Questions and Small Annoyances

Hello! Glad that you could make it. Now, I would like to burden you bother you ask you some questions and fill your brain with mindlessness.

I just tweaked my template. Does it suck? Is anything broken?

Big shout out to Kelley who is using the same template and let me shamelessly copy her modified CSS, so that I could change the colour. Thankyou!

Which is worse for you, brie cheese or chocolate? And is mixing them doubly unhealthy?

I have to pee lots lately. My period just finished so I can’t be pregnant.

My recliner won’t move back to a sitting position. It makes it hard to move so I can go pee. However, I think that peeing myself is not something I am comfortable doing, no matter how hard it is to get unstuck from the chair. (You know, except when I was in labour and I swear it was better than pooping on the table, plus getting up was kind of hard because I had a baby crowning. Anyways, moving on).

Nathan bought me two (2!) blocks of chocolate yesterday. I wonder where they went, because they seem to have disappeared very fast. Maybe Amy learned to climb the cupboards while I was sleeping?

Speaking of sleeping there hasn’t been very much of it happening here lately. As I write this she has just woken up and is needing to be resettled. It is 11pm. No, wait! Now she is out of bed. Be right back!

Ah yep, there is that recliner problem I mentioned. I may have possibly gotten a tad stuck as I was trying to bound to my daughters aid.

But I am back now and my injury will heal.

The sleep I have lost though? I will never regain.

She had a 30 min nap today, only because I let her fall asleep in my arms. To top that off she is waking up and getting out of bed 4-5 times a night. I get to wake up to the pitter patter of tiny toddler feet and the very loud, ‘MUM-EEE’ that she announces her arrival with.

Good times my friends, good times.

Now, I am off to find the last few pieces of chocolate and eat them along with a wedge of brie. Then? I am going to try and get some sleep.

Tomorrow I will tackle the recliner problem.


25 responses to “Questions and Small Annoyances”

  1. Karen Avatar

    Good luck with the sleeping. I have nothing to offer, sorry.

    I love the template! Looks great. ๐Ÿ™‚ And I’m glad I’m not the only one who peed while in labor. Men have no idea how easy they have things.

    Karen’s last blog post..The Chuckster

  2. Taz Avatar

    lovely template..

    i hope Amy lets you sleep tonight..

    btw the beautiful Marylin helped me with my blog well more then help..

    so its up.. woo hoo..

    not on a daily basis but a weekly.. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Marylin Avatar

    love the template, don’t see anything broken either ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m still trying to sort out Taz’s blog for her, will get the rest sorted tonight^^ lol

    Hope you get some sleep soon hun ((hugs))

    Marylin’s last blog post..Photohunt: Free

  4. Marylin Avatar

    oh… I forgot to say… have you tried putting a stair-gate on her doorway so she can’t escape? Might work…?

    Marylin’s last blog post..Photohunt: Free

  5. witchypoo Avatar

    Only thing with the sidebar on the left is that the search engines will have to work harder to access your content. It’s the main reason I chose the theme I did, and then I set to modifying it because I’m geeky that way.

    witchypoo’s last blog post..How to Stop Bed Wetting

  6. Tasina Avatar

    I hate to be one of those people who speaks gloom and doom. But I think the sleeplessness that comes with waiting for your teenager to come home…and the teen drives….and (here) it’s winter….is WAY WAY WAY worse than cranky toddler non-sleep.


    Tasina’s last blog post..Blogging from Mom’s

  7. Marie Avatar

    I LOVE cheese and chocolate together.

    Marie’s last blog post..The Living Room Yogi

  8. Jenty Avatar

    I love brie and chocolate, but not together. LMAO!
    Good luck with the sleeping.

    Jenty’s last blog post..One year old today

  9. Angela Avatar

    I love the new template! Simply marvelous! And soothing ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve been searching for a new one for myself for the past week… Still haven’t found *the one*.

    Angela’s last blog post..Thursday Thirteen

  10. Dawn Avatar

    template looks all good from here.

  11. Ree Avatar

    I have a couch like your recliner. Absolutely impossible to get out of. Lucky for me, though, I just have someone cater to every whim.

    And the template is fine.

    Ree’s last blog post..What Not To Do In An Interview

  12. whoever speaks Avatar
    whoever speaks

    get a life – do some hard yards and stop doing stuff for your child. she needs to learn she is not the boss – sounds like you need to read some books on parenting

  13. kaylee Avatar

    good POST I have had quite the lousy week ๐Ÿ™ its not the best when a 16 year old finds out that she has cancer.anyway, h chocolate i love chocolate yum!!!!!! hope you got more sleep!

    kaylee’s last blog post..My worst valentineโ€™s Day

  14. kaylee Avatar

    to answer your question on my blog:

    they are going to treat it and we will jus see what heppens with that.they think that i will be okay but, you know they never have any guarantees! i have been through a lot in my young life so too me this is just ANother obstacle.

    kaylee’s last blog post..My worst valentineโ€™s Day

  15. frogpondsrock Avatar

    Hiya pumpkin.. You have a troll…eewww quick stamp on it..

    “Whoever speaks” obviously you are a childless moron. Actually I think fuckwit sounds better..

    You are the one who needs to “get a life” Or is making inane comments the closest you get to having one????

    cheers Kim …..

    frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Favourite Photo Friday on Saturday

  16. Just a mom Avatar

    I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT very nice,,, hope your weekend is going good.

    Just a mom’s last blog post..DAY46,,,SUPRISE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  17. Veronica Avatar

    Whoever speaks –

    My daughter is 17 months old, still such a baby. I can’t exactly NOT do stuff for her, I’m her mother remember?

    And also, if you disagree with me so terribly, why did you spend 8 minutes on my site? With 6 page views no less.


    There is an X button on the top of my page. You may use it as you see fit.

  18. river Avatar

    I love your new colour scheme, that’s such a soothing shade of blue. Very easy on the eyes.
    I have a new cookbook, bought it yesterday, it’s called “The Chocolate and Coffee Bible”, has over 300 recipes for “total indulgence”. The pictures are amazing. It also has several chapters on the histories of coffee and chocolate. Anyway (on page 53) chocolate and chees both contain something called tyramine which has been shown to trigger migraines, but cheese has much more than chocolate, so put down that brie and eat the chocolate instead.
    Nice troll stomping by the way.

  19. Anja Avatar

    You killed a troll. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet.

    Brie and chocolate are the foods of the gods and as such must be enjoyed.

    Anja’s last blog post..The epitome of evil.

  20. Kelley Avatar

    Smootches. Looks fab….. emailing you in a minute… bwaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaa!

    Kelley’s last blog post..I have lead a sheltered life.

  21. Burgh Baby's Mom Avatar

    Looks good in (wretched) Vista-land. Good job!

    Burgh Baby’s Mom’s last blog post..Who Needs Words When You’ve Got Giggles?

  22. imaginary sarah Avatar

    I love brie, but the last few encounters left me with a grumbly tummy and displeased rear exit. For that, I shake my fists in the air.

    imaginary sarah’s last blog post..Guess what I did to his bum?

  23. Sarcastic Mom Avatar

    MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm, Brie! Have you ever tried it with raspberry jelly? So good!

    Today, it took Braden an HOUR to go down for his nap. I think I’m just lucky he went down at all!

    Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Weekly Winners F10 – F16

  24. Laura McIntyre Avatar

    I love the template.

    Now cheese and chocolate , i agree just have them together ๐Ÿ™‚

    Laura McIntyre’s last blog post..Toddler Song

  25. Leslie Avatar

    The template looks great. I love the photo at the top.

    And wow! A troll! You know you’re a big time blogger when you get a troll!

    Leslie’s last blog post..When I Cannot Sing My Heart I Can Only Speak My Mind, Julia*