Our wedding, sick children and eggs. Lots of eggs.

I awoke at 3am to Amy, staring at me.

“Mummmmmy, my ear hurts.”

She coughed a little for good measure, as I stumbled out of bed and towards the fridge for panadol. This is why I buy panadol when my children are awfully healthy – it’s because I don’t want to be short of it at 3am.

I dosed her up, tucked her back into bed and fell back asleep myself, praying that she wasn’t really getting sick, as the things I had planned for today really didn’t require two children in attendance.

When my alarm went off and I stopped pressing snooze repeatedly, I woke Amy up.

And then I woke her up again five minutes later.

And then again, 10 minutes later.

“But mummy, my bones are really very tired today.”

I was still hopeful that I would be able to send her to school, up until she dozed off during breakfast, before coughing herself awake again.It appeared she was actually, unfortunately, ill.

Instead of school, that would have been a lovely break for me and fun for her, she got to come to see our Celebrant with us, while Nathan and I dealt with the legal stuff that we needed to get married.

Both children were very well behaved, in the scheme of things and I was quite pleased. We’re now all official with our legal intentions to marry and birth certificates looked at and everything. That is exciting.

26th of November, we’re getting married.


In other news, which is unrelated to everything else, I collected 14 eggs today. FOURTEEN. Even though I am using eggs as fast as I can, I am not using eggs as fast as my chooks are popping them out.

I’ve asked Nathan nicely (demanded) to make me a sign to put out the front, offering eggs for sale, but he is terribly busy with other things (slacking off) and hasn’t. Yet.

All of this is to say, if you’re in Tasmania, in the Hobart ish area and would like to buy some proper free range eggs, then I’m your girl.

When I say proper free range, I mean, my chooks have access to an acre of pasture that is mine 24/7 and they frequently roam the 10 acres of pasture that surrounds me. They are proper free range and the eggs are delicious.

I also have duck eggs to sell, but supply of these is not as reliable as the chook eggs, so email me first.


24 responses to “Our wedding, sick children and eggs. Lots of eggs.”

  1. Amy @ MahliMoo Avatar

    How exciting! Your wedding plans are all official. November is the best month to be celebrating! (I was born in November!)

    That’s a lot of eggs! Too bad I am now where near Tassie! We are hoping to get chooks in the next few months, only 3 or 4 as we live in suburbia. The kids can’t wait.

  2. Stephen Estcourt Avatar

    Hi Veronica
    Getting very excited about the wedding.
    I would kill for your eggs.
    Happy to buy 2 dozen a week if you can supply them.
    I could pick them up from @frogpondsrock in Salamanca maybe?
    Top dollar paid here:-) and if you have more I could buy them and re- sell them.
    Pretty please?

    1. frogpondsrock Avatar

      I am more than happy to be the egg go-between Stephen 🙂

  3. Ali Avatar

    I want to travel to Tas just to buy your eggs. They look so nice in all their different shades in that picture.
    How exciting! I’m thrilled for you that it’s all starting to happen now. The job now will be not wearing yourself down to a puddle of tears and broken joints by the wedding date. Although I found our wedding very fun to organise, I also remember how exhausting it was.
    Also, Nathan, get off your arse! Beefy can find ways to be doing absolutely nothing whilst believing wholeheartedly that he’s been rushed off his feet. I think this is what I would like to be saying to him but Nathan will do. 😉

  4. stephenestcourt Avatar

    Thanks Kim
    I will take whatever Ron can supply at top rates.
    Should I save some egg cartons to give to you?

    1. Veronica Avatar

      Yes please, all egg cartons gratefully accepted.

  5. Fiona @ My Mummy Daze Avatar

    I’d love chicken’s but hubby’s not so keen. We only just got rid of a mouse infestation and he’s worried chickens will encourage more. I’d love loads of fresh eggs on tap though!

    Meanwhile, thank GOD for panadol on hand at ungodly hours! And WOOHOO for your nuptials in November. Is it less than 100 days yet?!

  6. Happy Elf Mom Avatar

    So excited for you! I hope Amy is feeling much better, bless her! Do you have neighbours who might exchange eggs for something else? I am guessing this all means you are officially legally married but ceremony is later.

    1. Veronica Avatar

      No not officially married yet, just lodging the declaration of intention to marry with assorted signatures required today.

  7. river Avatar

    Yum, homegrown eggs!
    I had some last week, delivered to me by my older daughter who now has three lovely brown hens. They were delicious.
    If I was closer to you, much, much closer, I’d take a dozen off your hands.

  8. Beet Avatar

    It’s all a bit more real once you start putting together the “official paperwork” isn’t it? 🙂

    Nothing compares to free range eggs from your own backyard. I’m sure you’ll have no problems selling some

  9. BendyGirl Avatar

    Hope Amy’s feeling better & the rest of you don’t catch it! I wish I lived close enough to buy your eggs BG Xx

  10. stink-bomb Avatar

    november is an awesome month to get married in 😉

  11. daddydaycare Avatar

    what can I say. firstly congrats on the wedding, Really, you drug your child at 3 am with panadol, didnt you watch today tonights segment on the effects of medicating our children for a “good” nights sleep, oh thats right you have sold out to ACA and Kellogs for a measly few words on allergy free breakfast. Luckily – you didnt make an “idiot” of yourself.

    1. frogpondsrock Avatar

      Didn’t take long for the arsewipes to come out of the wood work. Anonymous ones at that. How brave. How very brave.

    2. Zoey @ Good Goog Avatar

      If you think that panadol is going to have the effect of giving you a good nights sleep with young childen you are pretty delusional.

      1. Zoey @ Good Goog Avatar

        Also pity I can’t spell children. That seems like something I should be able to do.

    3. Dorothy Avatar

      Veronica didn’t, but you just did…

    4. lisa hofer Avatar
      lisa hofer

      gosh veronica how terrible you are to give your child PAIN RELIEF medication, thereby relieving her pain……..seriously, daddydaycare, you think the lesser evil here is leaving a small child in pain and discomfort overnight????? i truly hope you have no children of your own.

  12. Liplina Avatar

    Surely daddydaycare is joking? Hahahaha. Cruel not to attend to ear ache with pain relief.

  13. Mena Avatar

    I love the advice you gave your mom to “stand a little taller” not sure how I’d react to the negativity. I think you did what any mother would do to ease the pain of a suffering child. Good on you.

  14. Bronnie Avatar

    Wow, daddydaycare is anonymous, fancy that. Why would you want to hide your identitiy?
    In any case, it would be cruel not to relieve a child’s pain when it is available.
    And how has Veronica sold out? She did not receive payment for appearing in the story and any publicity is for a good cause. I have a child with severe allergies and I’m not alone. We’d all love an allergy-free cereal! All Veronica did was respond to a request to take part, and use that opportunity to present the views of many parents out there.

  15. pixie Avatar

    oh wedding plans………..how exciting!!!

    I wish I could get some of your eggs………………but I think posting them may prove a little messy 😉