Amy anxiously awaits the postman every morning, hoping that he will bring us something and that something will be for her. Last week she was lucky enough to receive a wooden jewellery box from Colorific in the post, to make and paint.
I figured we had nothing better to do, so sitting in front of the fire, we opened up the box and started working out how to put it together. We being the royal “we” and actually meaning “me”, sorting out pieces of wood and trying to make sure Isaac didn’t scarper off with anything.
Finally, I had sort of worked out what I was doing and we (I) started putting it together. It was a little tricky and we had some moments where everything collapsed back into its separate components, leaving me covered in glue and anguish, but all in all, it was great fun.
It took about an hour to put together, with drying time included.
And then came the painting.
Oh my god, the painting.
Amy is … literal. Very literal and so we had to decorate the jewellery box to look exactly like the one on the box it came in. No deviations, no arguments. It was interesting, to say the least. I did make her spread the glitter glue out however, rather than painting it around the edges. Baby steps.
But we got there in the end and did it. We only covered a small patch of the carpet in paint (totally an improvement) and Isaac didn’t start screaming until the end. That’s all kinds of bonuses right there.
Not a bad effort though!
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