
  • The JOYS Of Wearing A Dress In Public.

    If you are going to go and shop in a low socio-economic suburb, and you are going to wear a dress (a pretty one for that matter) when all the other women in the store are either in skin tight clothes, worn over too much flesh, or shapeless sacks, then expect to be stared at.

    I knew people would be looking, I didn’t wear the dress because I was going to the supermarket, I wore the dress because hello? it was hot. AND we had gone into town to visit Nathan’s parents and hello? spending 45 mins in a car in summer? I am wearing a dress and staying cool.

    What I didn’t expect was a older (much much older than me, thankyou very much) man to stand waiting for me to get Amy out of the car.

    There was a mile of space for him to get into his car and drive away. Instead he chose to stand and watch me.


    As I got Amy out of the car and walked off, I thanked him for waiting for me. (I am eternally polite, even to creepy strange men. He *may* have just been being polite)

    He licked his lips at me and said -‘It was my pleasure’


    He licked his freaking lips at me! Not in a ‘oh my lips are dry’ kind of way either.

    Nathan didn’t see him do it, which meant that I couldn’t even have a whine about it.

    ‘Wow, he was creepy’

    ‘No, he was just being polite, why do you always think men are creepy?’

    Because they generally are

    ‘No Nat, he LICKED his lips at me’

    ‘So? I would lick my lips at you too’

    ‘Not helping me to feel better here, he was old enough to be my father!’ (Hi Dad, love you)

    ‘Well, I will lick my lips at 19 year olds when I am his age’

    This was when I hurt my knuckles by bashing them on Nathans ribs just a bit.


    THE Dress

  • Happy (Slightly Belated) De-Lurk Day!

    You know what? I didn’t even realise yesterday was delurk day until I was over at Ree’s place and saw this post.

    Well, blow me down, how did I miss that?

    So I pinched the pretty little graphic off her page and slightly modified it (What? I’m allowed! And as it is still the 10th in a good portion of the world, I will defend my right to do so).

    Delurk, delurk, delurk ALREADY!

    So hello! And big waves to my lurkers. Who are you? How did you find me? If you leave me your blog addy, I promise to try and get back to comment on your post. Even better, leave me your favourite email address and I will personally email you back.

    Anything you want to know about yours truly? I will make it open season. Ask me a question and I PROMISE to answer you back. How’s that for love?

  • More Random Mindless Drivel With Me Shouting SQUEEEEEE! In The Middle.

    Don’t you hate it, when there is something at the forefront of your mind and YOU CAN’T BLOG ABOUT IT??? Arghhh!

    So anyway, I hope that I can tell you guys about it next week sometime. I can tell you that is awesomely good and it makes me want to jump up and down and yell ‘SQUEEEEEEEEEEE’ (and I don’t normally shout squeeee!), but no, I’m not pregnant. Have I gotten your interest sufficiently piqued yet?

    I suppose this is where I should tell you to Subscribe! so that you don’t miss my reveal all post, but honestly, if you don’t think I am awesome and wonderful and want to heap bloggy love on me then meh, don’t subscribe.

    See? How easy was that?

    Now onto today’s regular blog.

    Who on earth convinced me to subscribe to blog365? Oh wait, I know. It was Sarah, she tipped me over the edge and made me say ‘Dammit! All the cool kids are doing it, I want to be involved already!’ So I joined. And now I wish I hadn’t as I am blogging about random drivel.

    Oh wait! Look, something SHINY!

    Are you distracted yet?

    Sooooooooo, today was hot. Meltingly hot. Have I mentioned that I live in TASMANIA? That is very close to ANTARCTICA. It shouldn’t be this hot here *sigh*.


    See? See? Do you SEE???

    I am hot.

  • Oh Hi! How Are You? You’re Here For The Blog Post Aren’t You… or Oh Wait, What Was I Going To Say Again?

    I used to be able to write while I listened to music. Not anymore apparently because I just had to turn my music off so I could write a coherent sentence.

    Unfortunately, the ability to write a coherent sentence does NOT actually give me anything good to write about. So damn.

    My daughter is playing by my side, absolutely covered in pen. She seems to have discovered that drawing on paper is not half as much fun as drawing all over her legs. Oh wait! Now she is climbing up onto my lap. Joys! After holding her by her feet and swinging her from side to side, much like a pendulum, I have managed to extricate myself from her grasp for long enough to write this sentence.

    She is chewing on my knee now.

    Oh wait! Now climbing me sounds good again.

    Okay. I am back. She has been placated with a cup of peas. Peas you ask? Yes peas. My daughters love of peas is amazing. She would happily eat peas (slightly minted thankyou!) for every meal.

    So now, what was I blogging about? You don’t know? Shit. I didn’t tell you yet, did I.

    In amongst all the pea getting, hot water and toddler dodging, spoon manhandling and leg climbing, I completely forgot what I was going to talk about.

    Maybe about the complete lack of Tasmania bloggers about the place. (Do you know any? Do ya? Huh? Tell meeeeeeeeeeeee!)

    Or about how I feel so far different to the other kids in my age group. (Yes, kids. Do you know, they are going out and partying? How. Much. Fun. Or not.)

    Maybe about how Amy drew on the wall in pen and I had to scrub it off. (I haven’t told Nathan this one yet. Ooops)

    Or how she has tattooed her dolls heads. (She wants them to be like her Poppy apparently)

    We discovered today that milk + frozen berries + the blender = Amy’s favourite beverage. (and healthy too!)

    We also discovered that tomato stains the carpet (and Ajax is fantastic for getting it out)

    Also that the Toddler likes copying what Mummy is doing (by spreading food into the carpet as I am Ajaxing food stains out. She used the exact same hand movements I was)

    I have noticed that she does a very distinct set of movements when she needs to wee, probably about 30 seconds before she actually does. (yes Amy, we are going to buy you this fun thing called a potty!)

    So anyway, does anyone know of a meal you can make entirely out of condiments? Maybe with a few peas thrown in? I seem to have a cupboard full of sauces and not much else. *sigh*

    That’s okay though, we will survive. You know why? Because I still have peas. Yay!

  • Oh How The Place Has Deteriorated

    You remember how I posted a photo of my lovely clean office? Well, she has deteriorated just a little bit since then (read: the room is a shambles.)


    Clean office





    What is that you ask? Does the washing get dried in my office? Why yes! Yes it does. What gives me away? Is it the MASSIVELY HUGE (okay, it is probably the smallest pile of washing I have ever had. EVER) pile of washing in the corner?

    Also, why is Amy carrying around my percolator? I might need that tomorrow. Remind me that it is in my office when I need coffee tomorrow.

    Now, on my table is – a cup, 2 bowls, the foil from a packet of chocolate coins I was saving (the foil, not the chocolate. How can you save chocolate around me?) an air freshener (a present from Amy) and the empty packet from a block of chocolate. *sniff*

    Also there is a baby wipe and a sponge. More presents from Amy.

    I think I need to clean my office. *sigh*

    This post shamelessly inspired by Sandy from Momisodes. Thankyou.