lady Avatar

    Is there any way you’d consider a move to Canada? Because, seriously, Amy and 3of3 would be BFF’s. She writes all over everything. Herself, my walls, the fridge, her brothers.

    Maybe they could open a baby tatoo shop.

    Did you know that I am the QUEEN of stain removal? It’s true. Ink on the walls? No scrubbing needed. Get yourself a can of Aquanet or some equally cheap aerosal hairspray. Spray all over the ink and wipe it off before the spray dries. You may have to repeat this 2 or 3 times, but it works.

    Seriously. Canada.

    You’re not in their age group. You’re in mine.

    Mr Lady’s last blog post..Hanson’s got nothin’ on us

  15. Tanya Avatar

    I am from tassie πŸ™‚

    I dont spend my time partying πŸ™‚

    At work most of the time πŸ™

    Tanya’s last blog post..My Place

  16. Taz Avatar


    i wonder if Maddison will like peas..

    font is fantastic..

    its so nice to have Maddison with us.. πŸ™‚

  17. Leslie Avatar

    Julia loves peas. So do most of her friends. When we went to play at her best friend’s house recently, they snacked upon cheesecake (leftover from her friend’s birthday) and frozen peas. Delicious!

    Leslie’s last blog post..It’s Giving Me A Toothache

  18. Boneblower Avatar

    My boys used to eat peas πŸ™ now the only vegie they eat is mashed (has to be mashed) potato & they’re 6 & 8 years old *sigh*

    I hope Amy continues to be a good eater for you xox

    PS Thanks for your suggestions about my MoJo – but I’m still looking……

    Boneblower’s last blog post..That time of the month…….

  19. river Avatar

    A meal from condiments? Let’s see now……….uummm, eerrrr, nope, got nuthin’.

    Oh, Oh, tomato sauce and mushy peas sandwich!

  20. Courtney Avatar

    Do you guys have OxyClean there? I swear it is magic carpet stain remover. I can’t live without it.

    And I also spent a good five minutes standing in front of the open pantry doors and the open fridge, trying to figure out a combination of whatever I have to eat for dinner. So if you come up with a magic meal of just condiments, pass it along!

    Courtney’s last blog post..Countdown to a Trans-Pacific Cross-Country Move

  21. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    Soul mates again – Braden adores peas. And the other day he marked all over his legs with red pen. Lovely!

    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Just for a moment.