Amy has been full on lately. And by full on, I mean the the kid never stops.
And yes, everything she does deserves capitals and exclamation marks.
I am having to nap every day as soon as Amy does. This means that nothing gets done, but hey, at least I have had an extra hours sleep.
[Sleep is god. Don’t knock the sleep]
Currently we (meaning I) don’t have any cold weather clothes, so we are spending alot of time inside. I know, I need to buy clothes that a) fit me decently and b) stop me getting frostbite [in freaking autumn? heh].
Also, we need some play equipment that Amy can play on without my heart stopping. The slide, while she loves it, is either wet or too hot to slide down, as well as being unsafe if I am not standing right! there! next to her (her feet get tangled in the ladder and there are spiders).
[It is Tasmania. We went from 37C to 8C in 24hrs]
So, indoor play with a 19mth old.
So far we have tried acrobatics (Amy takes all the couch cushions off the couch and jumps from the couch, onto the cushions). We have tried cooking (Amy cries while I cook. She refuses to help unless helping actually means eating).
We have built block towers (I build towers, Amy destroys them, Seven eats the blocks, Amy screams at Seven). We have played ‘Help Mummy Fold The Washing’ (Amy takes all the clean washing and covers Seven in it. I try and fold faster than those two can unfold).
We have watched TV (until my eyeballs felt like melting). We have listened to music (Amy WON’T dance with me. Refuses in fact. If I hold her and try to dance, she squirms and tells me ‘Amy go DOWN! Me wanna go down now!’ which actually sounds more like ‘A-me go DOWN! Me ‘anna ‘o DOWN ‘ow.’ all slurred together.)
Did I mention the climbing? Amy CLIMBS. And then STANDS UP. On the arms of the couch, on the back of the bean bag I am sitting in, up the bookshelves, onto the bench!
So at the end of the day, I am left with this god awful cabin fever and a sense of unaccomplishment (is that a word?) not to mention a train wreck of a house.
I love my life.
And my frazzled hair. And nerves.
20 responses to “PLAYTIME!”
You need to remove her batteries at night so you can sleep π
witchypoo’s last blog post..The Community of Commenters
Good lord I know I was trapped in the house this weekend with a 3 year old and 5 month old I thought Id go nuts.Some warm weather please
Suzie’s last blog post..Tag Me I’m A Virgin
I thought there was yellow paint all over that beanbag chair. thank heavens it wasn’t.
Ree’s last blog post..Opening Day
There’s a Tazmanian devil joke in there SOMEWHERE…
Xbox4NappyRash’s last blog post..Mocked by nature
Looks and sounds HECTIC!! Rather you than me π
And that drop of temp is quite something!
Jenty’s last blog post..Weekly Winners #12
eek! I don’t envy you there π Need to find a way to stop her from actually getting up to play at night – that’s not good for any of you!
Hope Amy gets some good sleeping vibes soon! π
Marylin’s last blog post..Weekly Winners #14
OMG I feel like that all the time. No car = never leave the house. Scary neighborhood = never even go outside.
Memarie Lane’s last blog post..My Celebrity Detox: The High School Years
sounds like alot of work and some fun too..
except for night time that is..
i hope she finds some sleep soon..
Taz’s last blog post..23 Weeks Old
ahhh, I know it well… imagine that with a 2yr old and a 3 yr old….And I am in Tassie too, so I know the weather..and then throw in an 8yr old after school….
Sanity. No such thing. With Kids.
It is posts like this that make me want to bound my child hand and foot so she doesn’t learn to walk. But I won’t π
janethesane’s last blog post..CycleBeads – Natural Birth Control
That first picture? Cyclone Amy has struck the island of Tasmania.
The second picture? That’s a heartstopper.
Seems like that one night of sleep charged up her batteries for the next six months.
Ah, don’t worry. Even if you got everything done, you’d just have to redo it tomorrow. Take the time you can to rest.
Leslie’s last blog post..Mr. T Says, βQuit Your Jibba Jabba! This Is Motherhood, Fool!β
That’s when I stuff them in the blanket boxes for an hour or two π
Bettina’s last blog post..Screw Up Tuesday
ugh cabin fever!
Tiffany’s last blog post..Angry
Oh to have so much energy!
Casdok’s last blog post..Let us not forget
Do I remember you saying something about wanting MORE?
Lou’s last blog post..I stood on her grave
WOW i thought your winters, were supposed to be like our (uk) summers, i guess not 8 oC is a bit chilly !!
I’ve got one of those and any day when I don’t find him half-dead hanging upside down in a tree from trying to catch a squirrel (try picturing that in your head) is a day of accomplishment. Keeping the bugger alive can be a full-time job.
sauerkraut’s last blog post..Is Hillaryβs campaign on the brink of financial collapse?
i sooo feel your pain. *sigh* i know your season is just getting started. i am hopeful there is an end in sight for ours so i can get the terrorists outside SOON!
zoe’s last blog post..Double your Pleasure
And you want another child?
Tracey’s last blog post..Killer Mosquitoes from Outer Space