If you are going to go and shop in a low socio-economic suburb, and you are going to wear a dress (a pretty one for that matter) when all the other women in the store are either in skin tight clothes, worn over too much flesh, or shapeless sacks, then expect to be stared at.
I knew people would be looking, I didn’t wear the dress because I was going to the supermarket, I wore the dress because hello? it was hot. AND we had gone into town to visit Nathan’s parents and hello? spending 45 mins in a car in summer? I am wearing a dress and staying cool.
What I didn’t expect was a older (much much older than me, thankyou very much) man to stand waiting for me to get Amy out of the car.
There was a mile of space for him to get into his car and drive away. Instead he chose to stand and watch me.
As I got Amy out of the car and walked off, I thanked him for waiting for me. (I am eternally polite, even to creepy strange men. He *may* have just been being polite)
He licked his lips at me and said -‘It was my pleasure’
He licked his freaking lips at me! Not in a ‘oh my lips are dry’ kind of way either.
Nathan didn’t see him do it, which meant that I couldn’t even have a whine about it.
‘Wow, he was creepy’
‘No, he was just being polite, why do you always think men are creepy?’
Because they generally are
‘No Nat, he LICKED his lips at me’
‘So? I would lick my lips at you too’
‘Not helping me to feel better here, he was old enough to be my father!’ (Hi Dad, love you)
‘Well, I will lick my lips at 19 year olds when I am his age’
This was when I hurt my knuckles by bashing them on Nathans ribs just a bit.