Progressively expanding

Here I am at almost 35 weeks, by the original reckoning. Of course, no one knows anymore exactly how far along I am, so who knows? It’s possible I’m 38 weeks, and probable that the babe is measuring close to 39 weeks at this stage.

Me however, I’m in the hell that is prelabour. Crampiness, pressure, bloody show and not a baby to show for it. It’s pretty crap. The hell that is prelabour means that my creative thoughts are limited to:

“Prelabour sucks.”

“God I am sick of being pregnant.”

“Dear baby, can you just come out now?”

“This sucks.”

Which, as you can imagine, is not terribly conducive to writing a blog. I’m also trying to get my headspace sorted out, because the last time I was this pregnant, my grandmother was dying. It’s a bit headfucky and I miss her terribly right now.

In conclusion, I’m very ready to meet my daughter, and grief is not a linear event.

How are you?




11 responses to “Progressively expanding”

  1. Amy @ Mrs Smyth Avatar

    Also still pregnant, and will be for some time. Also a bit sick of it. Thinking of you and your baby. 🙂 xo

  2. Jess Avatar

    Beautiful belly. You look positively ready to pop! Hopefully your dates are sooner rather than later and you get to meet your new little girl soon :o)

  3. Fiona Avatar


    I’m good.


  4. tiff Avatar

    hoping she makes her grand entrance soon and that you can find some good memories floating in there, along with the grief.

  5. cat@jugglingact Avatar

    Best of luck! FIne on this side. Thinking about you

  6. river Avatar

    I never had any pre-labours, so I don’t have a clue about how you are feeling right now.
    I do remember thinking, I’ve had enough of this, just get born already! But mostly my pregnancies were easy and a joy to experience.
    I think you’ve still got a couple of weeks to go, but like you, I’m eager to “meet” your new baby girl.

  7. carley Avatar

    1) “headfucky” is my new favorite word.

    2) my baby just gave me a dislocated rib connected to my round ligament. I’m done being happy. 6 more weeks of this crap. weeeee.

    3) I love you, your baby and your posts. thank you.

  8. Sharon A. Avatar

    I hope this stage passes quickly Veronica. Those last weeks can be hell!

  9. Veronica Avatar

    Right there with you in the prelabor hell … and getting ready for my daughter’s second birthday party tomorrow. Blech! You can probably guess how huge my ankles will be by tomorrow night.

    Good luck!

  10. Tanya Avatar

    Beautiful belly, but I’m hoping for there to be less belly and more of a real life baby by tonight, eeee! Then the pre-labour thoughts dissappear and the holy-fuck-I-have-a-brand-new-baby thoughts start! 😀

    Good Luck xxxx

  11. traceyb65 Avatar

    my daughter kept me awake for five nights BEFORE she was born! good training, she was an ATROCIOUS sleeper … i write this knowing Evelyn is arrived and both are well. much love and happiness to you both and to all your family. xt