
  • Sneaky Tricks…

    …that I use to keep my house clean. *SNORT*

    Have you seen my house lately? No? Well, lets just say that the tips probably aren’t working.

    Anyway, Witchypoo tagged me with her meme that she came up with all by herself and honestly, it is a great meme.


    Write your tip(s) with a link to who sent the meme to you, along with the instructions. They are better if they are your own discovery, or not widely known. Still, tips that make a difference to you are all good. After your tips, you will want to tag some friends who may even be hard up for blog fodder.

    1- Bi-carb soda will shift any amount of grot. Caked on muck inside your oven? Make a paste of bi-carb and water, smear it on, leave for 10 or so mins, come back and wipe off. With a small amount of scrubbing everything will be like new.


    Magic stuff. Buy some now.

    I use bi-carb for those pesky stains that develop around oven hot plates and for the butter that burns onto baking pans.

    So now that I have told you about my huge bi-carb fetish secret, I find I am out of ideas. At least household ideas. So onwards and upwards I say.

    2- To keep toddlers clean while eating? Serve all food in the bath tub. Bread swells substantially when wet, so make sure you serve plenty of sandwiches. Toddler will end up fuller and everyone will be happier. Of course, you need internet access in the bathroom so that you don’t miss out on blogging while Toddler is silent and eating.


    If you can’t get internet access in the bathroom, I highly suggest setting up a tub full of water somewhere you do have internet access. Either that or a set of intricately arranged mirrors so you can see around corners.

    3- To quell The Shriek? Duct tape is your friend. Either that or buy yourself some earplugs.

    tape_duct.jpg OR earplugs.jpg

    4- We all want those pre-child pre-aging perky boobs don’t we. Now, I have come up with a revolutionary way to make your boobs perk back up to where they used to be.

    The answer is simple. Just put on a breast hugging t-shirt and no bra, then hang upside down. Your breasts will instantly end up back where they used to be. Simple really. We should really all embrace walking on our hands.

    WARNING: Do not attempt to do this anywhere near a boob obsessed toddler when your t-shirt is NOT breast hugging. You WILL end up with a toddler attempting to feed while your boobs fall out of your top. Toddler will find it hilarious and you will be stuck upside down.

    I am tagging –

    Frog Ponds Rock


    Imaginary Binky (Sarah)






    I tagged some of my newer commenters as well as some old friends. Thanks guys for coming over and visiting me.

  • Do Teenage Boys Brains Not Compute?

    Remember my last post about my brother?

    Well, he came and stayed with me again.

    This time, instead of deoderant, it was the study door.

    Amy has just gone to sleep. Generally she doesn’t wake up, but noises at the foot of the stairs piss her off. The study is right at the bottom of the stairs, and the door handle rattles like a mofo.

    David walks into the study where he is playing on Nat’s computer and shuts the door.

    Rattle rattle…………clunk.


    I wish he wouldn’t shut the door.

    Dave walks out of the room 5 mins later, rattle clunk goes the door as he opens it.

    ‘Dave, please don’t latch the door. Amy is sleeping and the noise goes straight up the stairs into her room’

    ‘Okay Ronni’


    Dave makes himself some food and walks back into the study.

    ‘Don’t shut that door’

    Rattle rattle…..clunk.


    5 mins later (because he can’t sit still) he come back out to talk to Nathan about something.

    ‘Dave, remember how I said don’t shut the door?’


    ‘Well, don’t shut the freaking door! Amy is sleep and isn’t going to bother you.’

    ‘Oh, okay then’

    He walks back towards the study and SHUTS THE FREAKING DOOR!

    A little while later, he comes back out again. He goes to shut the door behind himself.

    ‘Don’t shut the fucking door! I HAVE TOLD YOU! DON’T FREAKING SHUT IT!’

    Slowly the door swings more closed, with Dave NOT listening to me.

    Veronica’s head explodes.


    ‘Oh, sorry Ronni.’

    When he went back into the study 5 mins later, you guessed it. He shut the door.

    I think I figured out why though. Look what is living in my bookshelf.


     Of COURSE he needed the door shut. DOH!

  • The Toddler

    The Toddler was in full force today.

    I tried to have a shower while she was occupied with her toys. Didn’t work. Eventually, after a little head and hands poked into my shower (getting soaked in the process) for the tenth time, I stripped her off and put the plug in and she had a shower with me.

    I left the water in to be used on the garden later.

    Getting dressed was something that she SHALL. NOT. BE. SUBJECTED. TO! And I was a MEAN MEAN MUMMY for doing it.

    I finally got her dressed (cue cheers) and (the second) breakfast served. While I wasn’t looking, she fed her (second) breakfast to the cat. I can only assume from the amount of grumpiness that reared it’s ugly head, that the first breakfast had gone to the cat as well.


    As I was preparing to go out (hair makeup etc) Toddler came into the bathroom and threw the roll of toilet paper into the toilet before I could stop her. She emptied a cup of water all over the floor and finally, as a final encore of Toddlerhood, she fell in the bath.

    Fully dressed.

    After I had taken 20 mins to dress her.


    We eventually got out the door and Toddler was fed vegemite and cheese sandwiches in the car because I had finally realised that she was still hungry. Maybe the cat looking satisfied and NOT yowling for food should have tipped me off?


    Toddler enjoys shopping, as long as Toddler is not in any way, shape, or form constrained in a trolley, stroller, or arms. Hand-holding is also out of the question as it restricts Toddler’s movement.

    I juggled finding 2 new pairs of pants for Toddler, a handbag and a hot drink (chai tea latte).

    Toddler raced around the shop causing Toddler chaos in her wake. I spent the whole time putting the soft toys back onto their shelf and re-packaging all the shoes.

    Also apologising. Did I mention the apologising?

    At one point Toddler realised that there was music! over the sound system. She raced around the shop, with me and her Nan (my mum) in hot pursuit. As soon as she found a slightly empty space (a dance floor if you will) she proceeded to dance and sing and generally perform.

    Drama queen.


    Toddler is unhappy about any attempt to contain her in a trolley. UNLESS you sit her in the main bit along with all the food.

    So, being a person to take the path of least resistance I let her sit in with the food.

    After Toddler unwrapped my block of chocolate, I realised I may have made a (slightly, very small) bad decision.

    If you are in the supermarket and you notice a block of unwrapped, slightly chewed, macadamia nut chocolate hidden amongst the pads, please pretend you didn’t see it. I am truly sorry.

    After a while Toddler decided that causing chaos OUTSIDE of the trolley was the new fun thing to do.

    Did you know that there are dogs on the cans of dog food? Toddler let me know.

    There are cats on the cat food. Toddler let me know this also.

    Even better? A Scottish Terrier is actually a cat and Toddler won’t have anyone tell her that it isn’t.


    ‘No Sweetheart, that is a dog’

    Toddler points at a Border Collie.

    ‘Dis dooooooo ag’

    ‘Yep, that’s a dog’

    Toddler points at a Terrier


    ‘No, that’s a dog.’

    ‘NO! TAT!’ stomps foot

    ‘Come look at the cats then…’

    EVERYTHING actually should be placed on the floor for ease of access for Toddler shelf climbing. Toddler saw to this today and was mightily unimpressed when I put everything back where it belonged.

    She threw herself backwards when I held her.

    She ran away when I didn’t.

    For a final straw, as I was packing the groceries back into the trolley after paying for them, I trapped a (very energetic) Toddler between the wall, myself and the trolley.

    Toddler is a mighty escape artist. So mighty in fact that she crawled underneath the trolley to escape. She would have managed it too had her pesky foot not gotten stuck and her MEAN MEAN MUMMY not removed her from there.

    Cue tantrum.

    I think I lost weight today.

    The Monster

  • Break Out The Champagne

    We got pre-approval.

    Don’t know what I am talking about? Read this.

    Right, done?

    We got pre-approval!!!

    The catch? We have to find $1000 to pay out the rest of the money owed on the car. Provided we can do that (within a week) then they will give us our home loan.

    We bought the house!!! WOOOOOOOOT!

    Sorry, this was just an updaty post. Toddler post to follow.

  • The T-shirt Debate

    I said I wouldn’t do it, but here I am, jumping in boots and all to give you my opinion on the whole t-shirt debacle.

    The T-shirt Debate.

    An Aussie clothing chain has released a set of t-shirts emblazoned with various slogans.


    I pinched this picture from Megan at imaginif. Thanks.

    Parents are up in arms, calling for the tops to be recalled, that they are unacceptable, and that they shouldn’t be worn.

    Apparently they turn girls into slutty seeming, sex wanting bitches. Boys become drunk, asshole (really that should say arsehole. We are in Australia here), pimps.

    Parents are swearing that they will NOT buy these t-shirts, etc etc.

    Fine. Don’t buy them. Finished.

    However, the more that teenagers perceive that these tops are controversial and likely to cause anger, the more they are going to want wear them.

    Would I buy them for my daughter? Probably not. Would I have bought them for myself when I was 14-15? Most certainly. Am I going to have a hissy fit if Amy walks in wearing something similar when she is 14? I doubt it.

    The shop in question selling them is marketed towards teenagers who are able to buy their own clothes, not teens still dependent on their parents for money.

    My mother was laid back and when it came to the small things, she was prepared to let them go. I wanted to dye my hair purple and green and blue? Okay, she would help me do it (it wouldn’t work by the way, my hair was too dark).

    You know why? Because it was ONLY HAIR. It grows back. I could have shaved it and she wouldn’t have batted an eye. She also let me wear whatever I liked. She helped me pick them out even. When I was 16 she bought me these boots.


    Because she let me be my own person, clothes and hair were never rebellious points for me. I never ‘acted out’ by cutting my hair and wearing ‘odd’ clothes.

    Sure, I made some clothing choices that were in (very) poor taste, but once I realised that I stopped wearing them.

    These tshirts are going to become more popular now that there is such a controversy surrounding them. More teens are going to want to wear them for the reaction they garner.

    I remember what highschool was like.

    The kids with the strictest parents were the most likely to lie and change clothes after they left the house.

    The kids with rich parent had access to hard drugs and the liquor cabinets.

    The kids with deadbeat parents smoked dope.

    Generalisations I know, but that was what it was like. These kids BRAGGED about what they got up to.

    ‘My Mum doesn’t know I wear heavy makeup and tight tops because I change in the dunnies at school’

    ‘My pars never notice that I am getting smashed on their alcohol because they are too busy at work’

    ‘My parents don’t give a fuck what I do, so I get stoned with me mates’

    In the scheme of things, a thirt is such a small thing. It doesn’t make the person and it doesn’t say anything about who they are.

    You have to let teenagers make their own decisions when it comes to the small stuff.

    You have to choose your battles.

    Is wearing a stupid t-shirt for a while, until it becomes uncool, actually going to affect the person your teenager will become? I highly doubt it.

    Are they going to act out more if you make it into a big deal? I would lay money on it.

    Also? The Mr Pimp t-shirt that has all the (supposed) sexual connotation that are getting up peoples noses? A ‘pimp’ to a teenage boy is a boy popular with the ladies. It isn’t sexual at all.

    Feel free to disagree (politely of course) with me in my comments section. I will explain my reasoning behind this whole breakdown of the teenage psyche. Remember I was in highschool a few short years ago. I haven’t forgotten what it was like.