It’s because we take photos first and then rescue the kids, all the while composing blogs in our head.
Mr Lady from Whiskey in My Sippy Cup has just highlighted what a BAD BAD mother she is* because she takes photos first.
Also, here is a great example of a mother grabbing the camera first and cleaning up second. PS. Don’t go there unless you have a strong stomach.
I would just like the throw my towel in with these guys, because GOD KNOWS I do exactly the same thing. Observe.
Example A
Amy cried alot (a freaking lot okay) when she was a baby. Eventually I just had to laugh at her and take photos.
Example B
Mashed peaches and rice cereal. I should have been cleaning her up, seeing as how she was done eating, but I had my camera handy.
Example C
Look Mum! I am crawling through your cupboards. Oh wait, I’m a little stuck. Help please? (Sorry about the blurriness.)
Example D
Now, just you wait there Mum, while I launch myself off the couch.
Example E
Looky, here I am in the TV cabinet. It’s cosy. And high. Have I mentioned that I can’t even crawl properly here yet?
Example F
Now I’m behind the fire screen. Oh wait! You still have the camera handy? Let me just pull this piece of wood on my feet. (NO! the fire wasn’t going)
Example G
I’m stuck in the drier Mum. Help? No! Now! Don’t take a photo first, I am STUCK!
Example H
Now I’m stuck in the bassinet. You are supposed to be helping me! Not taking photos!
Example I
Here I am on the window sill. I wonder if I should stand up?
Example J
Mmmmmm. Raspberries. Now, if I run really really fast, I might be able to make it over there to the carpet before Mummy cleans me up!
(Side note: What kind of landlord has cream carpet in their rental house?)
See? All those times when I should have been rescuing my daughter, instead I was taking photos of it. There have been alot of times I missed because the camera wasn’t handy, or the batteries were flat. (Falling out of her highchair and hanging by one foot springs to mind and no, she wasn’t hurt), but ah well. I am sure I have years of photos to take as I hold my breath that she stays still.
Sorry about the poor quality of some of these photos.
*Yeah if you think I was being serious here, then your funny bone needs fixing.